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Michelle Koenders

Look at poor Fjordor, he is heartbroken...😢


"You're leaving with him, aren't you?" OH noooooooo the closer we get to the page the more scared i am she will throw this away for kargo, and i HATE IT


Nooooo stay with him he needs you!


Nooo I don't want her to go with Kargo. Dumpster pupper. I love Ferah and Fjordor.


MAYBE she'll talk about going but then Fjordor will be like "But I love you and I need you here with me.." and she'll be like "Yes daddy" 😂

Tora Collita

I fear Fjordor will ask is Ferah will go with Kargo, like one said above. But hope she descide to stay and start new life for herself with Fjordor. And that she confess her feelings a little... those romantic ones for him and the friend and loyalty she has to Kargo.


His face! Oh my god this heartbroken face! Ferah you better stay and hug him for eternity


He really is a big softie underneath ;^;


dat puppy face!!!


I feel like ferah is going to leave with Kargo since theyve been together and been throigh alot for so long this maybe her saying goodbye to Fjorder :(


Oh my - That face on Fjordor :CCC This makes me so sad; he's actually hurting. I really truly hope that Ferah decides to show Kargo some "Tough Love" - Because he needs it. He needs to realize that, if he continues to be this way; Self Destructive. Not only is he harming himself but its clear he's causing harm and hurt to those who actually gives a crap about him: Fjordor obviously and Ferah....I hope this whole situation teaches him something of value and he actually tries to make a change. Otherwise he's likely to push EVERYONE alway like he did Roamer; Roamer leaving can easily be blamed by how he acted in regard to the whole Ronja thing. He seems like its not easy to change and while that may be so to an extent, people are have been known to do it if wanting to change bad enough. And I'm really REALLY hoping that this'll be his wake up call because if he continues, it'll only get worse from here. That being said; I hope that Ferah STAYS with Fjordor and doesn't leave with Kargo. I think that'll only make things worse in the long run (Being a slight Enabler if you will). He's gotta know (Like I mentioned before) that this kind of behaviour is going to make people you care about leave. So Ferah, I know it'll be hard but you really should leave him to his own devices for a while, it'll be good for him I promise.


Ferah, don't you dare leave this place. Fjordor's needs you. You were like his only member (with Kargo) and he will be again alone because everyone left...


Either Ferah chooses to stay and drives home the point, or Kargo tells her to because her has a habit of lashing out and may want to harm himself emotionally as well as physically. Either way, I don't see Ferah being with Kargo anymore.


Or, more morbidly, the "Come on Ferah, let's go" turns into a "Ferah what happened why are you dying all I did was be selfish and reckless and ignore your needs and basic safety" - but I really hope that doesn't happen.