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Yup. I think she's falling for him hardcore

Tora Collita

Yup, I don't doupt that. And that she also knows his secret as well.


Okay I'm just going to come out and say it - I hope these two become a thing. I love Jahla don't get me wrong - but I'd like to also see her with Thakir. I absolutely LOVE Feaf and she appears to; at least to me, be catching feelings for Rhov - and I don't want her to get upset. I love the relationship with Zilas's parents and I'd love to see the Home series have its own Dog x Cat couple. I need the next page so badly!


Personally, I hope they become good friends as they both clearly need one. I know Jahla and Rhov had a bit of an argument but it is rarely the end all to a strong relationship which they had. Relationships can still be resolved after a little argument and technically they still are mates. So personally I just hope Rhov and Jahla become stronger after they find resolve and Thakir and Feaf become good friends of the group personally.


I really agree with some ppl here, wanting them to become a couple. But i would appreciate if rhov settled things with jahla first so it would not be feeling like cheating on her. I dunno tbh maybe i will fall back in live with rhovxjahla once they reunite but i adore feaf soooo much q.q


i agree w/ you! i want them as a couple too lol. and honestly, i find nothing wrong w/ it. people meet and fall in love and sometimes they just end up going different ways and it’s not a bad thing at all. not all breakups have to be bad. (:


Agreed. We´ve had enough breakups but so far never had a couple that had an argument but sorted things out and actually stayed together. For me Jahla and Rhov´s plotline looks like its about them learning to see a different perspective of things and gaining experience that wouldvé been handy back when they argued. Working on their flaws in general. I hope they find back together and can reapproach their argument with all they learned in mind and settle it. As much as I love Thakir and Feaf but I still only see them as good friends for Jahla and Rhov