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Music: "Tony Anderson- Face of the Father" Page 397+

Can be found on Spotify and the Home soundtrack.

I finally got wifi! We struggled for three days to get it to work, IT didn´t get back to us, mom´s boyfriend couldn´t help after trying for hours. Been up since 7am to try to fix it and it finally worked after our landlord came by to help. All hail Jim!




Whoa, very unexpected and all the more awesome! Love how the crest looks <3


Oh goodness!!!! So good! Cool to finally see the preview from before. Way to keep the mystery because of course I thought it was father!! Wow I can't wait to see where this development goes I'm so excited for a new layer of the Akis. Also I love how Jahla just jumps on him and plays with them. So cute and curious!


Hail Jim! Hope you're settled in your new home. Fantastic page, definitely didn't see it coming!


well doesn't he look fashionable. I hear blue glow thingys are all the rage.


I agree wit her he’s a jealous type of wolf smh


What the fuck. Shiny crest.


I can't tell if that is just fur (set up similar to a cockatoo crest) or actual flesh spines... if it's flesh spines how exactly would that work? I can't think of any mammals with something like that... only fish and lizards and theirs are more analogous to fur bristlings.


Hail Jim the almighty lord of Wi-Fi! Wow, Thakir, that was unexpected! But it suits him to look a bit godlike as the priest he used to be :D and he can just smooth out his crest? I'd have the most fun with that if I was him. Imagine him being cornered by some dogs and he goes *pling* I'm the light crested, bow to me peasants xD


That crest makes Thakir look fine af

Tora Collita

YAY FPR WI-FI!! Hail Jim! And oooooooo! That's the teaser we got so long time ago! Never expected that!! Now that makes me curious about the other Akis now! And I believe Jahla on what she thinks of her brother... And can Thakir control that glowing on the neck and rise it up and down? Looks almost like it here. Can't wait to see and learn more!!! Would be pretty interesting if the 2nd gen akis got it. As it shows after 2 years? Reminds me of Lifa and her mark, what Ranulfr told her about the mark will be visible for everyone to see once she turn 2.


That's super exciting! can't wait to know if all the new aki's have this ability! also hail Jim! what a nice landlord


He looks beautiful qnq


Chest marking is missing ;)


Reminds me of their talk about how they're "still evolving" we didn't know he was probably thinking of this when he said it


I think Jealous is a bad word for that. To me, it seems like Roghir is AFRAID of it. I mean, he's the Jarl and someone below him has this abnormal mutation, that isn't of anyone else, and is of one of the God's they worship - who made them... Perhaps he was scared that the crest could MEAN something, was powerful, and Thakir was a much more powerful individual than he was himself? Maybe he was afraid that, with this mutation, Thakir would take over. Perhaps he saw it as a threat and wanted to get rid of said threat? If you remember, the green dog that attacked Roghir ALSO had those, and they look very similar to Thakir's... just not green... perhaps he's still somewhat traumatized or something..? Or perhaps afraid that there's a shared connection there? I don't think he's jealous though... perhaps a LITTLE, in the stance where he see's someone below him looking god-like, while HE, the leader, doesn't have many attributes... I can see the jealousy there but to me it makes more sense that he's intimidated/scared rather than jealous and stuff. Very interesting turn of events, though...


Oh my gosh it suits him so well QnQ how beautiful! It's so sad to see tht look on his face he clearly sees it as a burden :( how does it work? I would think at first it acts like basic fur, standing up when he is frightened or enraged, but it would have popped up sometime already then... Maybe thats why he had that priest-robe? I dont remember if it reached up on his neck though... Oooh its such a twist! I agree with jahla rohgir is just jealous, he already has a severe god-complex...


It seems to me that this crest is more like feathers, than fur.. Just can't imagine long fur be standing like that xD


I wonder how life first started out for them when they first met rohgir I wonder how did he get arwia, was it love or did he just claim her as his for a specific reason? And I also think jahla should update thakir about the shield wolves and her family as well so he knows the truth cause I really do think rohgir has just built their hope and faith on lies and when they go to the mainland or anywhere where the dogs are they’re goin to be expecting to be respected and honored when their most likely just goin get the opposite reaction and be wondering why.


