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Just how do you manage to express emotions in a sketch so incredibly well? can´t wait for the finished page <3


Ronja feeling guilty about Zila's death since it's her who unconsciously led him to his death ?

Tora Collita

Ronja looks sad... And Roamer a bit surprised...


Those expressions! I just can't get over how you manage to do them so beautifully!


Probably. Both Ronja *and* Roamer played a part in Zilas’ death though, though unintentionally. Ronja described her friends to Ranach, foolishly and naively believing that she loved him, and that she could trust him, and Roamer told Jahla, Rhov, Keirr, and Zilas that they could stay at the Lonely Village, even though he himself led a false trail right by there; AND, he knew Kargo killed Savas near that area, even opting to leave his dead body visible. So... I’d say they’re both feeling their share of guilt for Zilas’ death; though in Roamer’s case, he has mostly moved past his own guilt, and knows it’s not really healthy to keep blaming himself for something that wasn’t entirely under his control, thanks to his talk with Rogio, so... maybe he’ll now have a similar talk with Ronja?


Ronja looks like she’s feeling guilty over Zilas’ death, knowing she unintentionally played a part in it. She might even be lamenting to Roamer about being pregnant by the monster that killed her friend, the monster she thought she loved, and could trust... she’s probably telling him how foolish and naive she was, and now Zilas is dead, because of it. On Roamer’s end, he looks surprised, though also sympathetic and understanding... he probably didn’t realize that Ronja really thought she was in love with Ranach, and that she *willingly* mated with him. He might also be thinking, once more, about his own unintentional part that he played in Zilas’ death; as, even though the talk with Rogio helped, I’m sure it didn’t completely absolve all his own guilt and self-blame (the same guilt and self-blame that it now appears Ronja is having, and is expressing to Roamer). Looks like these two friends really need to have a heart-to-heart talk.


This sketch is beautiful btw. Meant to say so before. <3


Not sure if I'm remembering this right but doesn't Roamer think Zilas died in a hunting accident?

Cynthia Stimpson

He learned from Rogio on the way to the Meteor tribe after he found out Ronja was there.