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its about time someone got this through kargo's head >:(( seems like kargo is starting to come to a realization now ffs.


exlie? Exile... EXILE! :D


Even Ferah can't look at him. Bout time he got a reality check.


OOF. Well, the time has come to face the consequences Kargo. You ended up digging your grave yourself so you'll have to find a way around it if you can. I feel worse for Ferah here as she does hold Kargo close but after all this, I wouldn't be surprised if this ends up staining her image or even herself (in terms of consequences). I hope that whatever the outcome, she isn't dragged into it, be it Kargo trying to find someone to support him or even possibly trying to use her to come to his side but I highly doubt he'd go that far. BUT CAN I POINT OUT FJORDOR <3 I do believe that most would have lashed out on Kargo and instantly banned him once they learned but just the vibe oozes a fatherly love. Like I feel that he may be holding back a bit (in terms of action up to now) as he starts off easy and just eventually slaps him with reality of his actions. He evens knows Kargo so well that he knows the actions he took without him even saying so. He chews him out, also showing him that his close minded self could have had more options if he hadn't jumped to conclusions. The second to last panel does show that our dear Fjordor was able to get his point across and even Ferah knows this. I actually do hope he is exiled or forced to make up for his actions as I highly doubt he'll let this slide since he himself would get caught up on it. Just wondering what'll happen to our Ferah though


I am so happy to see Kargo's reaction.


Yep! Their greatest rival is the one true tribe who stands in their way. And it was his trauma with the knife that caused his reckless and stupid attack. I'm glad Fjor is putting some real sense into his head, but I feel bad for Ferah. I wonder how she's going to handle this? And how Kargo is going to handle her distance. Funny though... she's looking at him like a monster, which is exactly what he didn't want Roamer doing.


But also, it gives me hope for Kargo, with how guilty and sorry he looks. Sorry won't ever take back what he did, but maybe Fjordor is the person he needed in his life to see reason. If only he didn't already damn himself


I'm so happy to see Kargo's reaction to this, Fjordor is handling this exceptionally well and because of that Kargo is actually THINKING for once about what he's done rather than immediately lashing out and silencing him.


This is what I wanted, Kargo now finally sees what he’s done and the consequences his actions have caused. He’s personally attacked the biggest tribe on Aedra and he’s paying for it dearly.


Oh Kargo - The merchant (Foxpaws) mentioned the seal, so its not like you weren't aware of it. He was reaching for the seal; you know the seal he was talking to you about as he was walking over to grab it to show you...that seal. You just are so out of touch you probably didn't even bother listening to his words, and came out of your fog long enough to just see the weapon and jumped to conclusions instantly without thinking first. What a way to be. And now we see that you're finally realizing what you've done, but alas sad for you its a bit too late now. I hope you get what's coming to you - I don't feel bad for you at all, and now I will relish in the fact that this is something you won't be able to really truly run away from - You'll sadly have to face it, and I can't wait to see it. Enough is enough. Just like Fjordor said; he himself could've killed him for trespassing on his land - especially if he decided to jump to conclusions - except that wouldn't have been the case would it, because he'd have had every right to have attacked him because they were attempting to steal lol - But being a dog of decent character and a level head (Which seems to be a real good thing to have in this world) he did the honorable thing and talked it out with him first. That's a real lead/dog. I see Ferah is looking at him like Roamer did back at the beginning; a monster - And its kind of ironic to me XD If he doesn't like people looking at him that way, he's really gotta take control of himself and start making some real changes. And the first step to recovery is first admitting you have a problem - You gotta own it, to control it - If you don't it will control you. Time to own up Kargo! Before you dig yourself even deeper!

Michelle Koenders

Wow, we all need a Fjordor in our lifes.


Fjordor is obviously reasonable and clear-headed but still, I worry... please don't let Ferah be dragged down with Kargo for this D: she deserves so much better damnit


Good job Fjordor! Happy to finally see Kargo showing some regret è_é


Woo! You tell him Fjor'! I just hope Ferah doesn't get hurt too much by the situation...

Tora Collita

Fjordor, well done! He did not only confront Kargo, but also doing so in a way Kargo can't deny it by actually having going after the bodies. And it seems the words are hitting Kargo and he kinda or finally relize that he DID wrong and overreacted. As by looking at those 4 last panels, he sure seem to think "What have I done"... I don't know what Fjordor will do next, and I hope Kargo will face the karma for his actions, and will get better.


Thank god Fjordor is able to talk some sense into Kargo... But it doesn't change the fact that Kargo killed two innocent dogs. Let's hope he realizes how bad he messed up and tries to make up for it


God I love Fjordor. The way he makes Kargo realize his mistakes and apparently gets him thinking over it and yet keeping it rather calm, considering the circumstances. This has a bit of this typical "I´m not mad, I´m disappointed." mentality to it. Fjordor must´ve been a great father to his daughters. I´m really curious what happens next. And yes, it was the weapon after all x)


So, the first and simply explanation was right - the view of weapon triggered Kargo. And the meaning of seal also explain why trader wanted to show it to Kargo to gain his trust. It's only huge and horrible misunderstaning, but it could have big consequences if Solar Stag will found out the death of traders. And Fjordor really have a power of leader, he could made Kargo regret his actions and maybe now Kargo have a chance to redemption his fault and do right things, especially first think and do later. And poor Ferah, she looks so dissapointed on him, I think it works on him just as much like Fjordor's words. And if I understand correctly it Solar Stag is the greatest rival of Meteors? And/Or the Matriarch herself? I hope that will be something more about this subject in future, I'm curious about why they are enemies.


I have a feeling Farah might say something like "you're just like the meteor dogs" and cast him away.


Kargo got hurt and took his hurt out in all the wrong ways. This might be his only chance to redeem himself and hopefully, grow to be a healthier and better guy. I don't wish anything ill upon him, he had quite the life and the only light in his life is now gone. But I do hope he learns what he does has consequences and that he can't go on coping like this.


I worry for the long range implications of this. Can the bodies be buried and hidden and Solar Stag won't know who hit them? Will they figure it out or Kargo be turned in? What if they attack the meteor tribe in retaliation because maybe they think kargo is still a member there, or do they even know? I feel like this could get really out of hand.


This is a lesson Kargo needs. He is out of control.


I like how Kargo looks like a scolded puppy in the last panel. xD It's exactly what he deserves, someone he respects to put him in his place.