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Tora Collita

Will the names of the fallen FG shepherds come up in pages? ;D


Was Ranach abused in any way growing up? How did he get his scar? Do you think Kargo should be held responsible for his actions? What kinds of herbs does Aedra have? How do Vildmarkens and Petites live? Do they have different lifestyles due to their size in order to survive? Are there any other Petites or Vildmarkens in any of the other tribes besides Bacheo's and MT? How would a dog use a bow if you were to have that in your comic? X) How are Akiulfr familiars chosen? Any specific requirements? Do they have any rules to follow like the guilds, no mates? Do you think a dog has enough dexterity to weave baskets using thin strips of bark or plant stems? What mixes are the Jarl and Viscountess of FG? How do you pronounce their names, what do they mean if anything, and which is which? lol Are the majority of FG and WV dogs related? Because they all look similar.


Why does the Matriarch never shows herself? She'd be taken seriously if she was the one talking and going to tribes. The Jarl and Viscountess of Flamegarde would react better if Ninmah was to say she's trying to resolve the situation with some akis causing damages. Could Thakir show his crest more? If he's "closer" to a sky god, he may get more respect. Are Jahla and Thakir going to be mates? When will you upload the next bonus page? It has been a long time since the last. Will you do some puppies lineart? :3


Was the idea of face paint taken from native american or south american culture?

Mikayla Clunk

I think the reason the Matriarch doesn't show herself is so that no one species can feel like she's showing favoritism. Plus i think if the Flamegard were aware it would actually escalate the situation as in "of course she goes easy on HER kind".


Are Chaizra and Arunzu related? Or are they mates? I NEED MORE INFO ON THEM they are so cool!! You did an amazing job with their designs and theor names are so cool too!


1. How long does it take for Thakir to fully erect/flatten his crest? 2. Does Thakir have extra energy from his crest? Since he has more light spots? 3. What traits are Thakir attracted to in a potential mate? 4. P 461/Panel 4: How could Folluin protect Jalah? He’s so small. I can’t imagine him standing a chance against a canine or feline. 5. Will we learn the names of the Traders Karo murdered? 6. How to you paint more random patterns (ex. Keirr, Axi, Flamegarde members) exactly the same each time and from different angles? 7. What is the Solar Stag Baron’s name? 8. Is he related to Lahmina? 9. Why does Ninmah leave a blue print when Ranulfr didn’t? 10. Shading turorial? :)))


1. Yes he was both mentally and physically abused. How he got his scar will be shown in the pages eventually. 2. If I ignore what I've got planned and written and look at it purely from a personal perspective, I would like that but in a way that would help him learn how to handle this anger. 3. All kinds of herbs XD 4. Tribes dominated by Vildmarkens usually live underground, Petites depend on their agility and speed to survive. Some tribes may not want members of these breeds since they don't offer much in defense, but Vildmarkens and Petites are great scouts, hunters and crafters. 5. They can hold it into place by pushing one arm against the bow and holding the string and arrow with their front teeth. The bow could have a rope attached to it that goes around the neck of the dog/cat, so that when they release the arrow, the bow won't be dropped. 6. A familiar is chosen based on how they match the personality of the other one, they should have a similar personality so that they can get along. When a hare is picked, they swear to protect and help their partner, so all other life choices like mates and such become unimportant. A hare may long for a mate at some point, but they take their job as a familiar very serious so this doesn't really affect them. 7. That may prove to be a bit difficult X) They don't have the support of thumbs, but their toes are pretty strong and can move individually so maybe with a lot of patience it can be done. 8. The tribe is fairly young and was created by the joining of two families, one Taiga gazal family and one family of Southern jaros. Both families had the ripped black and wild pattern. Arunzu- Ah-r-unzu (no idea how to explain the u sound), Chaizra- Cha-ee-zrah. Chairza is the Viscountess. Most of them are related to each other. Small tribes like that are dependant on "imports", dogs that disperse from other unrelated tribes, to keep the inbreeding percentage low.


