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Music: "Memento" page 524-525 https://youtu.be/2fPNYfse4xA




😭 I hope from here on things go down a better path for them all


It still doesn't excuse him for attacking Rogio, the BARON. However, I hope Vandi can somehow offer help for Kargo. Some sort of counselling for his problems because he just needs to learn how to control it. And all three of them need to find some common ground and discuss it maturely and not in a fits of rage and jealousy.


Oh God, poor Kargo ☹


Holy shit...Kargo. ;-; Ive been here. He sounds...you know...Kargo no 😭 You can do this bud. I actually want to break down crying.

Tora Collita

Kargo's recognizing what he's done and what he's afraid of... a good start to say it out loud. Let's hope it continues to be better from now on.


pour kargo 😥


I wonder what Vandi is thinking?


The feels...


Vandi knows some shit


To see Kargo so vulnerable....


Called it! Step one. Finally. There it is. I'm proud of you, Kargo. I wonder what Vandi is thinking. I bet she can relate. Not in this destructive way, but she has been through a similar hell and lost so much, lived in fear and uncertainty her whole life. She must've felt that anger and despair as well but she never gave up. Maybe she can help Kargo too. This page is so full of emotions, Kique, beautifully done again!


You can really see and feel how badly Kargo just wants to be good and change for the better on this page, but he just hasn't learned to control his temper yet. The feels on this page are just... I wanna hug him too. Also wonder where Ronja is leading the rest of the tribe?


Watching the stream was a lot of fun and the entire time I've felt saddened at what Kargo is going through, that he feels all this anger and he doesn't know what to do about it, that he feels like he's lost the love of his life... the only one who gave him a light in the darkness that usually clouds his vision. Kargo shedding his tears is so genuine and so... heartbreaking. I hope Vandi can help in some way, she looks like she wants to. I'm glad Roamer didn't brush him aside like last time, that he's willing to listen and to support Kargo in the best way possible. Roamer doing the hugging for me...


So heartbreaking... but at the same time it is kinda hopeful. I hope Kargo will try to control his anger again, with the help of the tribe. I'm still convinced he has been blessed by the warrior spirit (it has been foreshadowed many times), but he's not aware of it. Maybe he has so much power in him that he can't control all of it.


Still don't feel sorry for him. Not a bit. His personal demons are not an excuse for all the innocent lives he took and tried to take.


*hugs Kargo* i got tears in my eyes, this page is so sad/heartbreaking. So almost all the tribe get here? Vandi, Kargo needs therapy, please help him <3


You're toying with me.


I do feel sorry for him. Rogio and Kargo are pretty much in the same boat, as I said time and time again. Rogio might not look so...hrm...brutal but he is still on the same page. Both were/are blinded with something and people died because of it, both are in some sort of chains they can't break on their own, so if I pity the one, I've to pity so other too, I suppose, especially since Kargo did try to change but then was completely on his own without any kind of hope left. I think that's really nice of Roamer to start listening this time, just like he did with Rogio. Kargo having thoughts about suicide is haunting and logically at the same time and it's a heavy object well handled, good job on that, Kique. Cause it totally makes sense. I feel sorry for him, Rogio and everyone who had suffered under Arenaks rule and I do hope for light for all of them, they deserve it. So nice to see Kargo and Roamer together again, still a character relationship I like a lot, especially seeing Roamer without Rogio for a change and interacting with him. Great job with these pages Kique, liked the drama and action but I am so glad it's over lol very stressfull, to say the least. No wondering if Vandi will say something, considering she surewly knew Kargos mom.


I dont remember much about the warrior spirit, could you refresh my memory please?


I feel sorry for him but I’m starting to get annoyed with roamer. Having to much sympathy isn’t good and u fall fr others very easy


Kargo looks so young here, not like a strong fierce warrior, but like the young dog he was before all of this darkness took over. I´m really getting goose bumps from this page ;v;


OH THANK GOD! This is the best outcome anyone could have hoped for. I'm so happy he's acknowledging he has a big problem with rage...now how will they actually address the issue is the question.


Oh, I didn't expect that Kargo finally bursts. He doesn't feel only anger like we see in that page, he realize that he has a problem with his emotions and his mental state is frightening. He finally asking for help, I hope he get it. Maybe Vandi knows something that can help? But I have mixed feelings about Roamer's hug... That may get Kargo false hope. Or even Roamer will have a problem with his feelings again. And Ronja belly is huge already, I woder how she getting dressed in her shirt, it looks thight. And on last panel it's Vigr next to her? I like him, I hope we will knows him better. I don't know why, but I like vision of him being with Ronja, although may be it's better for her not to enter in relationship with anyone for now.




That’s all what I could say)


My heart, my heart hurts so bad. I actually cried real tears at this scene, Kargo venting by breaking that branch against the tree and just collapsing against it. That utter defeat and total shutdown, vulnerability, fear and pure raw sadness and acceptance of what he is and has done. He looks like a mere pup and totally defeated by non other than himself, that talk of turning the knife on himself hurts me to my core. He knows he did wrong, he hates every bit about himself right now and seeing him just break down and cry finally against Roamer's chest speaks volumes. Seeing the clarity in Roamer's eyes finally of what he has done too and caused is just as heart breaking. This whole situation is, seeing Ronja and the group walk away with low ears makes me think they feel it too. Here is to hoping Kargo's final cry for help doesn't fall on deaf ears and it isn't too late. And I may get flack for it but I personally hope to see more Kargo and Roamer again.


This page brings a huge sigh of relief. I was worried Kargo was too far gone. It's nice to see he was in there all along. He still needs to face up to his wrong doings but it looks like he could be heading in that direction.


I have had to think long and hard on this page. This will be my second time commenting ;) This page is very bittersweet to me. To see Kargo finally break down and actually vent some of the emotions he has had bottled up inside takes some real courage. To actually hear him say that he is so afraid of himself and him having suicidal thoughts just breaks my heart. Idk where this revelation leaves everyone standing. Roamer hurt Kargo...and I now see Roamer finally realizing that. As I have mentioned before, all three of these boys have made mistakes and the consequences of those mistakes have finally come to a head. There had to be some emotional explosion. Get everything out there in the open, deal with it, and heal. I have had mixed feelings with Kargo every since the breakup. I now have a little bit more insight into what has been going on in his head. He is such a damaged pup. (No excuse for what he has done) but I can understand that he was not born a killer. The Meteor Tribe molded him and broke him to fit Arenak's agenda. Rogio.... I don't really know where I stand with him. He does deserve to pay for the consequences of his actions (going along with the Meteor male mentality)... I just, I honestly don't know what to think about him. These last few pages have had me thinking as well. How much do I truly know Rogio? The answer is... I don't.


Wasn't it Vandi that Kargo mated with when he was forced under Arenak's leadership? Maybe she still feels that kinship with him, I really hope she can help guide him forward