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Oh Jahla :( And I really feel for this tribe


All the dogs from that tribe are very beautiful. Hopefully they will let this go, although I understand why they feel this way.

Tora Collita

Names! And background character I see behind them as well! And I feel for Jahla... She wants to apologize for what happened, as it was self defense... I wonder what kind of exploration they got, in what words... Also, adore the Viscountess ears! And look at those earrings. ^^


Jarl Arunzu looks very big and intimidating :o I wouldn't want to confront him!


Aww you can see tears in the Viscountess' eyes...


Oml jez ... qnq I love the vicountesss xD she is cute xD Idk these dogs reminds of native Americans idk why xd w the paint and all so awesome




It was self defence..


Psht. Go ahead and try to kill the wolves and see what happens. I understand the tribe is feeling loss, but so? If tables were turned and they had killed the wolves, then what? Its only okay for them to attack the wolves, but not okay for the wolves to fight back? Don't be mad that you lost. Don't start fights with strangers next time.


Aw, the viscountess' tears.. The dogs that attacked Jahla and Thakir had very similar head markings to these 2, I'm thinking that Jahla might have killed their sons and that's why they're extra upset. Or it could be that all the dogs have similar markings 🤔


i love lahmina!! but i also cant help but feel bad for the viscountess. the tears in her eyes... but in all honestly jahla did what she had to do.


I just love their designs. This tribe is so beautiful!


When I try to view it, my phone keeps saying "unsupported file"


i love those designs <3


This exactly - I don't feel any kind of bad for this tribe - maybe not just charge in without thinking things through first.


I feel no sympathy for this tribe; sure it sucks they lost members, but its their fault. They should've tried to talk to them before just rushing in, in blind rage (For whatever reason) and attack someone who didn't do anything to you. They went about this all the wrong way. You should NEVER attack someone who is of no direct threat to you. If Jahla was acting aggressive towards them, and they felt threatened then yes I could've understood it, but no. Its not okay to pick fights with people without cause. It was self defense enough said. Like someone said above - and what if Jahla would've just stood there and let them kill both her and Thakir (Not that anyone would actually let them do that)? Then what? Its okay for them to want to kill the "Wolves" but not okay for the wolves to defend themselves. I'm sure 100% in fact, that Jahla didn't intend on killing them, only injuring them; those fangs are the bane to her existence I'm sure of it. And so it couldn't be helped. But if you attack someone they're surely going to defend themselves I just don't understand how this is being overlooked. This tribe is full of stupids (Sorry not sorry) - Be level headed and logical you'll get further in life chaps lol. They are indeed a beautifully designed tribe, but beauty doesn't make you smart. Beautiful but not very up there as far as intelligence goes XD But maybe that's how they're suppose to be. More wild and primitive? Maybe? Its the only thing I can think of that makes any sense :P


Well, they did kill a Nova from that tribe. This situation could've been approached differently. Confronting yes, but not with killing the Akis as first option... But we don't know much about them yet. Maybe they already had bad encounters with other "wolves" before


I get the impression that she might have been a relative of one of them but we might find out in the future ^^


I love how calm and diplomatic Lahmina is being about this whole situation, she's probably dealt with this so many times that's not too unfamiliar to her. Jahla obviously feels bad for what she did, but it was out of self defence. If the Shepherds had stopped to talk this out rather than recklessly attack they would not had suffered any losses in the first place, then again, Jahla and Thakir did kill the Nova antelope without realising it belonged to someone, so the whole mess started with that.


I'm glad to hear that they were heard and it was indeed self defense as Jahla and Thakir really didn't do anything that could have provoked the F.G to act so hostile to them in the first place. If she had killed them with murderous intent, she would have killed them all there and then but only killed two to defend herself and Thakir and I'm glad it's not her siding just because they're Aki's either. And wow, was definitely not expecting a Taiga at all honestly xD The Viscountess gives me that Vandi vibe so it'll be interesting to see if that's the case or not since the Jarl seems very up front so it'd be an interesting mix. As for Chazira's tears... I know that depending on the tribe, they may just be close to all of them in general as that is their role to guide them (and know them) but I get the feeling that the shepherd that spoke to Jahla might have been their offspring. It is a wild guess but the one who passed away last does have a half masked face just like both of them (more like the Viscountess) and does posses a similar shade to the Arunzu's eyes and that would be why Chaizra seems so hurt by Lahmina's words. It would also be more logic on why Arunzu is more hostile if it is his offspring that Jahla ended up killing because to be honest, who wouldn't be? He likely would have still had strong feelings about the two being released if it had been a tribe member in general but I feel that their response is much more deeper and for a reason. And I wouldn't be surprised if they then decided to take matters into their own paws if it was indeed one of their pups that was killed... @.@


To think all this crap started over one Nova they had killed for food that belonged to FG.. Theyhad plenty they could let one go for them not to starve.


Ah, the classic 'I like my leader until they do one thing I don't like' mentality.


Am I the only one wondering where that territory they go to might be? A place that is not yet occupied but close enough that laminah can escort them. It could even be asmundr territory. I'm starting to wonder if the offer jahla took includes raising a pack too, weird as it may be since they are not exactly mates.


U g h. Does the Jarl not know that 2 wrongs don't make a right? Whether or not you execute Jahla And Thakir, your shepherds are still dead.


Funny how Jahla and Thakir should be killed when FG attacked them first. è-é Hopefully the viscountess will mention that.


AH Lahmina is gorgeous!


Arunzu is such a dick. xD