Face paint is pretty common in most ancient cultures I think, I take inspiration from various places. For Flamegarde, it's inspired from aztec culture.


They are unrelated mates, but the tribe is small so it will be hard to avoid inbreeding in the future unless they gain more unrelated members.


1. Just a few seconds. 2. No, the energy within him is just shown clearer because of the markings on the crest. 3. Someone understanding, calm and assertive but also playful and quirky. 4. Not by physical force but with his guidance. He could maybe prevent situations where Jahla could endanger herself. 5. Maybe 6. I pay close attention to the reference sheets I have of their designs, how close the spots should be to Keirr's shoulder line for example. For complicated markings such as Chaizra's flame on her shoulder, I try to copy the marking as best as I can from the reference. 7. Faekas. 8. No. 9. Because she's the original Liulfr and was meant to be the guiding light to the rest of her kind. 10. There's a shading tutorial on the 15 tier. Just go to the Tutorial tag.


There is a set plot for Kargo already, I just like to hear the opinion from the reader (:


(1) I know you have most of the stuff worked out, but the answer Tiff got on the Kargo accountability question leads me to believe there is no plan for that. Is that correct? (2) On a side node are you taking suggestions form the #theory forest then? (3) Why no familiar for Thakir? The familiars are chosen so are they only chosen for leaders or special dogs. (4) Are the hare's even a Aedra race? There not on the bestiary. And are they a pry spices, why wold a hare willingly join a dog while it's family gets eaten in the next panel. (Jahla: “He Folluin, are there any left over from last knight” Folluin “I buried them” Jahla: “What? Why? Folluin: “For spirits sake Jahla, That was my cosine. I played with him when I was little. We used to have so much fun together and last night I watched you rip the meat of his bones. Allow me to bury what's left over” Jahla: *BARF*) (5) “All kinds of herbs” So are you gonna build a herbarium? (book of herbs).


1. No, there is a set plot for Kargo already, I just like to hear the opinion from the reader (: 2. No. 3. Only certain wolves are given a familiar, it may be because the Sky Gods want the wolf to go a certain path, or to help them achieve something that would affect the greater population. 4. They are a unique breed that originate from the world of the Sky Gods. Interesting event XD But these hares have no bond to the other species of hare/rabbits. It's just like when Jahla kills another dog, she doesn't think back "Oh that's my cousin", it was just a stranger, same goes for the hares. 5. I might make a list on the wiki of all the known herbs so far.


1. Will we see Avrun again sometime? Do you have a plans for him? I'm pretty sure he's a minor character yet, he caught my eye the first time he appeared. :) 2. Will we get to know FG better? Will it have more screentime in the future, so to speak? The only tribe we've followed along with from the beginning, is MT and we've got to know pretty much about their way of living and culture. 3. How are you doing? Sleeping well? Eating well? Stay hydrated and put your grocery cart away, keep putting some beauty back into the world, we care about you. <3


1. Only in the background, and he's a minor so there are no major plans for him. 2. Yes they will appear again. 3. I'm good X) My sleeping schedule is a lot better now finally.


If a Liulfr doesn't have a sent. Does it's poo still smell?


I was wondering if you would take kind of lineart commission, for example if we do a sketch and give it to you, would you do a clean line with it?


1. Are there any illiterate dogs/cats? 2. Kargo x Roamer or Rogio x Roamer? 3. Had Ranach had been raised under better circumstances, how do you think he would turn out? 4. Did Roamer get a chance to place Rogio's scent?


Does a female liulfr in heat leave a scent? the scent of the heat? or is there still no scent at all?


Why doesn't Ninmah go to Aki island and talk to the tribe? She has traveled before to leave glow prints far from the Capital and was unseen. She could at least restore order with her related kind?


