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Ask any questions regarding the comic Home, Patreon or art in general (:   

Please don't ask for story spoilers or questions regarding Asmundr, these questions will be skipped. 




- What do you think the next base release will be? Dalmatian? Mixed lines batch? Also curious to know when <3 - Not a question but a suggestion, i saw the post about new custom design asking isn't pinged on your patreon page, maybe it should be to help people? :) - Are the Ravencrest brothers only Jaros or are they mix? They give me some Rifle vibes with their long head :v


Out of curiosity, does Jahla miss Rhovanion at all? We've seen him mention her and wanting to find her, but she hasn't seemed to think about him once.


She might not have mentioned him by name, but Rhovanion is included in her wish to find her family,


- Probably dalmatian and the new nova base. - A new design info post will be pinged once the next month starts. That previous post was just for a general notice. - They are southern jaros.


Is Duvvick bull or cow?


How old are the Ravencrest brothers?


You probably have gotten this question in every Q&A >.< Do you use pose references when drawing very often or do you go straight from your head typically?


Do you have designs you regret creating because they are a pain in the ass when redoing in the comics ? xD


Okay, I have a couple questions. 1) Have you ever planned something but the characters seemed to go off and want the story to go a different direction? I ask because that's happened with me and my stories. 2) Has Kierr ever mentioned that there are a bunch of reindeer back in old Asmundr territory to Whispervale Tribe (assuming they are still alive)? I feel they'd LOVE to learn about that and even try and get the herds back to their lands considering how they operate and keep reindeer antlers.


1. If a soul is free to "go to the stars" (like it happened to Zilas, Kargo, Fuss and Jonna) are they taken to the same afterlife they would've experienced on earth? 2. Since they are semi minor, will we see Axi and Roghir again anytime soon or more so in the next chapter? 3. I saw a lot of shipping regarding Ronja Vigr, Jahla and Romé plus Rhov Feaf but since you added stuff like "just love interest, not partners" for a reason, knowing you: Could there be a situation in the comic in which one character falls for the other but it wont be returned? 4. Favorite Tribe from the ones that aren't sooo important to the story (including the many we dont know, but you do)? XD


Will the new changes for the custom designs be permanent or temporary?

Hannah P

Do Vigr and Javo still hang out together or have they become more distant since Vigr has come to respect Ronja more?


I often use refs but try to create my own poses from that


Fraujar's design is one I can think of that is very difficult X)


1. Yes. The way I write is called Discovery Writing, I have the plot written out, but characters may sometimes take their own path. 2. The reindeer herd in the old Asmundr territory are all dead, but their antlers may be collected at some point


1. How big is the viscountess den in the mt, we’ve seem glimpses but it be interesting to know. 2. Why was rome treated so badly, and why did they tell him to stop howling? 3. Are we ever going to hear jahla talk about Rhov, her prospective of him currently is like blank she shows no emotion in missing him and still has yet to mention him by name or anything else. 4. What triggered rogio’s nightmares again, is it because roamer’s purity has been tainted? 5. How many days did it take for ran to get to sp? 6. Of all the landscapes uve made for each tribe which is ur favorite or u think is the most beautiful? 7. Ranach likes to be dominated, so how did he feel when lykenia showed him she’s nothing to take lightly. 8. Are there any assertive females dogs, I’ve yet seen any aside from lykenia? 9. What are ur restrictions on using territory, landscapes, prey, armor for fanmade rps or stories 10. Do the tribes even do hunts anymore most to all the tribes have herds and with them I dnt see a point in having the hunter ranks, if all they’re doin is taming and breeding what they have. 11. What do u think of all the current relationships between the characters? Do u think they make a good match, can do better etc? 12. Any romance scenes or pups coming up? 13. With these special characters, like Rome, koegos, lykenia, is there a chance any of them will get transferred to main characters like felidae? 14. Is sp underground, it looks like it? And do u think ranach will fit well there? 15. I saw the tribe rank chart for sp, ranach looks like he’s found his perfect home. 16. What age was ranach when arenak held him above the night beast, what age was kargo when he got taken away fr training? 17. Is there a chance we’ll see what lykenia mom look like, the matriarch.

