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I love all the small details in the background like fireflies and toppled over tree! And your expressions are ever improving, they´ re getting so dynamic you can almost see the movement in their reactions.

Tora Collita

Nawwww... So adoroble!! So mature andwell handle by all 3 of them! Gotta love this trio of friends (even though 2 are dating)! None is left out. ^_^


Something bad is about to happen...


This chapter's called Verge cause Kique always makes us sit on the verge of our seats.


Also I have a feeling that this conversation is going to lead to Ronja's upcoming pups.


is she taking him to the place she made for zilas


Ronja is taking this really well, it shows how far she's come since the start of the comic.


I get the feeling she is going to ask him to become Jarl and lead with her.


I love Roamer but he's definitely not fit for decision making.


I really REALLY want to pet Ronjas ears or see them bouncing in the wind when she runs or trots xD


I'd see Roamer as a caretaker honestly xD Taking care of all the pups like that golden retriever looking blonde female


That would be Alva. ^^ I would love to see Roamer romping around with the little ones. He has childish energy that could easily connect with them, however, I'd see him more as a herbalist or something more than a caretaker. For one, offspring is quite uncommon in the MT, due to the fertility thing. And two being because Herbalists get to travel and, as we could see so far, Roamer likes to 'roam.' x) Being a caretaker would honestly be so adorable (imagine him helping take care of Ronja's offspring.. ;-;) but Herbalist seems like a rank he could be very happy with! But again, we don't really see much of Roamer's habits enough to know for certain what rank would best suit him. A rank that probably involves travel or scavenging, perhaps? I never seen him interested in actual healing (perhaps amazed by it, like how the first time he saw the pulsing tree bark) but other than that, I'm not sure what rank would suit him! LOL


Once again my comment is gone oO but this time I didnt edit it I think? strange


Uuuuuughh, I really dislike Rogio and Roamer relationship! Lol. I miss Kargo, where’s my babies? I miss them!


This is amazing as always, keep the good work.