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Spank me Senpai


Meela is going to be an interesting character. Hope we get to see her again in the future Cx


Wait, he's joining now? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Not sure if that was intentional or not

Tora Collita

I was right about that teasing XD And Meela, closest friend, or sister of Feaf? And those cubs are niece/nephew? SO MANY QUESTIONS! Back to page: Rhov's smile when Feaf roars, haha! And that Roar! That gotta be a wallpaper or on her character sheet somehow! Also Meela's smile when running away. Love it! <3


Haha my friend´s cat´s name is Mio! The cubs are adorable! ...they´d have had so much fun teasing Zilas ;-;


Mhm, meela does still seem to be a juvenile so possibly a niece herself? But they sure are adorable, all three of them <3 already in love with this tribe


I think Rhov and jahla might fall fr their partners in the end especially if the they spend so much time in one place and nt look fr the others.


Well, Rhov does like pussy...cats. Also I never noticed the reddish brown barring on his tail before.


I already am in love with this tribe - Oh my goodness. I am 1000% a cat person (I mean, I love doggies too but...) I love felines just a tiny bit more. That being said - I really am missing Zilas with a major passion lately due to this tribe's appearance. Zilas would have LOVED this tribe himself I do think. Its such a shame :'C I love these new characters (Even if they're minor on a grand scale) they are beyond adorable. I love the colours of the two smaller cubs <3 So pretty. And haha the teasing - that made me giggle just a bit. And I love the genuine smile on Rhov's face when meeting them too - Like he's truly happy in this moment and its awesome to see ^_^




Nawww, cubbies being cubs!


I would have so loved to see Zilas have found his place here ;-;


Oh, Feaf looks so embarrassed after what Meela said about Rhov being her lover, hah! And he smile and looks like he doesn't mind that option ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Yeah, I know that I see what I want to see ;) But, seriously, I like shipping Rhov and Feaf, I think they fit to each other (but the close friendship is a good option, too). And I like Jahla and Thakir as a pair, so that turn of things could make everyone happy ;) About Shiverfall - all in this tribe is beautfiul, a cats, a place where they living, all this peacuful energy, what can be feel from this page. I can't wait to know better all that cats. I hope this tribe inside looks still as beautiful like suppose to be on the first sight. I wonder what Zahira would feel if she could see this place, she maybe feel lonely living all life with only dogs, especially now, when she lost Zilas, her son and only representative of the same species. And poor Zilas, he could finally find his lady here, it's really unfair that he must died.


aaaaa these kitties are so adorable *0* I like their designs, especially twins :D


I think you improved the way you draw rhov...he becomes more similiar to Kainan,maybe because he's getting older.


I think that everyone is reminded on the good old times and the old asmundr pack,it' s good to see felines so happy playing together,with the same spirit like zilas'. A very nice page,i can't say it too often,i loooove this comic so much :3