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Music: "Ancient Kings" page 616-620 https://youtu.be/Q5Am47dLx5o



Tora Collita

Seems like one attempt might been on Fjordor's partner...


I dnt understand why he’s glaring at ronja, he knows that’s keirr’s packmate so why is he acting so hostile.


Probably for the same reasons Kargo and Ferah were weary of Ronja, even though they knew what she means to Roamer. MT has history and I bet it takes some effort to regain trust here


Looking at Eopei I hope she´ll ask Ronja and Jahla later about how they seem to know each other and then connects the dots and spills the beans about Rhov :D


For some reason the page loads all distorted and low resolution. Anyone else having this problem?


Awww, Fjordor.... judging from his expression the way and the other leader speaks, it sounds like they've tried to come up with a solution before that involved Fjordor's mate that only ended in failure. What's got me most curious is the way how Fraujar keeps glancing over at Ronja, and how he doesn't mention Keirr by name or Zilas' ghoul. It's like as if he's really hesitant about her, given pre-Ronja MT's history with Isbel and Ferah.


Eopei seemed to have an interest in how Jahla reacted to seeing Ronja. What I hope happens is Jahla and Ronja speak and maybe Jahla is the one to ask Ronja if she's seen Rhov. Of course Ronja would tell her what Roamer told her, which Eopei could overhear. "Rhov is part of my tribe... but when he joined the guild he said he had no mate.." Imagine the heart break Jahla would have though.. so not sure I want that. What I hope is that Tinget gave the Guild a chance to come together and start their journey again, which in that case Rhov may meet Jahla directly.


Whsts that males name in the sixth panel


How long has it been since they last seen each other?


Should it be "a lot of attempts have been made" instead of "has been made"?


Um I just noticed that Fraujar is not wearing his face paint. Is that intentional because of his antlers or an oops?


It's intentional because he went with paint on the top of his head to try and make his antlers look more natural for this meeting ^-^ (that's what Kique said during a stream xD)


Jahla's teary eyes got me


Hmm, I wonder if the dog next to Fjordor may be the jarl of the tribe where Fjordor's daughters belong to? He looks worried and it looks like he know very well about Fjordor's loss. And Fraujar is very diplomatic, he held back to accusing Meteors in front of everyone about murder of Zilas. If I remember corretly, he knows that Ronja is Keirr's family? But I understand that he may not trust her, he don't fully know her history.


I think they're from Dragonsfall Tribe, judging from the contest winners.