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Ask any questions regarding the comic Home, Patreon or art in general. (:    



Michelle Koenders

Hey there! Which is more difficult to draw? Canines of felines?


Is Roamer missing being outside to roam already as he did with Kargo and Ferah ?


Felines, I have less experience when it comes to them (:


Not as much. He began to warm up to the idea of settling in after joining Midnightgarde (:


I can't follow in "Home" why the creation of the Akulufr wasn't planned by the Gods? Didn't the Gods want or expect Lifa to mate with Ranulfr? As far as I can remember, they explained Kainan about the power of a Shield Wolf combined with the social abilities of the dogs? So why does Lifa say that their creation wasn't planned, especially when the Gods bred other Akulfr in the background to create the Oigion Orion Tribe?


I've been trying to think of a question that hasn't been asked before. This was what I thought of: is the Flamegarde Tribe the opposite of the Meteor Tribe that consisted of females being dominate and males the low ones? I remember way back someone took part in a contest on DA that had an all female dominate tribe like Amazonians. Is that them or are they a different tribe?


Summoning evil spirits doesn´ t sound like the thing you´ d learn in pup pre-school. How did Ranach know which 'spell' and what kind or shrine to build to call Avantifegr? are there secret scrolls or is that a secret passed down from leader to leader?


Will we see a lesbian couple in the future? And if you don't mind me asking, what art programs do you use to make the Home comic? ^^


Do all Novas have the same glowing pattern or does it vary?


Father explained that Lifa was used as a tool to try and take control of Ranulfr, but they didn¨t expect for them to actually fall in love and produce offspring. But they embraced what happened, and saw the positive side of the mix, a wolf breed that is more adaptable to a social culture. The other Aki's weren't created until later, to not let the breed go extinct. I'm aware that this wasn't explained very well in the Asmundr pages.


I think the all female tribe is either the Ivory or Bone. But don't take my full word on it 🤔


It's often passed down through each generation, but few know of how to raise dark spirits, as it is a practice that is frowned upon.


Is there a reason why you deleted them ? :/ Are they gone forever / we will never be able to get them anymore ? Where is the shaded jaro ? :o I don't find anything on patreon or your DA?


- Is Meg named (or helped naming) any of Asmundr or Home characters? - When Novas have mating season? - Is there arranged marriages between tribe members/tribes? Or slavery and slave trading? - Do you have any favorite design/character from minor characters?


How does it feel as a creator looking back at your work with Asmundr to the amount of development you've put into Home? As somebody who has watched your progress I am genuinely overwhelmed at how far you've come. You really are the top provider for online webcomics around ♡


- I don't think she's helped name anyone, but I might have forgotten. - Spring season. - Can't answer that. - Fraujar I think


Glad you think so <3 It's hard for me to look back today without getting annoyed at the quality of the art, writing and general layout of the pages X) But if I put that aside, I'm proud I've come this far.


I think it was mentioned a while ago that Akis use their headlights for communication and organization during hunting. I thought of this again during the most recent page - can they control how the lights on their head glow for communication purposes, or do the lights just signal where other Akis in a hunting party are? Thank you, and keep up the great art! <3


They can't control it, but they can use the light to help them see each other during a hunt (:


Yay, question time! XD Alright. Got a few questions this time: 1- Will we be seeing the spirit that Ranach tried to summon in this chapter or the upcoming one? 2- Looking at the character's information on the Wiki site, I was wondering that let's say by chance that Aira finds someone, can she still have pups? I am aware that she is one of the oldest dogs on Adrea but Ranach's dad (forgot his name) also had pups at a somewhat old age if I'm correct. Since you know, her body is still physically young. Just a random thought though xD 3- Can some of the dogs have double ranks as to say? More specifically in the MT. Since Jonna is the Artisan which isn't used too often from what I can see, is she also able to carry a more "active rank" or will she just help but only really remain as an Artisan for the tribe? 4- Just wondering on when we can expect the next NSFW page? 5- Might be a spoiler but will our lovely sisters ever find someone in the future? 6- Any possible idea of what month you might be opening for commissions once again? I was too late to steal a spot ;-; P.S: Not really a question but for the $15 pledge, maybe update the info on what the rewards are? Since the custom design is still placed under it. xD


1. On page 374-375, Ulfr does not seem sure that he would want to harm the others except for Ronja. Does this mean he have sympathy for them although he was casted out by Fuss and the others? 2. When Roamer came back to the Midnightgarde Tribe, I realize that Jarl Fjordor was not in one of the panels. Does he know that Roamer and Rogio are now in the MT and knows that the tribe is a happy place? 3. Maybe this question was answered before, but what did Roamer mean when he told Kargo, as qouted: "I hope that you will find your way one day..."? Is there suppose to be something more to Kargo's life instead on running away from the MT?


