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Music:  "Memento" page 524-525 https://youtu.be/2fPNYfse4xA




😭 I’m not much for Kargo but I do feel for him ... Vandi seems to hiding some info by the look on her face 🧐 sharrrre girl


Everyone, get in the Feel train. Next stop: Feeladelphia.


Okay, Vandi REALLY knows some shit!



Tora Collita

Let them continue as friends now, and let Kargo be able to get on track....


Isn’t “I’ve got you” what Kargo said to his brother when he had to kill him? :( If that’s the case, I wonder if Kargo thought of that in that moment.


I really don't know what to think of Vandi's expression here. Why the sad face, girl? But anyway, THEM FEELS!


That's a beautiful page *0* By the way, on the first panel, did Kargo mean that he can't manage with these losses of control? (just wannf to be sure that I understood correct)


He means he can't go on alone, referring to what he said about losing Roamer in the previous page (:


As i said in the stream i am very sure Vandi knows more than we do about kargo and possibly his condition. My theory is she knew his mother and knows what happened to her (connected with another theory of mine that his mom made a deal with one of the gods to give kargo strength). I also hope kargo does not get his hopes up and is clear on the fact that they are just friends. I am curious to see what will happen from here especially with rogio. I sort of hope that rogio/roamer break up for a bit to deal with their own problems and become their own people for a while. I am so proud that kargo of all characters was able to ask for help, and that he was not turned away at this crutial step in recovery. I hope there will be better times ahead for everyone. But then there is that problem with solar stag....lets hope he somehow gets a fair trial and can explain his crimes and does not have to die for them. Not saying he should go unpunished but i believe he can change and become better than the dog that killed those merchants. I hope Solar Stag and MT will feel the same once that is revealed to them.


I'm really curious on what Vandi is thinking.  I feel that it might be something she's gone through or it may be reminding her of Ranach.  For one, as several have mentioned, she might have found herself in that spot and if so, I feel that this is how she and Fuss bonded. They were both broken down but had each other and that's how they ended up falling in love. So maybe seeing Roamer comforting Kargo like this could have brought back memories to which she could relate to. Another thought that might be going through her head might be Arenak or Ranach. Mostly because I feel that since Ranach has hinted about a situation like this with Rogio before (when he offered him to the ghouls), it might be reminding her of her son which you can see how he can be portrayed a bit by Kargo. The same thing might be said about Arenak but we don't know and it's just a wild guess since we've never really seen Vandi interact with her son or Arenak. But I feel that might be another reason as to the expression she's showing. 


It's nice if they can still be friends. They're maybe no more lovers (or at least Roamer no more loves him), but he still insisted toward Ronja to let them in with Ferah, so he still care for him. I can feel Kargo, I'm really sensitive, and when crying, it's hard to stop. Even if things are getting better. #TeamKargo Vandi seems suspicious or having something in mind. Wonder what. Does she knows something we won't? Probably. We don't know much about their past.


I don’t believe this kargo has never been alone he had ferah she gave up her future home and potential mate for him what u call that...roamer needs a sibling so they can snap him into reality. Now enough of kargo, he’s not the one bleeding ugh roamer


he means alone in the sense that he can't help himself get past this hump. he needs someone to help guide him because he can't guide himself... kargo is indeed someone bleeding here--they all are. kargo was abused and brainwashed, neglected, forced to mount females, stolen from his mother, and hunted down by his own tribe and brother. Consistently betrayed and mentally/emotionally damaged time again and again. he is certainly not in the right mindset and not in the right to attack rogio but he literally has no control over himself anymore. he's admitting that. it doesn't erase the actions he did but it's extremely important to understand /why/ he did what he did, and /why/ he wants to move past his...well, past.


Ah I'm glad these two made up and he did use the same phrase Kargo used towards his brother. So if as brothers, friends or future lovers again- I like it. A lot. Rogio got so much support even back then in the MT (having friends and stuff) while Kargo and Ferah did not, so its nice that they very boy whom Kargo helped in the beginning is now offering help as well. I like this scene a lot and agree with the theories about Vandi and that she surely knows something. Hm...interesting.


I'm thinking Vandi looks so sad because she knows how much it's going to hurt when Roamer finally finds out that Kargo is a wanted criminal for murder... He has a death sentence with what she knows, and Roamer won't be able to save him. I also hope that Roamer and Rogio take a break right now, because yeah all three of them have a lot to sort out. It might be best for all of them if none of them are attached in that way.


The “I’ve got you” phrase that Roamer used and Kargo’s expression made my heart strings tug really badly. Even if he and Roamer are no longer lovers, they can at least be friends, if not brothers. What Kargo needs is a brother, yes in a sense Ferah is like a sister to him for years and she gave up everything to stay with him, but there’s so few that can snap him out of his rage it’s really sad.


I wonder what will happen next in their feelings, it's just a friendly hug or something more? Kargo still loves Roamer, maybe he hopes to fix their relations and may be want to be together again. It wouldn't be painful for him, if he would still see his love with someone else? Of course if Roamer's and Rogio's relationship survive all of this mess. We will see what Rogio will say about what happend. Roamer should check how he's feeling, if he really loves him, he should worry about him when he was hurt. And I wonder about what Vandi thinks, she has very sad face. Whether she thought about her love with Fuss, or may be she really knows something strictly about Kargo and his mental state.


Aww, Kargo's face in panel 5. "He really doesn't hate me? The weight of the world is off my shoulders..."


Roamer sure throws out "I'll be here for you forever" promises pretty liberally. Kargo can't keep trying to kill people if he wants that support. Poor Vandi, she must miss Fuss.


That's a good start for sure! I am glad these two made up, now we'll see what will come after. There surely is a lot they have to deal with. Also Vandi might know more, especially that Kargo is a wanted criminal and that Roamer can't help him there, also maybe she knows more about his condition. Will be sore interesting to learn more about that! Now I think would be a good moment to also stop Rogios and Roamers relationship for a while. Honestly, like I said time and time again, both of them, Kargo and Rogio, shouldn't be in a relationship with someone like Roamer, it isn't fair to Roamer and I find RxR extremely unhealthy. I think they at the very least should spend some time alone, after all, they agreed to keep it slow, so I easily could see Rogio taking a step back this time, just like Roamer did in the beginning. I find Rogios behavior very unhealthy, always jumping on the next male that is nice to him. Poor guy can't help for sure, but all that lovey dovey stuff need to stop. Rogio is distracting himself with it and wont get to know the real himself. I really want to experience this character without a mate on his side. Who is he beside Ranach, Roamer? I honestly dont know, but I want to.


I agree with you, but Rogio looks like someone who needs others to live, it seems to be his nature. And I'm afraid that without Roamer his nightmares would come back, then may be he would start changing into night beast in real life too? It seems that in the night when Ranach gave him to Vesall something stay inside of him and only being with someone other he could keep it away. So it's risky to watch what may happen with Rogio when he's alone, without mate.


Vandi's look worries me. I really want to know what that will lead to.


This reminds me of the scene where Kargo is forced to kill his brother.. that look and "I've got you..." Thanks again for the feels Kique XD