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Why. Does. His. Name. Sound. So. FAMILIAR.


Uhoh,, Does he think Iberion is Rogio..?




Oooh, he's related to Rogio?


Right!? I feel the same and I just can't think of where I could possibly know that name from


Sooo I think this is a confirmation that Iberon and Rogio are family as they look pretty identical and where they came from xD I want to say he's his father or uncle but without knowing his age, he could also pass as a sibling or even a cousin :0


Iberon x Ranach would be so cute tho. However I wonder if Iberon and Rogio are related.


Is it possible that he thinks that rogio has been reborn, aside from related and he might try to make iberon fall for him?


So the hint on the pages where Ranach saw Iberon finally leads to this point. I'd like to ship Iberon x Ranach , but personally I really want Iberon not ending up as a "villian" presence as Ranach. He could have a reunion thing with Rogio(if my guesses are right), or their past can explain Rogio's issue, maybe even worsen it.


Woah,I'm excited when the secret of rogios dreams will be revealed. I bet it's his brother.


Never had thought about that but it's a possibility... @,@


Brother or dad of Rogio maybe?


Personally I still hate Ranach and think he deserves no happiness so I'm hoping he gets denied hard if he tries anything, but I am curious about Iberon's background so hmm. I hope we get to see his story at least.


I for one can't support the idea of shipping Iberon with Ranach seeing all he's done. He tried to literally sacrifice Rogio who is now cursed and tormented, murdered Kargo, supported in the assault of many females, tricked Ronja, and is responsible for many other deaths and has manipulated the masses. I am hoping he is denied and has to face the consequences of his actions for once. It'd be amazing if Iberon's story was revealed and he was the one who aided in/did take out Ranach finally imo.


I can promise you, this is nothing like that. This is just the start of seeing more in depth of who Ranach is, how he works and how he will develope as a villain.


Iberon is Rogios brother, calling it now! I'm saying brother because i have a slight suspicion Rogios parents are dead, and he looks strickingly similar so i lean towards a littermate in this case for sure. His story lines up with what we know about Rogios past. Will be interesting to get to know him better, see what Rogio may have become had he chosen a different path in life after whatever happened to his original tribe. Also really curious to see if looks are the only thing the two share or if they have similar habits/beliefs/mannerisms as well. And if their characters are close to one another or polar opposites or something in between. Things just got really interesting. I am also really happy Kique said this is not going to be a redeeming ark for Ranach, i had not thought it would be but that fear was in the back of my mind non the less, now i can just relax, lean back, and see how he developes without having to worry about him trying to redeem himself in our eyes, what he did cannot be forgiven, in my opinion. Too little too late for that. Curious to see what he plans to do now that he has the same suspicion (it seems at least).


Things got even more interesting in Southspear.... Question is, how does he view the revelation? Rogio must have told him something about the family he was searching for while Ranach cared for his injuries, so he's recognising who Iberon could be. So is he about to view this a Rogio's spirit guiding him to Iberon (since he thinks he's dead), or is he feeling some guilt that he's discovered the family Rogio never got the chance to find? On another note, love how every character in Southspear is practically downright gorgeous, the Taiga Lion's design and that Royale are especially gorgeous!


Now that I have seen you say cursed and tormented, I wonder if doing the ritual on meteor land would free Rogio of his tormentor