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Tora Collita

Knew it was that he BARLEY got to stay. And I guess it's because of Ranach and his breakdown. Now, I wonder what he wants to talk to Rogio about? And in peace this time.


I really hope rogio and him can have a calm conversation. I am curious to see what he will ask. Also the expressions on this page are so very emotional and gorgeous. Ferahs face in panel 3 is my favorite i think. She looks so loving and thankful of her mothers sacrifice and so proud to be her daughter. I love that their mothers could tell they would stay friends and protect one another.


I wanna see rogio and roamer see how they talk after all this


Somehow, now that they know this, they can both grow from it. Especially Kargo, it just may be his ticket to redemption.


Well at least Kargo seems to have some answers to his questions. He looks like he has some clarity.


I wonder how Rogio is going to handle this? I wouldn't be surprised or even upset if he doesn't even give Kargo half a chance, but I do hope they get to talk. I just hope Kargo can keep his cool if Rogio is passive aggressive or angry towards him. I wonder what he wants to talk about though :o I also find it cool that the theories of spirits being involved is true. I just hope that that doesn't mean Kargo is a lost cause in the blackout, ptsd area.

Flann Moriath

I love this page, and can't wait to see what happens with this upcoming conversation. Question - Did Kargo's mother not try to get Kargo's brother any special powers?


Ho boy, I hope it will go well. What Kargo did to Rogio is unforgivable, but I still hope they will sort it out...


i'm a bit late commenting, but this raises some interesting questions. ferah suggests that kargo's outbursts may be due to the spirit's influence. is that true? if so, why does kargo suffer ill effect from the spirit's influence, but ferah seemingly does not? rogio mentioned in earlier pages that deals and interactions with spirits are never what they seem, and so far, evidence seems to support that statement (aira's transformation wasn't what she truly wanted). were kargo and ferah's mothers' lives the only price they had to pay, or was there something more? hopefully, we shall find out. also, it's really nice to see kargo's look of clarity in the final page. great expressions throughout this sequence!