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Dang. Kargo is hurt and angry over Roamer leaving, really acting out on his emotions right now. I hope he finds his way.


Kargo, what did you do...? Bringing them here was a fatal mistake >_


Kargo, pushing everyone away will only hurt you more.


Sigh... Kargo. I hope everything works out, but he seems to be digging a deeper and deeper hole for himself.


I notice Kargo doesn't even wear the tribe's paint. He doesn't have any intention on staying, does he. :|

Tora Collita

Ferah has every right to be angry with you Kargo. And that runestone for Vaja... Now I wonder what runes on those purple stones hanging are saying?


I really hope Kargo gets banished and Ferah stays in the tribe. She's healing from her ordeal and Kargo is just bringing more grief into her life.


the fact that he stole their stuff worries me...i hope trouble doesn't come their way because of him


Oh shit some shit gonna go down

Tora Collita

Runes on stones: V= Verja F = Fjara (this one was hard to see as it didn't look as the latest one lol) L = Lika F = Fjordor


Oh this don't seem right... I hope Kargo will not in conflict with Fjordor or worst, kill him because of impulsivity...


It really is Vajas runestone ;-; I honestly didn't expect Kargo back from his killing spree so soon. This will really become an interesting scene with all that stuff he stole and Kargo brushing everything off. Especially when Ferah and Fjordor find the scroll...


Hope he gets what's coming to him..


If it goes the way I fear the most, we are gonna have another villain...


Hmmm... It appears that Fjordor do have some feelings towards Ferah... Otherwise I can’t explain why he came to his mate’s tombstone


Kargo’s in troooouble!


HOPEFULLY Fjordor beats dat ass


Murders 2 traders and takes their shit? Yeah he's diggin that hole deep and I hope he suffers for it. Bad enough he killed them both but him taking their goods is gonna make him look even worse. He's doing this to himself and I have 0 sympathy for him.


I really dont want to think like this, but with Kargo not being in his right state of mind i feel if Ferah keeps egging and pushing him like this i fear Kargo will attack and begin a fight with Ferah and Fjordor will come rushing in and breaking everything up, before drawing his attention toward the goods that Kargo took from the two dogs he killed.. He is most likely going to be kicked out of the tribe and Ferah will not follow him for he has dug himself into a very deep hole that he will have to get himself out of, if he ever does, Kargo may possibly be another villian.


I wonder who is talking to Fjordor.. also this Kargo situation ain´t gona end well.


It's Ferah who is speaking off page to Kargo. Fjordor just happened to be in hearing range.


Oh man... This can go several ways but Kargo, you've literally dug your own grave at this point, At this point, I can agree that Kargo should be kicked out of the tribe as at this point, he's bound to bring troubles that would ruin it for Ferah and eventually Fjordor to gain a bad reputation after all he's done to build his tribe. My top and likely scenario is that Fjordor will kick him out as at this point, he's gone to the point where nothing good can come from it. Just from this page we can even see that Ferah will not tolerate him to resolving things in the old ways since they've got more to lose here than before. And as a Jarl, he has to think about his tribe even if it's not a large one at most. They'll likely start looking for Kargo once they find out what happened and Fjordor won't tolerate it and honestly, it'll do him some time to be on his own as he can see the things and others he has and appreciate them. It won't do them any good to be associated with Kargo at this point and if he even considers letting him remain, it might be more risky. Though verrrry unlikely, I have a feeling that Karo may lose his temper if those does occur and honestly he could potentially attack him in his rage.. But that's just me. Another scenario though more unlikely is that Ferah will be the only one to not take his side and Fjordor will try to fix him this but it's likely too late. I just hope Ferah doesn't get dragged down anymore as she's found a place and a potential lover that the poor girl needs a break. Though Kargo has been there for him, I know that she won't tolerate them as he had stated before that they have a fresh start but he doesn't seem to be doing as he said. It's likely going to take a lot more for him to wake up and realize things and value those as their recent breakup is clouding his thoughts though he'll soon suffer some sort of consequence. I just really hope that he doesn't end up jeopardizing the two as his actions shouldn't pull the others away from happiness and a new start.