1. This chapter 2. Yeah she can. Their body will never weaken, it's only their mental health they have to worry about. 3. Yeah that's possible, Thakir was Baron and Priest in the Orion tribe. 4. After I've completed and posted the non-mature page. Not sure when that will be, it depends on how busy I am with commissions. 5. Can't answer sorry 6. I'm not sure since I don't know when I will finish the current list of requests. Custom designs are open for the 15 pledge so that is correct (:


1. He doesn't really feel sympathy for them, but he's been loyal to the tribe for a long time and has known some of the males for a while, and wouldn't like having to end their lives. The only reason he would like to keep some of the females alive is because he knows a tribe needs females in order to grow. 2. Fjordor knows, he wasn't seen as he's a semi-minor character, and I wanted the focus to be on the trio only. We will see him again though as we go back to look at how Ferah and Kargo are coping with the loss of Roamer. 3. Roamer wants Kargo to succeed and find his place in life.


1. Will you be releasing shaded Jaro bases? 2. Why don’t you make those character charts anymore? They were really cool. 3. How did you create the old character charts? Was it done in photoshop? 4. Would you be willing to do a tutorial on how the old character charts were done? 5. Will you share the weight ranges of different breeds on the bestiary? 6. How tall is Raun and how much does he weigh? He looks very big! 7. Will you release a tutorial on how to paint brindle and merle coats? 8. On the “short coat” layer of the Steppe Gazal, the paint does not show up. I’ve run into the issue on some of the other bases as well. Do you know what the problem might be? 9. Do you ever browse DeviantArt to look at other’s OC of your lines? I’ve done several OC’s of my own and am still creating more. It would be an honor to know that you have seen them and maybe even liked them! You are an amazing artist! :)


I also have a next question. On page 402, Fjall seems kind of worried. When he grunted, was he warning our beloved Ronja to get out of the stable because the other Novas were going to attack her or was he afraid by thinking Ronja came to eat him?


That's an interesting question because in one panel it looks like he's trying to get the other Novas away from her


1. Yes. 2. Because I use the wiki now, and there's no need for a chart. 3. Photoshop 4. Not sure. 5. I don't think so. 6. He's around 85cm. 7. Maybe if I get some spare time. 8. You will have to be more specific, which layer are you trying to paint on? To add color and markings, create a layer below the shading, disable the solid white layer to see the painting. 9. I don't browse dA much anymore, if you would like to share something it's best to use the comic's Discord, as I'm very active there (:


Will the Northern Jaro and Liulfr bases be posted on here?


Is it possible Ull do a wolf lineart or can we use s. Jaro s as that?


The base can only be used for the breeds they were meant for.


The northern jaro will be once I've updated the shading layer, not sure about the Liulfr

Tora Collita

Who will be on focus in next chapter? ^^


Is Felidae born with her short tail or was it cut by an accident ?


If the comic was ever animated what voice actors would you cast and for which character x) personally I think Robbie Daymond would be a good one for Roamer


On page 401 in the last panel. Roamer told the female guard that he is disappointed in himself for his history. What does he mean by that? Please be so kind to explain. Thanks again. This will be my last question.

Tora Collita

If not too late: What tribe does Treyu belong to? As we know the other Guild members' tribes I mean. ^^


So I just remembered out of the bloom. Do Jahla and Thakir still have scents or is that just exclusively to the Liulfr? Since depending on this, it may give them the advantage to slip away after what just happened 🤔


Do you like Ranach? :)


I do (: He's got a lot of depths and secret chambers within his personality. He's not a villain simply because he likes being bad. And he's one of the top characters I enjoy writing about the most, mostly because of his way of thinking, what causes him to act that way, what he's longing for, what's hurting him. He causes a lot of heartache, but just for a split second, may slip up and reveal his own, before quickly returning back to his shell where he feels safe.


My last question will be can you answer or give to any hints if their will be break ups or get togethers in the near future?


I can't give a very detailed answer, but there will be some new relationships


When ulfr got into it wit Jonna after the meeting, what did the males hope Ronja would do, I never understood that scene quite well to me she handled it fine


Are we still able to ask or is it too late for another question? xD


It's closed. The next QA will be open at the end of this month (: