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*gasps* About time Ferah xD


Good girl, be angry. Be fierce. Show him what he's done wrong.


Ferah finally standing up for herself and her own desires in life to life in peace and stability...wonder if she’s headed back to Midnightgarde


Finally. Kargo is going to need to decide what he wants and who he wants to be and soon.


So... u left with him to see if he would stop u from going? U chose to leave then put the blame on someone else. Should’ve just stayed where u was instead of blaming kargo fr nt stopping u. These two are getting to be ridiculous, if I was kargo I would have went off on her then wouldn’t even care if she left. Nobody stopped her from staying


No her point about him not telling her to stay is that she was hurt that he didn't care enough for her to tell her that. If he wasn't selfish in that moment he would have asked her to stay, for her own happiness and safety. Ferah went with Kargo because in her mind she has no other choice, like she said to Fjordor, they've always been together. Kargo asking Ferah to stay wouldn't have changed her mind, but it would have given her some insight that he did care in that moment.


Mhmm... I remember back when Ferah was explaining to Roamer about how the males of the Meteor Tribe were sent for training. Every time I have seen Kargo attack and kill, there has been a crazed look in his eyes. He is obviously suffering from some form of PTSD and the only thing that can come to mind is what tribe he grew up in. (And come to think of it, an individual wouldn't even need to be born in the tribe. Galti was more than happy to serve Ranach when he was still the Jarl... It didnt even feel like he cared what happened to Alva at that point) Anyways...back to Kargo. I am not condoning or excusing what he did. As Fjordor put it...he didn't need to kill the travelers by ripping their throats out. Kargo has years of training behind him with the Meteor mindset. His flight-or-fight response is hyper sensitive, geared towards the "fight" response. And who knows...maybe the question that Ranach asked him when he was recaptured has some weight...maybe he did ask a spirit for help. I don't know. What I do know is how much I truly love this comic. I love how dynamic and ever changing it is. A character I like in one chapter I may absolutely question my reasoning behind it in another. Kargo-loved from the beginning but am wondering what is going on in his head Keirr- he was my favorite pup from the beginning. The wise one. The level headed. But the way he's treating Aira is not good and im questioning his motives as well. Well done, Kique! Thank you for your dedication and creativity. Look forward to reading more! (Sorry for the ramble!)


Can't say I'm mad


I see a lot of arguments about that being uncalled and that Kargo does care for Ferah and etc. : He does care, yes, but to keep a relationship, friendship going, you have to show and do act that you care on a regular basis, NOT just when a big super epic dramatic event happen. It's a matter of little things to do on a daily basis. Ressuring. Reinforcing the relationship. Kargo only show he cares when it's a crisis situation, or even does it/say it when the other person (dog) isn't there to see/hear it. Thus, there is NO WAY for that person (dog) to actually know. As readers we "assume" it was discussed between them, but I never saw any proof that Ferah knows Kargo ditched Roamer to look for her ( and actually I believe she'd be even more MAD to know he actually almost killed Roamer by negligence while she would had been technically dead. It would had been a second life lost in a super stupid way. ) Kargo and Ferah used to be on the same level of healing from the MT, but now Ferah has healed and adapted WAY MORE than Kargo, and she can't continue to go backwards because of him. She cannot neglect her own healing for someone who don't even actively -try- to heal. It's an innequal, abusive friendship, and the worse part is Kargo doesn't even -realise- it.


Sometimes, you just have to make the most heartbreaking choices, or part ways, to save yourself from sinking alongside someone else. It's not a matter of being unloyal, it's a matter of many chances have been given, and you cannot just keep forgiving all the time. Period.


I also have to say Kique, I LOVE the symbolic in the clouds. When Ferah speak up, and finally "dominate" and take the reings, the clouds on top are pink (her), while when it was Kargo it was the black clouds ( and even still visible in last panel ). Kargo is letting darkness burry the light. Ferah is letting the light burry the darkness.

Tora Collita

Good Ferah, speak up. And look at the flames reflecting on Kargo's knife in last panel! DETAILS! <3 And wait... 5 years of hiding? Wasn't it 2 (maybe 3 after the new year)? As they where 2 years of the first breakout and they're now 5 years old? Or does Ferah mean also her life inside the MT?


Good, Ferah, you tell him. People have already reasoned why and I agree with them. I wonder if his answer was the last straw for her and she goes back to Fjordor or if she just needs to be alone for a bit to cool off. Either way I don't like her being alone in the night with that little light source. Gives me a bad feeling...


I hope she goes back to Midgaarde


Breach it gurl! \.3./ (Tho if you really wanted a home why did you leave with him in the first place then? Did you just wish really hard that Kargo had a valid reason to ruining your life? Gurl u make no sense)


Going all the way back to page 68, it makes me think Ferah maybe does know about Kargo's trance but does not want to believe it or thinks it was a overreaction from Roamer after that incident. After all, Roamer does not hold the same grudge against the MT and does not take kills lightly. The only way he could recover from this is if he acknowledges Roamer was right and he would always need a moral compass like Ferah on journeys. Being hunted does not even seem like that would be an option. Fjordor cannot be responsible for the two deaths and keeping it a secret against solar stag does not work in the long term.


Ferah's face on the 5th panel is realy so awesome, emotional and I guess we didn't see her like that before *0*


Finally back from vacation so now I can actually comment lol - Its about time! This couldn't have happened to a better dog. I really REALLY hope she's headed back to Midnightguard. She deserves to be happy. She doesn't deserve to keep moving backwards for someone else, and putting her own happiness on the line for someone who really I highly doubt, do it for her. Kargo needs a reality check. I am sick of his bs so much. I'm glad Ferah is looking like she's going to start putting her own best interests first instead of Kargo's. I know that he's done a lot for her, but the fact of the matter is, is that that stuff is irrelevant now really. He needs to learn some dang self control for once. I know having PTSD is hard to live with, I actually am living with it after going through a recent insanely traumatic experience myself, and its a real struggle, but at the same time, you gotta try to better your life regardless and own it. Don't let your trauma define you, because if you do you'll never overcome it and get better....


Go back to your home, Ferah... Sacrifices can be worth it sometimes, but here it isn't. If you don't priorize your own happiness, who will do it for you ?


As much as i wanna hope she's going back to Midnightgarde, sadly I doubt it. She's probably STILL gonna sacrifice her own well being for Kargo if I had to guess.