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Please don't ask for story spoilers or questions regarding Asmundr, these questions will be skipped.




Now that Ferah is aware of her ghoul immunity, will she feel comfortable enough to travel alone at night without a torch if necessary, or will she still carry a torch like she has for her whole life? Second, do her abilities allow others to benefit if they cling to her like their lives depend on it (since they kinda do without light), or will the ghouls go after other dogs within Ferah’s ghoul “range?” Fun twist on that page!


Which character do you think is the best hugger/snuggler? <3 <3


1. Did you ever decide who's the oldest, middle and youngest pup of Kainan and Raela's litter? If yes, who's which? 2. How do you switch just between the brush and the mixer brush?


She might carefully explore the extent of her gift and eventually get comfortable enough to not use a torch. It affects others on a small scale, the hut she and Kargo lived alone in before is about the range she and others will be safe in.


1. No X) But I can see Keirr being the oldest, then Rhov and Frea being the runt. 2. I use keyboard shortcuts, the brush is set on B while the mixer is set on N (:

Tora Collita

How do you feel when fans name their own irl pets after your characters? ^^


Do you have a plan for the next lineart upload? Mixed bases/breeds? Archived base? Base bundle? Do you know when you will upload future markings? (tail markings we saw on taiga lions for example, or bird speckles marking) What kind of brush do you use for drawing? How many days is left until Ronja’s give birth? (unless it’s spoiler?) Is there a special ceremony when leader’s pups are born?


Will you ever start doing speed paints on your YouTube again?


1. No plans yet, but there are some older bases that I would like to update, like the Royale. 2. No. 3. For sketching and lining I use a hard brush with somewhat soft edges, For coloring a semi-hard brush. 5. In some tribes there may be.


Have you decided on how many puppies Ronja will have? If you have how many?

Flann Moriath

I understand if you can’t answer if it’s a spoiler but I’m curious - did Kargo’s mother ask for his brother to have special powers too? And if not, why did she choose just Kargo? :)


Not sure if you can talk about it at this point of the story, but how far have the ghouls that are deceased characters still their consciousness? I am wondering if they are just mindless creatures, controlled by dark powers - or do they have still memories of their former live and do they remember and recognize the living? Because Zilas obviously did, but was it just him or is that a common thing? Because we have never seen anything like that before.

Tora Collita

Another one: With custom designs, if you wanna add a marking on a current design you already got... Would that be possible? As in do a right side of the as it is the left sides that are shown/done.


Will it be explained what the irrbloss were trying to lead Ranach too and as well as why he wasn’t wanting to follow them?


Love these! We know that Rogio and Kargo were close, also that Rogio and Ranach were lovers and later Rog and Fuss become friends as well! How was Rogios/Kargos relationship with the other named sidechars like Ulfr, for example? I imagine Rogio wasnt so found of Rogio, however, since Kargo was strong and aggressive, traits that were searched for in MT, was Ulfr found of him before the rebellion? See Kargo and Ferah each other as siblings or is it more like "we are together all our lifes, together or not at all?" Since Rogio seemly understood that he hurt Kargo and that his behavior wasn't right with Roamer, did it influenced his relationship with Roamer? Not in a split up way but, like, that they wouldn't kuss before him and stuff like that? Is Ranach afraid of Kargo (just as much as he wants his power, in a way)? If Ranach would learn about Roamer and Rogio (if that isnt too much of a spoiler haha) how would he react? Has Ferahs ability their downsides too? Just like Kargo strength vs anger? Last question! Since Rogio seemly was affected from the touch of the dark spirit, will we see more of it?


Rogio wasnt so found of Ulfr I mean haha


Is it possible to request wounds on ur commissions like scars or collars or does that just apply to special pledges?


Did Ranach genuinely love Rogio, or was it just lust?


He did love him in his own narcissistic way. He loved the way Rogio made him feel, and the fact that Rogio could somewhat control him and calm him down.


Does the spirit/demon Johaan dealt with in the first comic have any connection/relation to the ghouls/spirits of the Home world?


It's clear that Vandi loves her daughter, but what with her other children? Whether she feels something to Javo or Ranach? I know that Akleja comes from loving relationship, but the others still are her pups. How her relations with Javo look like now when the tribe is changing? How Ronja dresses her cloth? Her blouse looks tight and now when she's pregnant it seems hard to dress. You said once, that dogs decide how many litters they want, usually one is enough. So they have some kind of contraception or something? Or they refrain from sexual contacts when they are in heat? Of course I assume that usually the pair has intimate contacts for pleasure and not only to have pups?


