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Another milestone <3










Huh, Roamer's looking... concerned? Unhappy? Something's bothering him, but it's hard to say what.

Tora Collita

Lil' Petal!!! It's so lovely to see the entier family. &lt;3 Agree with Rogio, Roamer looks handsome in that paint (and so does Rogio himself)! But... Roamer, what's on your mind? You look kinda sad in that last panel? Was it because you did accept being a Baron? Tell me Roamer. And congrats for the 400th page!


Is it just me or does Akleja kind of look like a puppy version of Kargo? :3


Oh no. What is he brooding about now lol


I thought the same thing from the moment I first saw her... Right now her coat color is so similar to Kargo's and I can't figure out why... They're not related, afaik. But, this is her puppy fur; the color and markings might completely change once she gets older, and by then she may not look like Kargo at all. At any rate, she is definitely adorable! &lt;3


I wonder if Roamer is thinking about Rogio’s past relationship with Ranach, but isn’t sure how to bring it up. Or... maybe he’s feeling that urge to go somewhere, that familiar desire to roam.


Ah. Routines. Roamer's worst enemy. The Guild would suit him, though he'd have to give up romantic companionship... It's only been 2 days, you keep your butt sittin' boi! &gt;:(


she is daddys girl




Congratulations Kique :D


Maybe Roamer is still thinking about the rest of his family if they´ re safe etc. or maybe that bad breakup with Kargo. In any case Happy 400 pages!! You rock Kique


Congrats to 400 pages! :D Vandi, Fuss and the lil Petal (adorable nickname!) are the cutest family x3 And I guess Roamer is having a rough time with routine?


A quick theory: what if Jahla and Thakir come to MT? If some of them will die because Ranach (I HOPE THEY'LL NOT ;A;), Jahla and Thakir would join to them, at least temporarily..?


no kidding! Haha so much for taking their time to decide.


I love Rogio in the 6th panel. So cheerful and upbeat. He is able to feel at home in the tribe now with the worst of them gone and in a more peaceful state of mind than he ever was with Ranach and under that line of rule. He will adjust to the life very easily I think, but Roamer has never had a regular life about anything for long. He has a lot to think about, his lie so far, the upcoming things like Ronja's pups, finding the family, the inevitable dealing with Ranach, etc. Congrats on the great milestone! 400 beautiful pages of amazing story.




Ahhh I look at her and think she's so precious and adorable.. but I also know about Ranach and his schemes and my only thoughts now are someone in this family, whether it be Fuss, his mate or his child will end up dying in this, along with a few other characters in the tribe, depending on what kind of spirit this is that could very well be the case, the one who could bring spirits back wanted Ranach's ''innocent loved ones'' which were his pups and this spirit.. from the sounds of it will be one who hates beautiful things, an assumption made based on it's name's meaning and what Ranach said alone while trying to summon it... If it's missing beauty or misnamed for something ugly, it'd be very likely that it would hold a grudge or jealousy towards beautiful things... and beauty can be covered by many means. A peaceful life, a loving family, a newborn child, looks, personality.. there's a lot of possibilities here if this spirit does end up being the envious type though.

Michelle Koenders

Seeing Roamer with Meteor paint is kinda surreal.


This is making me so stressed. Please take anyone except for the puppy ;-;


Roamer having Meteor paint is ironic isn't it? One minute he was against them, the next he's joining them, but of course its for Ronja.


I wonder what is on Roamer's mind. He does not seem happy in the last panel.