1. There is a recessive gene that can cause a dog or cat to lack understanding and act more "feral", Argeirr is affected by this gene and so was Finn. It's very rare though. 2. I think both pairs have shared traits that could create a powerful and loving relationship. 3. Some of his traits are inherited, so he may not have been that different from how he is now, but he would probably not be as aggressive. 4. No he never got the time to do it.


Ninmah hasn't left her ship in a very long time. The paw prints that can be found were left there shortly after the arrival of the first inhabitants, since then she has been staying at her ship for safety.


1)How big is the territory inside the walls of the meteor tribe? Is it the same as the solar stag tribe or less? 2)Who lights the torches on the meteor wall? Do they do this every night? 3)Why aren't there all creatures we saw in the comic in the bestiary? 4)We will learn more about the midnightgarde tribe, about their way of life in the past and will we see the daughters of Fjordor? 5)In which chapter will we learn about the past of Rogio? His tribe. 6)When will we learn more about Thakir's crest? 7)We'll find out something more about a lone wolf? 8)Which base will be next, if it will? Thank you for answers!


1) When we first met Alva and Galti, they were there for a month too. How did they survived for so long, if they weren't inside a shield? 2) I like the concept of the familiars! Although I do wonder- why is the wolf part of this relationship considered more "free" (like, choosing a mate and doing there stuff) and the hare not? (I read your answer with they might longing for a mate but rarely chose one/wolf comes first) Isnt that some sort of slavery, in the end, just one the slaves aren't aware? I'm really confused with that, but I distrust the sky gods anyway (too many bad choices on them), so that could be a thing, too? 3) The sky gods didnt knew about the NB, but Ninmah did, why didn't she told them? (Since she make the foodprints to be save for them). I mean ofc it could be she is more grey then we know of by now *thinking* XD


1. It's a lot smaller than the Solar Stag territory, it can be seen on the map. 2. The guards, and they are lit each night to ensure that the territory is safe. 3. Mostly because I'm too lazy to add them, I will get to it at some point X) 4. A bit more about them will be known but not much more as most of the crucial parts of their past has been told already. Spoiler question about the daughters. 5. Spoiler question. 6. There's really not much else to know about it except for it's origin. 7. Yes. 8. KingsHall Hound


1. They could have realized early on that keeping a fire lit at night will keep them safe from the ghouls. 2. It's not slavery since the hares aren't forced to do this. If they had any objections to being chosen, they wouldn't be a good pick anyway. Only the ones that want to dedicate their lives to protect the wolf will be chosen. 3. More on this will be revealed in the future.


1. Would the night beasts appear if there were to be a solar eclipse? XD 2. (How) Do dogs save their meat over the days to make sure it doesn't go bad? 3. What traits are Roamer attracted to? 4. Do u think Aki/Liu tails are annoyingly heavy for them?


I have a lot of questions but might ask more later I just don't know how to say the others. x3 But my big question is....does Vandi sort of dislike/hate Rogio now? Rogio could've turned things around and maybe even helped captured Ranach if he had gone that night. The sight of him could have made Ranach stop in his tracks and perhaps even saved Fuss or Jonna from getting killed since it appear Ranach wasn't too far away from the scene. (i'm not entirely sure if Rogio would've prevented them from dying or not but it's a nice thought if his presence was enough to have Ranach tell Avanti to stop).


No she doesn't because she understands that Rogio was mentally abused by Ranach. Rogio was "mentally bound in chains" and was unable to go against Ranach and his father. Rogio couldn't get outside of the walls because of his fear of seeing Ranach again and what that may do to him.


1. Yes o.o 2. They salt the meat and pack it up somewhere cold. 3. Honest, playful, confident, experienced are some of them 4. Aki tails aren't that heavy and the tail bone is very strong, but a fully grown Liulfr tail can become troublesome to constantly keep up, hence why Ninmah drags hers most of the time X)


How moist did you get after bathing the pupper today?


How do the Flamegarde dogs pierce their ears? Do they use their fangs or some kind of needles/pointy objects?


