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Of all the currently released Chapters (or character arcs) in Home; which one happens to be your personal favorite? Mine is Jahla's entire experience in Origin Orion.


How far along would you say we currently are into Home? About the half way mark or not even close? xD

Michelle Koenders

Hey there! I was re-reading Home and I noticed that you changed the name and appearance of the Sky God dog that joined Asmundr pack. Why is that?


Because he was originally written and designed by my ex co-writer and I wanted for them to keep him, so I changed everything


I've noticed a few characters with offspring have their partners listed as "Unknown" even though the offspring have both parents listed and both are still in the character lists on the Wiki (or in the case of Ranulfr, we learned about his father in Asmundr), what gives with that?


Random thought after the last pages. If Zahira found out that there are other felines on Aedra, like Shiverfall tribe, do you think she would consider going there for a visit just for the sake of seeing other felines again? Or rather not because it would remind her of Zilas and all he could've possibly had? Oh and second question: I noticed you changed Khellir´s/Marduk´s design in the older pages. His eyes look more alien like now. Is this how the eyes of the Sky Gods look like?


- Do you have a lot of design commission to do this month? I'm so eager to see mine *-* - How did you find the marking name "Rawhide"? Does it have a particular meaning?


1. How does Khellir keep warm if he has no fur? He’s not exactly in the position to snuggle up to a furry Asmundr member X) 2. Was “Marduk” a part of Khellir’s alien name? 3. Was Jonna ever used against her will by Ulfr? She seemed to have a particular disliking for him.


It's possible that she would like to visit. Marduk's anatomy and colors are based on how he looked before he transformed (:


Had over 20, I've got 13 left. It's based on a marking in cows, and Rawhide comes from the association with the old west.


Have lots of questions this month from looking back at the pages lol Does Ninmah's shawl have a hood? It's folded over like it could be used like that so I was curious :3 Do Tea's markings have a name? What are they based off of, if anything? Do Ninmah's footprints eventually fade? Also, how are her normal footprints different from the portals? What animal is that massive white pelt Ninmah sleeps on from? Does Ninmah keep black animals in remembrance of her son and mate? Do Liulfrs need to eat as much as regular dogs? What does Ninmah do holed up in her den all the time?


1. It's warm where their territory is located, but on colder days he could maybe find a pelt or some clothing to put on. 2. Yes. 3. It's possible that she was, but she also resented him because of his lack of remorse or empathy


1. Can Khellir reproduce with an Aedra dog? 2. How long do you think it will be until you complete "Home". 3. Why did Roamer's parents name him Roamer? 4. What would Roamer do if Rogio bit him? 5. Are Taiga Lions more powerful physically than a dog? 6. Why did Ranulfr not go by his real name; Enkidu? 7. Does Thakir ever use his crest to show emotion? Ex. Puffing it up when alarmed like a cockatoo does? 8. If an Aki or Liulfr loses a fang will it grow back? 9. When a dog or feline dies they become a ghoul. If that ghoul is killed does it become another ghoul?


- No sadly X) - She just has the regular merle (: - Yes, but she can leave a permanent mark at will. The pawprint on the portal is a simple mark, not made by her. - Bear - Yes but as a whole and not just for Ranulfr or her mate. She knows her species is dominantly black, so she likes the color black on her animals. - A bit more since they are bigger. - Mostly talk to her animals and discuss things with her Baron and Viscountess.


1. Can't give an answer right now. 2. A couple of more years, considering the last chapter took 9 months to complete and there are plenty more chapters left. 3. Because he roamed a lot. 4. That's a good question for you readers to theorize about X) 5. Yes they are. 6. Because he didn't know it, Ranulfr was a name he was given by the locals of Asmundr. 7. He might use it to make himself appear more threatening. 8. No. 9. Can't answer right now.


1. Is Zahira the only Zioqa on the island? 2. If she isn't were more found and placed on the island like Alva and Galti? 3. Are Zioqa and Taiga Lion the same size? o: 4. Who are your top three favorite female characters? 5. Does the Matriarch have an area where she can go outside and soak up the sun? And maybe even an area where she can watch her tribe from a distance?


What negative qualities did Fuss have? During the reign of Arenak, were the members of the Meteor tribe forced to hunt or did they only catch cattle?


Some more lol: How are Akiulfrs created? Don't need details if it's a spoiler, just the basics we've learned in the comic because I can't remember X3


Neither Rhov or Jahla ever mention missing the other, are they both missing them just not mentioning it or is it not bothering them?

Tora Collita

Who will be the main characters in next chapter?


1. If jahla was looking for a mate what would she be looking for in the male? 2. Will we ever see how Rhov and jahla take charge as pack leaders? 3. Which territory is the most plentiful 4. Would it be a chance that anyone from the guild will join the asmundr pack? 5. Will zilas be resurrected? 6. As a couple and leaders how do u think jahla, Rhov, and Ronja did first go? Why didn’t ranach encourage Ronja to bring the whole pack? And would the asmundr females be too much for the mt males due to them knowing how to defend themselves?


