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Rival? Ooh, flashback time?


And I like how Fjordor referred to him as son, though I can't really explain it. And knowing most others would have gone for a physical action but he doesn't (or at least not yet). Feels like I'm watching a dad chew out his son


Is that the bodies of the foxpaws and his travelling buddy? :U


Greatest rival? Well shit, it wasn’t just the weapon that made Kargo snap. He saw the seal too!


Ohhhoho YEAH. This right here? Seeing this, it's -mwah-exactly what I've been waiting to see for so long. Kargo actually having to face a consequence for just flying off the handle and killing for no reason. I'm glad Fjordor found the bodies not only because now these two innocent dogs can get a burial but to also have Kargo come face to face with the bullshit he's done. I hope just hope he doesn't do something fucking dumb like killing Fjordor and then ripping away a future for Ferah, he really doesn't seem to give much a shit about her these days it feels like. The way Fjordor confronts him makes me happy as well because he isn't being physical and I think that it's because of how he's handled this that Kargo also hasn't escalated to attacking him and also seems to be finally thinking about what he's done in hindsight. Seeing the bodies of two people whom he killed for no reason must be causing him some kinda thought. He deserves a strong punishment for what he's done, nothing justifies him killing these dogs who were simply out doing their job. This would be like someone killing two postal workers because they saw an item in their truck that triggered them, it's just not justifiable to me no matter what.


The more I read the last panel, the more it makes me wonder. First off, how does Fjordor know about the MT's secrets? Only think that comes to mind if someone from the MT of the survivors from the breakout came here or he himself has some times to it... Would possibly explain why he could be offering refuge to others as he knows the hardships that they face and is the opposite from the MT? Also could be why he recognized they were from there in the first place. If not, I wonder if this has to do with the lone wolf that has been referenced? If I'm not mistaken, it is a Aki/Luif so that's why he knows about it as well and given his age, he would know some of the things that the new current generation wouldn't.

Tora Collita

The bodies of Foxpaws and Whitetoes! So they haven't turned to ghouls yet! And yes! So glad Kargo is facing his actions. And greatest rival? This is gonna be an interesting story to hear.


Fraujar is the jarl of Whispervale. :) This is Fjordor.


Oddly, I find Kargo getting yelled at less satisfying and more...endearing in way... Like Fjordor is more fearful or disappointed rather than just angry. Him scolding Kargo is kind of fatherly. Still glad he's getting scolded though.


Sometimes people will refer to younger men as 'son,' rather than 'boy, man, sir,' etc. Similar to how a father would address his son-in-law to his daughter, I think that's the wordplay Fjordor went for here. He's simply just affixing the word to Kargo. I think the fact that Fjordor has somewhat of a bond with Kargo as well stops him from being physical right off the bat, even though it's unlike Fjordor to be physical like that anyways. Fjordor is more of a fatherly type wolf who would scold rather than abuse. We have to remember that, although these two are from the Meteor Tribe, Fjordor grew up in a way better place alongside his mate and three daughters. He's DEFINITELY not the type to physically abuse someone. Like you said, it sounds and feels like a father chewing out his son more than anything. :) I think the only way this would go physical is if Kargo provokes it to be.


Kargo out here really tryin to pull a really bad april fools day prank on Fjordor by saying no... does Kargo really think he's that stupid or is he just trying to do this on purpose? I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it's the latter at this point. Fjordor scolding him is some well deserved shit, but honestly, at this point, I don't think Kargo cares honestly... Kargo seems to be becoming so far gone in that mentality he has at the moment is just pulling him away from reality more and more each day. And Ferah in that panel when she saw the bodies... it's like she just knew Kargo was up to something... she seems to fed up and broken over that type of behavior... I wonder if we'll get another scene between those two. She must be honestly soooo fucking enraged at Kargo. She wanted to find peace in a place where they wouldn't have to be looking over their shoulder all the time, and it hasn't even been half a year and it's ALREADY back to how it was before. It's like nothing has changed with him. I wonder if she's beginning to feel like Kargo simply can't or won't change, and I wonder how she feels about that deep down. I know I'd just be fed up with him at this point if I were her. Like... you try so hard and Kargo just keeps fucking up. Jesus... And poor Fjordor. He thought he could find peace as well by settling with some new members in his tribe, and beginning to expand the village and stuff for new members, but it seems like even that isn't possible when Kargo is around. I don't want Kargo to leave or be killed off, I still want to hold out some hope for him to change, because change IS possible for everyone. I'd rather Kargo just figure out that what he's doing is stupid and wrong rather than him leaving in a blind rage or ending up getting killed/killing others. Whether you disagree or not, there IS a good dog underneath this entire thing Kargo has going on. A VERY good dog. We've seen it with him, Roamer, and Ferah. He can be caring and good when he wants to be/is in the right headspace, but it seems like the more he distances himself from reality, the more difficult it becomes to see that light he has in him. The more he progresses like this, the more faith in him is lost not only by us viewers but by the other characters who also have an opinion on him, and that's really sad to see... I don't know, I guess I'm really sympathetic when it comes to this kind of stuff, but I just don't want to hate a character immediately without seeing their in's and out's to what they do before forming an opinion. That being said, I still highly believe what Kargo has been doing and has done is incredibly wrong, and he should NOT walk unpunished, ever. I wouldn't be surprised if Fjordor actually bans him from the tribe because he killed innocent traders on their grounds. I don't know how Ferah would react to that, maybe she might stay because... I wouldn't go, personally... but imagine how much that would fuck him up even more. If he even cares at this point... ungh, KARGO... you really need to fix yourself here. I get the breakup and stuff was really hard on you, but look at the positives and shit, dude... forget Roamer, the MT, and Rogio... focus on Ferah, Fjordor, and building a new life in a new and tranquil place... you might even find someone better than Roamer and fall in love even harder that time around... less pessimism, more optimism, dude! lol


Ooh Fjordor is not happy, and rightly so I suppose. Kargo killed innocent travellers. Hmm the seal is interesting, it looks like Thakir. I wonder if those traders know the Thakir's pack.