I see on the wiki it's Summer on Aedra? "Year 0030 / Sárr Máni / Summer" So will Jahla go back to her light summer coat?


I decided to remove her summer coat design since the beginning of Home, it's just easier that way and makes more sense since no other character has a summer design.


How were the 2nd gen Akis "born"? Were they birthed from normal dogs and taken away, or biologically engineered in some kind of lab?


What do u think would happen if the dogs stayed on earth would there be a chance of them being captured and domesticated by the humans?


I don’t know if this had been thought out (not your fault if you haven’t because I am MORBID sometimes), but do you know how the SS or other tribes would actually execute canines or felines if such a practice was carried out (besides MT’s former sacrifice because jc poor Rogio, I hope that practice is down the drain by now in other places, if it was even a thing in other tribes in the first place). Thank my brain for this question X)


For us to domesticate these dogs and cats would be like trying to domesticate people from 3,000 BC. They are so human and advanced that the species would probably clash far too much for them to coexist


Biologically engineered with DNA taken from various dogs


How many time left until Ronja gives birth? <3 If i wish to ask you a custom design, is it too late for this month?


1. So I do recall seeing somewhere in the comments in the past that you plan to make another comic and if you do, would it be entire different from this or would it follow the third generation (Roamer, Keirr, etc)? 2. Would you ever consider making a bonus of Vandi and Fuss' last moments together or how they met and fell in love? 3. How far out is Home planned so far? (With the finer details) 4. Going back to the MT when Fuss and Jonna were given their ceremony, who wrapped their bodies? Been curious for a while ha 5. Are certain members aware of the Aki breed? Looking back to page 428, the Lead Bounty Hunter doesn't seemed very shocked at their sight and seems almost use to it as well as one of the guards on one of the recent pages. With the exception of the Viscountess and Baron of course, are the S.S members aware of her existence or is it only a few individuals who know about her true identity?


Who do you think would win in a cowboy duel? Me or you? X)


Some tribes may not cause any actual injuries to kill someone off, they could use herbs that has a euthanasia effect, spirits or something else. But there are tribes that are brutal with their executions, similar to how MT did it.


1. I'm not sure yet, a lot can change throughout the years and I will have to see where my interest lies then. I will always be making comics though 2. It's something I can consider doing. 3. The entire plot is planned while minor plots and details are fleshed out as time goes. 4. Vigr and Javo 5. Most tribes are aware of the Aki's and tales of how they look spread after that lone wolf raided a bunch of tribes. No one knows who Jahla exactly is though except for the Matriarch.

Tora Collita

Some Flamegarde questions: 1. Was Anzi the Lead shepherd's daughter or one of the others? 2. Are the other shepherds related somehow to eachother or the Jarl and Viscountess? 3. Will we get to know more how the FG are related` with one another?


1. Lead shepherd 2. Most of them are related one way or another, there's no inbreeding in the tribe yet though. 3. Yes but it may not be shown a lot in the actual pages


What is the phenotype of most of the Flamegarde dogs? they're pretty :3


About ranach, if the tribe was still under his control and Ronja had his pups would he breed with his own pups when they came of age ?


Dunno if this has been asked before but will there be any female couples?


Very unlikely since it was his father that decided who bred with who.


The slits get a bit bigger to cover more of the forehead


How do you decide what parts of the story get "skipped" in the illustration? For example, Ninmah tells Jahla she has an offer for her but then we don't hear whar it is on the assumption it will be explained later. How do you decide the things that work to skip away from, since not everything can be drawn?


For the scenes with Ninmah introducing Jahla to the offer, it was easy to cut at that part and move to the next scene, since that offer has a big cliffhanger feeling to it. Other scenes may be more difficult to know if it's fitting to cut it and bring it up at a later date. I find that if there's a heavy feeling or emotion linked to the scene and dialogue that takes place, I rather not cut it off since that can ruin the atmosphere that I want to give the reader, instead I try to keep it seemless until the scene has come to a completion.