1. Yes 3. Yeah they're pretty much at the same height. 4. I really enjoy them all, but the ones most enjoyable are Jahla, Ferah and Ronja. 5. Yes, she has a clearing just behind the ship where she can soak up some sun. It's a dense area with lots of trees covering the ground and a small pond that leads back into the ship. She can get an overview of her territory and tribe from the top of the inside of the ship.


He didn't have many listed, but one was that he was pretty timid, he lacked some of the confidence to fight back when Arenak and Ranach ruled. They hunted whatever they could in their territory and surrounding land.


I hope this doesn't sound like a spoiler question but here we go. Do you have a rough estimate for how long the comic is? It feels like were near a climax but I just don't know and excited/scared to find out.


DNA was taken from various dogs, mostly southern jaro's or jaro mixes. The aki's were then raised in a fake environment and later released to the wild on island Aedra to be raised by Rohgir (:


They haven't mentioned their partners specifically but every step they've taken so far has been to find each other again.


1. Someone similar to Rhov, but maybe a bit more mature 2. Can't answer that. 3. Solar Stag has the most resources because of their amount of allies, members and territory size, but other tribes may have a better location that gives them more food sources or a better battle position. 4. Can't answer. 5. Can't answer. 6. All three were given the responsibility too young, they all needed to grow personally. Ronja is doing a lot better now since she has learned from her mistakes, Rhov and Jahla are still figuring out their flaws and how to better themselves. 7. Ranach explained on page 149 after he had talked to Kainan that bringing too many new members in at once could cause a second uprising of rebels, that it's easier to pick them off one by one. The Asmundr females would for sure make it a lot more difficult for the MT than what they're used to.


It will be a couple of years until we reach the end (: I'm putting more detail into each chapter, extending the time they are completed. The last chapter was 9 months long to complete, and there are several chapters left.


Can Zioqas and Taiga Lions have cubs together?

Tora Collita

How's the Shiverfall going? I mean names and relation of all the members, as well as ranks. How far have you come before it's up on the Wiki? ^^; Also, will the Gateway/portal between Origin Orion island and the one on other side of Aedra show up on the map?


I haven't started yet X) I will add the gate location soon.


I don't remember why Akiulfr's fangs became longer at one time, could you remind me please? :)


It's not clear in the pages yet, Thakir told Jahla in a scene that Rohgir believes they've grown larger because the "trinity" of the siblings are all at the same place.


1) I was wondering. On the wiki there is a piece about guards in specific something about feline guards. Quote: “Felines are usually seen as unfit to be a Guard because of their inability to howl, though feline-dominated tribes have figured out other ways to alert the tribe”. In the RP there are two feline guards and now with the trip to shiverfalls i was wondering what those other way’s be? Something with sound instruments comes to mind. Maybe a gong or something like that. 2) A bit random but still something I was wondering about. Can an Aki lose it’s energy? Wold the loss of it’s “lights” rob it of it’s ability to ward of Nightbeasts? 3) Can dogs that aren’t whole enough still become night beasts? Missing 1 limb maybe but missing more than that or a whole head for instance. Fire is already being used as the ultimate solution to that problem.


How does one go about becoming the jarl or viscountess if not the heir? Can the leaders be challenged? Do they fight for it or what?


For some reason Patreon won't let me reply to your answer about how Akiulfrs are created, but I have a follow up question X) if the Akis are created the way they are, do they even have Liulfr in them?

Tora Collita

As you said Jahla won't get her summer coat anymore (think we can say it's because of Aedra and not Earth, right?), as she was the only one that got it and no one else. Will Piccolo also not get his winter coat then? And say it's because of Aedra? ^^


1. They use a hollow horn, collected from a sea creature. When they blow into it it makes a loud howl-ish noise. Shiverfall has this horn but only use it for dire situations. 2. The brightness of it can be lost it if they get badly sick or injured, which could make them a very easy target for night beasts. 3. Dismembered bodies can still become night beasts but the beast might look more "whole"


They can be chosen by votes from the tribes, passed down from their parents, given the role by the Jarl like Ranach gave Ronja the role, fight for it. There's many various ways a Jarl and Viscountess can be chosen.


Yes the DNA of the second gen Aki's contain a small amount of Liulfr but much less than the first gen.


I removed her summer coat since it didn't make much sense for her to be the only one with a summer coat. Piccolo will still get his winter coat


1. could humans be able to domesticate dogs like Argeirr and Finn? 2. fave romance to write? 3. whats the difference between taiga lions and zioqa?


1. I think that would be possible X) 2. Roamer and Rogio so far since it's really the only active couple at the moment, but I've got a few romances that will happen in future chapters that I've really enjoyed. 3. Anatomy mostly, Zioqas, especially the females, are much leaner. The head structure on Zioqas is different and less broad. Zioqa's only came in smooth coats as well while Taiga lions have a variety of coats.


Q&A Closed