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whose storyline are you most excited to explore in this chapter? :O


Are we close to a fxf relationship? 👀 And how heartbreaking was it for you to make this past scene between Ferah, Fjordor and Kargo? Was it a part of the chapter you were dreading, or excited to get to?


Pretty close ;) It was very hard, especially because of what all three of them have been through, and the very promising future they all had to let go of. Art wise I much prefer to draw the characters smiling and being happy, I also had to listen to the chosen song over and over while sketching out the page to get in the right mind set. But it was a scene I've been looking forward to, I look forward to every major event like this one since there's a lot of focus on the emotions and atmosphere.


What is your favourite breed to draw?, among both cats, dogs and wildlife? :)


On the wiki why do petite Jaros have such a lesser survival rate then Vildmarken terriers? They have slightly higher stars then the vilds don’t they? Is it just because they are very rare? Just curious as I was checking the wiki tonight :)


U have every breed base except rehvas, would u ever think of making one for that breed?


Will the characters that will be fxf lovers be main or minor characters to the storyline? :)


1) How do you find your inspiration for all the different paintings and marks? And once you have a general idea of what it's going to be, isn't it too hard to make distinguishable patterns? 2) Will you show us the members of the Flamegarde tribe and its marking patterns? 3) Same for Solar Stag?


I enjoy drawing my fictional breeds Great Vildy and Taiga Gazal the most because of the beard and floppy ears. I also have a lot of fun drawing large felines like the Taiga Lion (:


Vildmarkens Terrier's have adapted to a world underground which has increased their survival rate, the Petite is a bit too big and doesn't have the same skills as the terriers, so they still have to face the dangers above ground.


I can't since I was young and dumb and sold that breed way back X) (Not the full rights to it though) I might create a similar one though that has some features of the Rehvas but unique enough to be my own.


I don't want to give out too many details about it, but the clue is semi-minor and/or main.


1) It most likely has been asked before, but since I don't remember: Do you have a favorite design among your characters? 2) You said a male x female relationship will start to show this chapter, refered that to Ferah x Fjordor or is it still up to come? 3) Why fathers kind brought Asmundr pack and Alvas pack but only them? I get they are now most likely in trouble themselves, but before they at least had the time to brinbg two packs at least. Why didnt bring them to Ninmah anyway? 4) Since in this chapter, all mains got exposure, like Kargo got the most, but Rhov and Jahla kinda too, feeling bad for their choices, will we see the same thing with Rogio, Roamer and Ronja in the next chapter? Just curious.


On a regular basis, how-... eh, nevermind :P


How long has Fjordor lived alone before our protagonists showed up in his village?


- What would happen if someone would do the same ritual than Ranach for having Avanti? Would it not work because someone already summoned her, or would she be in conflict with the two summoners? - How is Avanti getting orders? Does Ranach is ordering her by high voice or by thoughts? Does she understands well dog talking? - Can Avanti climb on trees / walls since she’s like a werewolf? (like with a big jump and claws) Could she be able to dig a tunnel if she was ordered to? - Will you soon add Bird speckles on the wiki? I wish so much to know better how it works <3 - Will the next bonus page be SFW? - Any thoughts on a future base? :3

Tora Collita

Will we soon get to know Duma's and Puka's relation to Nya and Eopei?


have we been told how Raun got his scars? I don't remember but they look like something Airs could have made 🤔


Are we going to see anymore future pair occur? Story wise, how far deep are you into Home?


1. Pg. 360 Why didn’t Timi want to help Jalah? 2. Out of each pure breed, which character would do best in a dog show? 3. Do your dog characters wag their tails when excited, happy, etc. like real Earth dogs do? 4. Did Kainan’s parents die on Aedra? 5. I noticed you changed Khellir’s look a bit. How come?


1. I go by what I like in dogs/big cats. I need to keep it fairly simple since I might be drawing that design a thousand times from a thousand angles and perspectives. I usually take inspiration from various dog breeds, cows, horses, any animal where I like the color and markings, and give my own look to it. 2 I will add member descriptions and such to Flamegarde and other tribes as I draw them more.


1. It's tough to pick one since I can feel so different depending on where the comic is at X) Right now I enjoy Keirr a lot, his design is fun and easy to paint. I also like Ferah, mostly because of the unique coat that she has. 2. Still to come. 3. They brought more, but we only got to meet Alva's pack so far. Ninmah's territory is already packed with 50+ members. If they would have brought all the new packs to her immediately the territory would be overrun and possibly emptied on resources. 4. Can't reveal much about this yet, but I've stated earlier that all mains will get exposure in this chapter.


1. It wouldn't work since she is currently bonded to Ranach. 2. Ranach doesn't speak to her much even though she can understand their language, he mostly just let her natural instinct run its course. Each time she has been ressurrected, she has been smarter with how she does things. 3. She can climb most things that are strong enough to support her weight. She's not that great at digging. 4. Yes. 5. Yes, but I've gotten so busy lately and the comic pages are taking up more time, so the next bonus page will take a while. 6. KingsHall hound is next to be remade, then I don't know, probably Northern Jaro.


Yes. The writing? It's completed. As for the released pages, we are closing in on 50%


1. Because he's a kid and has much more fun things to do than study ancient scripts X) 2. Ranach would definitely lose since he's below standard height for males, Aira would be discriminated due to her weak structure, Felidae would have a good shot at winning if she didn't have a bobtail. That leaves us with Rogio and Jahla, either of them could be the winner. 3. Yes, it's been seen a few times in the pages. 4. Can't answer. 5. His original design has been returned to the one who designed him.


- Will you do a feathered jaro base? (Northern and southern) - Will we see night beast Ulfr? - Why doesn't Madruk have glow like the akis? It would help him survive Aedra. - How will the bounty hunters find Kargo? It is not like they have photos. Other dogs could look similar to him if they go by appearance description. - Is there a possibility that Kargo and Ferah join MT?


Re-release the old character charts from dA? :-)


Why is Keirr and Rhov so different, like in rhov description his parents were always there so it kind of made him sheltered, but what of his brother why is he so stand offish wat made him the serious brother? Why was Rhov picked fr leader, ik kainan knows hw boastful and childish Rhov be at times.


Do you still update your music playlist on Spotify?


- Yes once I make new bases of them. - Can't answer. - Can't answer. - Fjordor will give them a very detailed description of how Kargo looks and acts. It's extreemly rare for dogs to look alike. - Can't answer


Siblings can have very varied personalities, Rhov and Keirr went through different things in the past, and various events may have affected them in different ways. Keirr never really felt the urge or motivation to become the leader. Kainan picked Rhov because Rhov was the most motivated out of the two.


Yes, I add to it whenever I find songs I like. The latest track was added 5 days ago.


Got another one^^" What tribe is Treyu from?

Tora Collita

Is Enya and Bhrigo a pair in Shiverfall? Since we see them cuddling in background I mean ^^


They found their armour in stashes left by the gods, right? If so, are the outfits for each individual chosen based on which one fits each dog/ a specific breed? Or can their size be adjusted to fit individuals? Like, if Akleja were to get a set while she was still growing would she have to change it out as she got bigger or could it be adjusted to compensate for that? Or would Rogio and Roamer be able to fit in each other’s armour despite them being different builds?

Tora Collita

For the Taiga lions, are there 4 or 5 coats? And on the base for download it's Smooth, Wire, Half-mane, and Full mane. And on the Wiki lists a 5th coat: Crest. Just a bit confused. ^^;


So I was re-reading some of the recent enough pages and I was just curious. When Fjordor found the seal, was it clear to him that Kargo had killed the traders? I don't recall if Kargo did bring them but from page 473, did Fjordor go search for the bodies or were they nearby? Sorry if it was obvious but I just wanted to get it cleared up xD


What’s roghir thinks of jahla and rhov as a couple and what is Rhov perception on him? When will Keirr and the others start looking for the elders again? Why do kargo have to go back north directly why cnt he go east or west? When roamer had that talk with Rhov at the beginning about the mt then again when he found him stealing. How does Rhov believe the pack should be to me, it seems he lacks the ability to adjust to new environment especially one more dangerous then his original home.


Metal, knives, magnets and such were found or given by spirits/gods, the rest they can craft themselves and make it into a personal outfit. Outfits would have to be adjusted to fit the body of different individuals


It was clear to Fjordor that something was wrong, since he knew what the seal meant he knew Kargo must have gotten it from somewhere. He retraced Kargo's tracks and found the bodies, they weren't that far away from his territory.


1- Rohgir accepts it but he's not fond of it, he would much rather have Jahla be mate to an Akiulfr. Rhov likes Rohgir but he doesn't know him that well. 2- Can't give an answer. Keirr wanted to stay at Whispervale because he didn't like the idea of roaming around not knowing where to go. 3- He could go east or west but it's safer for him to go as far away as possible from Solar Stag, the north is also less populated, so he has a good chance at not being seen by anone. 4,5- Don't understand the question.


Q&A closed