You always need two sides for a rivalry. It's possible that Fjordor is on good terms with the other tribe and learned some details from them. But the idea of him helping out some dogs from the first breakout is a good one as well. I'm sure not only Isbel made it out alive. I'm so excited about where this conversation will lead and if we'll get to know which tribe is their greatest rival


So Fjordor found the bodies... guess this is mess is gona unfold sooner rather than later. And knowing Kique it will be like nothing we expect...


Whoa whoa whoa...the bodies?! Holy crap did he skin the traders too?!?!


So not the weapon but the seal triggered Kargo and made him kill the traders! But why is this so important to dogs from MT? It's worth to killing for it? And why when one of traders said that he will show Kargo the seal to gain his trust, it brought the opposite effect from the intended one? Maybe the seal is some kind of weapon against this " greatest rival" or special knowledge to defeat him? But who is this? First I thought about wolf, all Aedra dogs hate and fear of wolfes. And Ninmah said about lone wolf who had attacked dogs on the north some years ago, so it may especially fit to MT. But it's doesn't fit to Kargo, he never seems to be biased against somebody - he met Jahla and he was just curious about her. And drawings on this thing look rather like Sky God in his dog form, not the wolf, but from the other side Thakir have similar crest, so maybe this lone wolf from the past had some kind of it too? And if Jahla hasn't have crest she doesn't look like "rival"? Oh, so many speculation after reading this site! So many question, I can't wait to know the answers! Btw, I wonder how Fjordor suspected something about what happend, maybe even he knew that Kargo hurt somebody to get the seal? And I'm glad that he found bodies of traders and now Kargo must face with his actions.


I'm a bit confused here. Everyone now thinks the seal was the trigger but personally I don't get why? I mean yes, back when he was a MT member Kargo might've been told to look out for it because they're enemies/rivals. ...but it's not like Kargo agrees with anything concerning the MT or holds what they say for true, so why would he see an enemy of the MT as such a huge threat? They didn't even know him or made any connection between him and the MT. For me it's more Kargo-like that he killed them just because of the mental state he's in and sees every stranger as a threat. Or he saw the weapon...or both.


Agreed, I think the seal was less to do with it and it was th weapon. After all it was the exact weapon Brokun used to attack him directly. The phrase "greatest rival" is likely alluding to the fact that MT so blatantly went against the guidelines the Matriarch/Solar Stag put out but it was stated that they're not mandatory to follow them either. A rivalry doesn't always mean a physical altercation happens. I fully believe that since the weapon was right by the seal that Kargo believed he was going for that same weapon and attacked for that reason, not the seal, given his personality and nature it'd be the weapon he immediately identified as a weapon that'd set him off more than something that clearly couldn't be used as a weapon at all. If MT did educate them on what to look out for as far as rivals, Kargo was not loyal to MT anyway so I doubt he'd even give any care about it. The enemy of my enemy and all that.


I have a feeling the seal triggered a memory about the "red wolf" that caused chaos and pilidged that one tribe. Rogio could be one of the dogs that was a part of that tribe. Omg, that starts to piece together!


I don't see why the seal would be a trigger when he's never been loyal to MT.


I think I get it now! Kargo may have had a greater reason for killing the Traders. Pg. 457 panels 3 and 4; I thought he was reacting to the blade but he must have seen the seal!


Red Wolf is the nickname given to Jahla, the wolf that pillaged tribes is just called Lone Wolf (:


Oh good, so he is going for an out in the open approach. I'm so glad he found the bodies so they'll be able to be put to rest properly. And now Kargo can face his actions, and *hopefully* change is on the way for him. With that seal, I wonder if greatest rival does just mean the guild because it would be the biggest threat standing in their way of getting what they want.


Not sure why everyone is concluding that the seal is what triggered Kargo to attack. I don't think he even saw the seal, he saw the weapon first. It's much more likely that he was set off by the weapon. We have to remember that Kargo lived his whole life with the Meteor Tribe until he was two years old, and since then, he had never encountered another tribe until now. He has no way of knowing what weapons other tribes may have; for all he knows, they're completely different. Since that weapon was identical to the MT weapons, it's not surprising that Kargo would lash out, especially when he and Ferah have spent the past four years killing every MT dog on sight. Wasn't it stated before by Kique that Kargo has PTSD, if I'm remembering correctly? If that's the case, then it makes even more sense. Plus, if this tribe is the rival to the MT, wouldn't it make more sense that Kargo would be a little more friendly to them if he saw the seal? They're rivals for a reason; I don't think he would want to kill them if he knew what tribe they were from. I'm not excusing what he's done, because it's still wrong. But I think Kargo needs help more than being scolded.


Theres also the fact that the weapon in question was something MT was KNOWN to use.


They'll be ghouls on the next night... there's no rest for the dead anymore.


I think it resembles a sky god (or the dog form/hologram they had on earth, not the god on Aedra) rather than Takhir. The pack they're from must still have stories about earth and their gods, since other tribes seem to have moved on and believe in spirits instead ☺