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Shout out to Wild DreamKiller who helped me correct the perspective in the final panel by providing me with some photos of their figurines!




Oh boy, oh boy..


I wasn’t expecting them to actually go the the tribe, interesting 🤔


Also I wonder howKargo is going to react tobseeing Roamer and thr good boi together


Who else wanna bet it's Avanti coming for their ass?

Tora Collita

Will they let Kargo and Ferah in? Or if they open the gate Ávanti will be able to get inside?? I'm scared of either thought! O.o And these expressions! Gah!


Don't you dare Avanti.


I strongly believe that it was okay for Kargo to curse, since, well...the trouble is coming. I sincerely hope that they won't get hurt.


smh Kargo


Not gonna lie, the evil part of me wants Avanti to show up and kick Kargo's hairy butt (with him managing to get away ofc for plot reasons LOL). I dunno, I just, after seeing him go up against things he feasibly shouldn't have won against it'd be funny to see him get his butt whooped.


Galti right now is literally that dog who barks obsessively when someone knocks on the door.


Swiggity swooty, Avanti is coming for that booty.


Lol Galty is such a dimwit. I have hardly ever seen him do something smart or right. Still he isn’t up on the latest gossip maybe and don’t know there not his enemy. Think he’s only ever seen them as such.


How is he a dimwit? He's calling for Ronja. They communicate with eachother by howling when they're far apart. /facepalm


Is Ferah on the wrong side of Kargo in the second last panel? Sorry if I'm wrong, you can just ignore me. I don't mean to be disrespectful.


I think that the perspective is changed so it's looking from behind so it's swapped but don't quote me


Galti is in the right to alert Ronja and the others about strangers at the gate, as that is his duty as a Guard. He didn't exactly encounter Kargo and Ferah while they were held prisoner. He spent the majority of his time as a Passage Keeper, and only ever encountered Roamer during the last break out. So to him, both Kargo and Ferah are strangers unless confirmed otherwise by his Viscountess and his Barons. Unfortunately, this is alerting Avanti to what's going on, possibly even the location of the tribe. He could have gone and fetched them instead.


But if Ranach controls Avanti, he knows where the tribe is and could easily tell her to go here?


With their scared face, ronja and company probably think it's Avanti coming. I wonder who would join Vandi and Akleja. Alva because of her caretaker role? A guard or a warrior to protect them?


Oh dear. Upon letting Kargo and Ferah in they risk letting Avanti and/or Ranach in... Preparing myself for possible deaths.


Oh boy, they will meet Avanti sooner than I expected... I don't like Kargo much, but on few last pages I can see that he regret his actions and I even feel some sympathy for him. He and his strengh may be the salvation for the cursed tribe. But maybe even his rage may not be enough to defeat Avanti. I'm very curious what will be his role on this all curse thing. It looks like that the fight with Avanti can happen now, beacuse others may not open the gate on time. By the way, opening the gate when Avanti is close it's not the wisest idea, but I doubt that Roamer could calmly watch fight between his friend and ex-boyfriend and murderous, cursed beast. And I must say that the tension on this page is presented extremely realistic, I can feel all they fear and panic, inside and outside of the tribe. Awesome job, the full of emotion, you are really amazing artist!


Hmm, your comment makes me wonder if Avanti can't get inside the tribe anytime, but it's Ranach's wish that she not do this. Avanti looks like some kind of ghost, she materialize from nowhere if only her shrine (and maybe the one who summoned her) is nearby. What could stop her from appearing inside the tribe? Maybe Ranach don't want just kill everybody, but he relishes their fear? Unless the tribe's lands are protecting by other supernatural strengh, but I don't remember any mention about it in comic before.


Just curious, Akleja booped Ronja's nose with purple paint, so shouldn't the paint be visible on her nose instead on the size of the muzzle?


There is, but the paint is only on the pink part of her nose and on the underside, and Akleja also painted her muzzle off-screen.