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❤️ love seeing these babes




Aaaaaaaw ❤️


Cue lightning strike that scares him in the next page lol


On the last panel, I think you meant faze instead of face? c:

Tora Collita

TIMESKIP!!!! And aww KEIRR!! Hugging! And teasing. Glad to see him open up like this. <3


Tfw senpai notices you


Also, timeskip! I wonder if it’s time for Ronja babies yet? I forget when she’s due.


And I have to point out but I don't think we;ve ever really seen Keirr with such a puppy face like we have seen on panel 3 <3


Aww getting Keirr to hug you must be truly something special x) I'm glad he's opening up and feels more comfortable around his new friends. I wonder what they told Fraujar that he let all 3 come along. And another time skip! It must be puppy time again soon <3

Michelle Koenders

Yup, this confirms it: Rhaun is now my favorite! 😍


P7. Omg omg he's hugging me! Be cool be cool!! 😬☺




I swear. If this becomes an actual thing.. >_>


They are so cute ;^;


That 7th panel is hands down, one of the cutest moments in the entire comic <3 <3 <3 <3


okay but these two are actually so adorable and I ship them so hard


I’m so scared something is going to happen to Raun before they get a chance to explore their bond as friends and/or possible lovers 😩


I just want these two to be friends, this is so incredibly sweet.


Raun is the biggest sweetheart it's C O N F I R M E D


oh crap this means hes gonna die, something always happens to the fan favorites!


I really, really, really hope these two will just be friends or brotherly and nothing more. I'd hate to see another quick to leap relationship again, it'd be a nice change of pace. I also hope our poor girl back in the tent gets a hug too after everything she has done or tried to do and been through.


Ah Keirr is open up. He just hugged his brother before, so that is so nice to see. I am glad for him cause he was on such a bad spot before, feeling so lonely and depressed that he didn't even took care about himself anymore in that storm. Now he has three friends OUTSIDE of his birth-pack that help him in such a dangerous mission, are ready to take care of him when he needs them the most. Aww. That makes for some true bonding. I honestly wouldn't mind these two as either besties or even lovers IF the pace stays the way it is now (aka slowly and relationship still in the distance). We never had a slow burn so far in Home, Kargo Roamer was okay though for what they went through and Rogio Roamer came out of nowhere for me (which is one of the many reasons I don't care for that couple/would like to see them apart at leas for a while to discover themselves, like many others pointed out already) but these two? Raun knows who he is and we get to know him the same way Keirr does. Ranu is no brave hero, he actually seems to be quite sensitive and easy to frighten which I love, cause it's something new. And Keirr open slowly up to him. So like I said, lovers or friends, if it continues like that, count me in X) That being said- I think Keirr should apologize to Aira too/hug her as well. Aira did a whole lot of understanding towards him even when he was kind of an ass to her, she was his friend too when he needed it and she is trying everything to help her. So better not forget poor Aira Keirr Óó XD


Cute to see them hugging. But they better don't fall in love to each other. I think I'm tired of love relations, especially male x male.


Tbh, whatever happens happens. It's a bit rude to spit on a specific gender of relationships. Kique does whatever he wants. I personally am Pansexual and respect all orientations, yet i prefer drawing male*male pairings all the time. So yeah, idk, this comment feel much... idk to me. out of place, unrequired.


Damn I just love these two. Raun is so good for Keirr, be it as buddys or even lovers, I just love them. You totally can see that Keirr starts to drive even without his pack, but without forgetting them. He surely has his focus still with his family, I mean they are basically here to free Zilas from "hell", so to speak, but he's still opening up to others as well and I love it. Keirr really has grown on me. While I certaintly not enjoy Rogio and Roamer, I think I could really enjoy these two, as whatever they might end up. Keirr deserves love and being close to others, just as Aira does and I do hope he'll have a nice talk with her as well. Anyway, would love to see more from these four! They are so amazing together and I truly hope Ranach wont find them, but oh well...we all know that wont go well haha