I would bet they will both be sharing a lot of information with each other. Thakir may know those things, and Jahla probably will share the truth. Thakir knows there's more to the story now.


This is so awesome ahhh. Also, panel 5, I think it would be better to say "when someone begins to look more like" rather than just begin. Might be a typo too


Damn kids and their crazy hair-doos!


The 4th panel is soo cute!! Jahal looks so curious. Would love to have a wallpaper of it.


Ffffffff that's so cool!


This page simply has so many goodies thrown in it! First off, like many, I'm curious to see if this is only something that's appearing on certain individuals, all or just on Thakir. Because if it's not just him, would his sister also be one to possibly inherit it? And I love (and I'm guessing, not yet confirmed) that he has the ability to control of when to show them and when not to. This could also help him survive on the island (though as Kique stated, not just because of the light but the light energy itself) and it would in a way also make him as a threat on the island (get the feeling they might run into others soon and might not be so good) due to having an advantage and being already a more adaptive and larger breed than others :3 This itself is a major plot timeline *adds dramatic music to background* The mane itself does raise many questions. Is it something exclusive to the Akiulfr? Or is this something different... It's just a wild guess, but what if this means that he has more DNA from the gods? It's a possibility as the Gods had more control over the second generation and such and like Jahla said and referring a bit to Khellir, this new generation is closer to them. I feel as there might be a chance that he could potentially become one of them as Khellir did previously state when Raimo confronted him that they weren't many of them. Whatever is happening to the Gods at the moment, I wouldn't be too surprised if they slowly either began to take over the Akiulfr gen or slowly make more of themselves if that makes sense? Considering everything, maybe whatever is happening is turning him into a possible guardian??? (pgs 237, 252). Again, just my thoughts as this is pretty open to anything until we get more details haha. This also brings up another point. Might be another longshot, but maybe the water in the shrine also had to do with it? Either being exposed to it for a long period of time or also his rank? And finally, I agree with many that Roghir is afraid as this is all new and not something seen, or at least just for him if he's the only one who's spoken out at this point. The unknown typically tends to allow fear to drive them so it might be that. Not only was he given the responsibility of taking care of the next generation but I also fear that he may soon either feel that he was a failure in the God's eyes if he can't "control" the tribe or that he and his siblings are being left behind and in the end, the roles will reverse. That being said, I don't think that he'd hesitate to banish others if it also appears and if it is the case that everyone has it, then he will be following in his father's footsteps? It'd be a very interesting cliche to see Roghir have everything he worked so far to do and not being open minded or accept the fact that not everything is going to go as he expected and have the tables turned on him and then him being seen as the "traitor" if you will, especially if word gets out that he is exiling those that are a bit different. He seems more afraid of the change than anything and now it 's Jahla who is the more mature one (if my wording is good enough) at this point and accepting as there are many things that are unknown. Who knows. Maybe as it was said: "I found myself. And here I stand in your place". If things keep up how they are in the Origin Orion, I wouldn't be surprised if Rohgir is left standing alone while Jahla is able to open his eyes and realize that the way he's doing things is not for the best of the tribe and have the support of the tribe instead *runs off*


I feel Rohgir saw it as a threatens to his authority. The pack might have turned to follow someone with more likeness to the Gods. Being a priest however I feel if would be the "proof" they wanted to feel closer to the Gods had they seen it. At least until later generations sported the same feature. I just think the crest is so cool....


I totally ship Thakir and Ronja, idk why but I do. Its my crack ship


Yeah you would think the guy given to be the priest is the one who /should/ resemble a connection to the gods. The Sky Gods are probably like; Roghir stap.... he's supposed to... you don't.... ugh


Jealous is incorrectly spelled. (i'm sorry lol)