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Oh Fuss, but your family. And Rogio's fear. Poor guy.


This isn't going to go well... Between Fuss and Fremja, I think that if something should happen, it'll fall on Fuss since it seems he's the one who would be the "shield" of the group ;~;


I cant pinpoint why but Vigr and Javo's behavior there kind of disgust me XD. So judgemental of everyone but when it's time to actually work "not my job, that plan is stupid. Not making efforts". The look of vigr especially feels like a "shes stupid whatever". Awesome page overall :)


Yeah I can't tell if they're acting as you described or deciding if they finally need to buck up

Tora Collita

Someone, or a few, are gonna die... That look on Rogio when Roamer volonteer... Heartbroken. But well done Roamer for speaking up. And what's with the looks Vigr and Javo give eachother? Now I get suspicious of them.


Time for a witch Hunt! ... One of the favs might die. :(


My thoughts as well. Vigr was the one who clearly favored Ronja over Ranach. And still he sits kinda secluded with Javo, giving me the impression right now that he disapproves of everything. But I'm not sure as well... I get why they don't want to go out and look for Ranach though. Especially Vigr who lived in the MT for so long.


Where's Galti? He's not present for this page. I assume he's on guard duty.


Vigr is old, 9 years if I remember correctly, and I think he just needs more time to warm up to Roamer. He isn't brutal or cold like Ulfr, but he's seen some shit during his life in MT, and it has hardened him, so it's just natural he is suspicious about Roamer. Though you're right, he could try to get know with Roamer, but maybe he will, someday :)


Maybe Vigr is just like "who the hell goes to night to seek a crazy murderer when there are night beasts as well, with a male who we don't know?"


If he was hesitant about joining Roamer on this mission I wouldn`'´t even say a thing because I wouldn´t be too eager myself to do something that dangerous with someone I don´t know. This isn´t even about Roamer though and he still seems so reluctant. But like I said, I can´t hold it against him x) Ranach is capable of everything and he knows that. But yeah, hopefully he'´ll warm up to Roamer when he sees him fight for the tribe :)


It indeed cant really be about Roamer because it is panels before Roamer even react, sooo.. hmmm


I actually like Vigr. I think he has good potential. Like y'all said, he has just seen some shit. I have high hopes for a good turn around from him. But i just noticed how that sit away from the rest. Purposefully distancing themselves. I wonder what they are thinking.


Rogio is gonna be a good strategic way to catch Ranach for surprise.


The highlights on this page are so pretty.


Roamer wants revenge for what Ranch done to Ronja and Zilas (his feline friend). That is why he is participating in the search to find him. Rogio is so predictable because it seems like he does not want to go and find the dog who done him wrong. Come on Rogio, man up already. For Javo and Vigir, they are acting very strange. They are acting rude as if they do not care for the Novas or the fact how their home is at risk. They better not start anything stupid like betraying anyone in the tribe.


I am so proud of my little girl Ronja. :D

Tora Collita

I'm never been a fan of "man up" saying. Males have feelings to and are allowed to show it.


I agree with Tora on that, plus Rogio is suffering from crippling depression. We're talking about a dog who betrayed him and basically "murdered" him. You can't just "man up" and go wobble in the woods to find that person/dog like it's nothing. It's not how the brain works. Rogio's not a "hero", and it doesn't make of him a lesser dog. There's nothing wrong into being weak after what he went through.


Alba and Vandi arent either. Those two with the pup im sure.