Sunny Daze

Hello, I am not great with using the site. So I apologize if this is obvious or somewhere easily found. 1. Do you have a current map available to the public of where everyone is at? I remember seeing one a long time ago but haven’t recently. 2. Do you have a chart of all the groups; with characters drawn out with name and rank in each, including paint explanations? This is another I feel I’ve seen once. 3. If not, will you be doing anything like this? It really helps me to get a good overview of everything and everyone. This story is great, I appreciate your work so much and look forward eagerly to everything you do.


Hey, you can find everything on the home wikia! https://home-comic.wixsite.com/homewikia


1. Yes 2. We will see him again. 3. Yes. 4. Flamegarde because of their family markings.


Permanent, I can't keep up with the amount of work I do and the increasing numbers of customs I get each month.


1. It's as big as a regular Sky God ship. 2. Because they liked to pick on him and be standard bullies. He was very different from them, both look and personality-wise. 3. She will mention and/or think about him again. 4. Spoiler! 5. It took about 2 months, it could have taken him a shorter amount of time if he wasn't alone, weak and knew the direct path. 6. Favorite is Whispervale because it's easy to draw and reminds me of the area I live in myself. Most beautiful I think is Shiverfall. 7. He likes to be dominated by his partner, but not by others and especially not when his leader ability or dominance is challenged. 8. Jahla I would say is quite assertive, she knows what she wants and has always gone her own way and stood her ground. 9. The map and the way it looks and is named can be used as it is by fan rp's, they just have to draw the map by themselves. No art from the comic or patreon may be used. Armor can not be copied but the armor we see in the comic can be used as inspiration. The same prey can be depicted in the rps. 10. Some tribes hunts because they don't have a cattle, and those tribes that are mainly fed by a cattle, usually do not have Hunters. For example, MT has no Hunter rank at the moment, because they are mainly fed by the cattle they raise, while Shiverfall has mostly Hunters, because they don't have a cattle and has to hunt almost daily. 11. I don't think any current relationship is perfect, they've all got a lot to work on and figure out. 12. Spoiler!! 13. Spoiler!!! 14. The main territory lies between the cracks in the ground. 15. Sure. 16. Ranach was about 30 days. Kargo was about 3 months 17. SPOILER


Did Rome consider Biorn to be somewhat of his friend or not really? And will Rome be added to the Home wiki soon? Was it easy for the Ravencrest brothers to decide and agree upon their ranks in the tribe?


1. Why does Jahla seem smaller nowadays in some panels? Even Rome looks like he's only an inch or two away, shouldn't the Akiulfrs be a little taller/larger than normal dogs? 2, How did Jahla personally feel about her father? Not sure if you ever answered this but it always bothered me that Jahla became so distance towards her father in Asmundr. Was he not a good father? Yes, he was a terrible guy for killing and such but he seemed different around Lifa and his pups he even was ready to do anything to help Jahla with the voices in her head at the time. Even in Home, we don't know how she feels about him after seeing his statue. 3. Sort of the same question for Rohgir but it's with his mother than his father. How does he feel about Lifa? I know he has a duty with the Aki's and such but does he ever want to go back to visit his mother to see how she's doing? Even considering spending time with her? Their relationship seems alright but I notice out of the three siblings he doesn't particularly seem the closest to his mother after he left to live with Father in Asmundr at the time. 4. How does Rohgir feel about the Asmundr pack? Does he respect them all for what they did or is he indifferent about them? 5. Why did Rome continue to stay with Ravencrest when they eventually told him about the guild and Solar Stag Tribe? Why didn't he just leave the moment they started treating him unfairly? He could have very well searched for answers elsewhere than having to put up with four (possibly five) jerks.


Not really, he got along with him and Biorn may never have abused him, but he didn't defend him either. Romé will be added soon. Yes.


1. Jahla is taller than Romé if you go by shoulder height, but since Romé's breed has very long necks, his head reaches about the same height as hers. 2. She didn't really have a relationship with him, she only knew a bit about his true personality from what Lifa told him. She was too young to remember much else. 3. He loves her and would do anything for her just like how he was in Asmundr, but his focus is elsewhere now. 4. He respects them and wouldn't want anything bad to happen to them. 5. Jahla stayed with the aki pack despite not liking it, because she didn't know where else to go, same goes for Romé. He found a pack that could feed and keep him safe, if he would have left them, he might not have made it this far.


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