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That meadow walk is gorgeous! * O*


God on Ferah for making her fully aware of the situation. It's nice to see she's opted for honestly rather than lying. We've seen that lying only makes things far far worse LOL. I got a lot of respect for Ferah as she's progressed in the story.


Honesty inherits the world, Ferah. Hopefully the situtation will turn to good at some point.


Hopefully Ronja consults the others in making her decision. Honestly, i wouldn’t be mad if they let them stay or made them leave, because there’s benefits to both sides. Either way - I’m glad these girls made up because I think they could be great friends if given the chance :)


I'm glad Ferah told Ronja. She is the Viscountess...its better to let her know from the beginning than for her to hear it down the line from someone else. I really love how much character development we have had from these 2. Ronja has matured and is leading the Meteor Tribe in the right direction and Ferah has started to come out from Kargo's shadow. I can honestly say Ronja was never really my favorite character...even back to Asmundr. (I adored her puppyhood and design) I just didnt like her. Start if Home it was the same. But she has grown on me and I LOVE that a character I never really cared about could become a top 5 for me...


Thank you Ferah for being so upfront <3 I wonder how they'll go about this whole thing. Considering now it's just as dangerous to let them back out. But if the solar stag comes looking for them before the Avanti situation is solved, that's going to be it's own interesting development. While a wanted criminal, Kargo IS a very good dog to have on their team for this.


One page away from the big 500! :D I'm glad they could finally make up and Ferah is honest about everything.


Yeah excuse me? It's illegal to have such gorgeous backgrounds. Gosh two of my favorite girls on such a gorgeous page. My heart is happy. I am so relieved they made up. I am so proud of ferah for telling the truth. She has been and remains my favorite in both character and looks.


I'm SO GLAD that Ferah told Ronja the situation; Good girl Ferah - Honesty is truly the best policy. As for Ronja's decision, it wouldn't surprise me much if she let them stay but I hope its under some real solid conditions. First, I'm not a fan of Kargo; its truly no secret by now - But I think having him here with them while this Avanti thing is in full bloom is actually a good thing. Maybe she'll tell them they can stay under the condition they help rid them of such a threat or something to that nature. And then maybe just maybe - if Kargo helps them, she can find a way to get him free from his "Wanted" Status???? I dunno - but Kargo better do some really amazing stuff from here on out to get back in the good graces with everyone (Readers included). Ronja don't be hasty with your decision - And do right by your "Family" Aka - You're tribe - And consult them too. Their opinion matters in this, and its only right to inform them and let them maybe even vote on it. Because this will effect them too, and we've seen what considering their ideas and opinions does for you as a leader; It gets you their undivided cooperation and even gets you their respect. Its easier to lead people when they respect you - its dangerous if they don't XD


U know when I first saw the mt when savas and ran was heading back I expected the landscape to be Barenboim and less flourishing but it’s quite a beautiful place, I’d like to be live there under different circumstances lol

Tora Collita

This ... This is more or less everything I hoped for in this page! Well done Ferah! And the backgrounds are so stunning! Beautiful 💕 Now... I hope Ronja will discuss with her barons, as well as the tribe. As of considering Ranach, they would need their help with that. So I hope they will hide at MT temporary till Ranach-problem is solved. And then will go into hiding (with view visits).


I think it would be best for the tribe if Kargo left. But there are also perks of having Ferah and Kargo. More eyes and more jaws against Ranach and Ávanti. It wouldn't be very responsible but to insure the rest of the tribe can not bw held responsible for harboring a fugitive, Ronja could just not tell anyone and allow Kargo to stay. Better for 3 to get into trouble than a whole tribe.


Besides the second panel, I'm curious as to say that we don't get to see much of the baby bump? xD


I didn't think Ronja would know she was twenty days pregnant due to finding out she was pregnant when Ranach told her. 0:


Ronja knows that kicking them out is effectively killing them. Avanti knows their scent now, and Ranach possibly knows they're there too and would have her honed in on them. Even though Kargo getting murdered outside the walls isn't Ronja's problem, it isn't who she is to sentence him to that. Maybe they'll stay for now and leave when Avanti is over, but whatever happens I imagine they're there to stay until it is.

Tora Collita

Well, she's only mated once with Ranach. And possibly from there, they know how many days has gone since she got to know, so they will know around when she will have her pups.


I really like this page, and Ferah telling the risks that are involved with keeping them rather than letting them find out at a later date, its the right thing to do. They kept the truth of Ronja's whereabouts a secret from Roamer, it seems better rather than let it simmer. Ferah has come a really long way. Ronja too!


Pretty page, the backgrounds are very sweet. I'm in love with the first background, flowers and mountains :3


I see the symbol of Father's ship in these trees xD


Ronja's "Oh, shit." Face in panel 6. xD