Not a direct connection but it's somewhat similar in some ways


1. She doesn't feel much for them because they were taken from her shortly after birth. She's friendly with Javo, but doesn't have a relationship more than that. 2. It expands and fits her bodyshape. She can slide it on but may need some help with it while she's pregnant. 3. They don't have contraception, they just avoid sexual contact during heats or by doing the things humans do X)


1. Is there any chance of Kargo and Roamer being back together or Kargo x Roamer x Rogio? 2. When Jahla was captured at the Capital, how could Rhov not recognize it was her when he was close enough? 3. What is the point of laws and the Matriarch if nobody has to follow her guidelines? Was she never going to take action against MT's rape and abuse? 4. Under Arenak's ruling, it seems the females could leave the territory to pray to spirits. Even Jonna mentioned leaving temporarily if Ronja fucked up. Why couldn't the females just leave MT for good since they were free to roam? 5. Will we see the dogs back to Earth? Surely a bunch of humans are easy picking for the Sky Gods 6. Will we see that creature we saw as concept on the 8 pledge from Feb 11, 2018? Or has it changed and became Avanti? 7. Does the bark can only heal wounds in surface? It won't heal muscles or broken paws? (Aira's paw for example) 8. Why don't the Sky Gods move the akis to their own island far away from Aedra? Isn't the planet big enough? 9. Can't the sky gods send a message to the Matriarch saying there is a new tribe (Asmundr) that will need to be registered? Cause it seems the tribe isn't on the path of the southern guild :v


2. He couldn't get a clear look at her, she was covered with a hoodie and other dogs were walking on the side of her, covering parts of her body. 3. There are no laws, just guidelines, and tribes may choose if they want to follow them or not. 4. Spirits can be prayed to from anywhere, it's just sometimes more effective to speak to the spirit head on through their stone, but the MT females did it from inside the walls. 7. It can't heal internal wounds or weakened structure. Everything else you asked is asking for spoilers and I will not answer those types of questions.


1. i love your comic 2. Vigr is often seen by Ronja side, is something developing between them or are they just becoming very close friends?


Feel that this might have been asked before but on average, how many pups are born in a litter? Also referring to another question above, when you mentioned that Vandi's pups would be taken away. Was that with all females or just hers and for what reason? When pups were taken away shortly after born (not sure on the time), would they be raised by a single female under the Jarl's watch or how did that work out? And lastly, now that we know about the ghouls and the MT land, is that why the higher ups (mostly blood related to the original MT Jarl), is that why they only burned certain individuals?


Curious... Is Ronja's "sweater" the original raptor-hide she wore while facing Ranulfr? If so, that's a very smart girl bringing such protection along with her like that.


When we were first introduced to Raela, she wore a black sweater that looked like this one. Maybe it's Ronja's now.


(Me first time in a Q&A,yay)I don't know if this question has been raised before, but just a thought that came into my mind when I was looking at recent pages and comments. The healing tree bark seems not just serve for the purpose of the plot, but is also a self-explanatory thing for the character appearances. As a result the characters won't need to have a constantly updating references because of the injuries they receive, which also causes lots of work load to keep all these details accurate in the following scenes. It might be just my over- explaining but I do find this a smart world building detail(if so), which means you have a comprehensive set up of your story, and that's one of the reasons I like your work, thank you!


Regarding the last few pages: 1. Does this mean that Roamer will be removed from Kargo's love interest or the latter will still somehow have affection towards Roamer? 2. How's Roamer's feeling towards Kargo? Is it friend with a special past, or just friend in gneeral? 3. Kind of a cont. of last question, will we see Kargo and Roamer have future general interactions? Thnak you Kique!


Will you ever do a face reveal?


1 Usually 2-3 pups. 2 It was with all females, to force the pups at an early age to grow up and not become too soft. 3. The males raised them, specifically the Jarl or the leader in a rank. 4. Yes, only MT Jarls and sometimes their sons were released from their ghoul being.


Yeah it's a lot easier on me, especially since this is a long-running comic and the characters would end up being completely covered in scars.


1. He will be removed eventually since it won't be an active love interest anymore, but Kargo will always feel for him. 2. A close friend.


Will u ever consider making the accessories access to use? Like the collars, coats, the armor that is used in the comic could we?


I don't think I will, it would have to be a lot of work and I already have enough on my plate X)


Do you think Rogio deserved to be attacked by Kargo back in pages 520-523? I know Rogio did a lot of things wrong, but did he actually deserve a physical punishment?


No I don't. No victim of abuse should think that they deserve more abuse.


November Q & A closed