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Oh Jahla. Such a beautiful page


I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!! I love the night scenery better than the ones during daytime, so this is such a fantastic sight... Also... does anyone else see the spaceships in the sky on some of the panels? ;) Nice details there, Kique. I wonder how long they've been sitting there or how often they do?


But who responded to her hhoowwwllllllll


No spaceships this time, that´'s the constellation of Jägaren the wolf spirit ;)


Aww I feel like she misses Rhov :(


Her colors on this page really throw me back to Asmundr days. :)


For the last page: I don't see that Ronja know about Rogio x Roamer now, at least not for sure, but I def. think she might feel accepted from one of Roamers friends (unlike when Roamer didn't want her to come to Ferah and Kargo), plus Ronja in home always was more the timid type. All of them very hyped to explore the new world, make new connections etc etc, and she wasn't, so I feel she could have felt left out very often. So that is what's different on this page, at least that's how I read it. As for Jahla, it seems she misses Rhovanion and her family, which I suspected but wanted to see, so it's nice we got to that now. The background and night-setting is beautiful done and I totally can imagine her there, plus the constellation is amazing. Poor Jahla though, she really is beautiful here. I wish for her to be reunited with her mate and family soon. Just like Rhov, she just wanted to be with them, she didn't want a new pack etc, she just want to be with her partner and the family she has chosen as her own, unlike Roghir who also has chosen in a way, but wouldn't accept her choice (while Jahla easily accepted his to be with Father instead of his mother back in the days).


I love the last panel! Could we have it as a wallpaper please?


Oooo new character coming?


What if it's Ranach?


I hope it's Rhov- I honestly miss them together.

Tora Collita

I wonder if the one who answer is from the Tribe that closest to the Origin Orion: Ravencrest (by seeing the name on the map)? Still so amazingly stunning environment!! Love it! ^^


Beautiful page - colors, background and Jahla x) Can we have the last but one panel as a wallpaper?


Doubt it. It's too far away from the MT territory and I think that part of the coast close to the island belongs to another tribe


I just looked at the map across from the little island, there's a tribe over in that direction called Ravencrest Tribe. Hmmmmmmm!


Aww Jahla. She's beautiful on that page. I do wonder tho...if the RCT answered her, might they know about the Akis? If the Tribes are even in sight, that would make a lot of sense actually and could help to set things in motion in the Aki tribe, but also for Jahlas search for her family.


Nice page :) Am i wrong or is this the first howl in home?


Ranach howled as well when he missed Rogio/short before leaving the tribe.


I would doubt they're in sight, but a howl travels a long way. Even if Ravencrest could see that there were dogs, they would have no way to see enough detail to know that they were different. I'd be surprised if they knew anything more than that a tribe of dogs lived on the island, if they even know that. Two dogs would have to be at the right place at the right time and both howl to know of the other. The only way I see them having an inkling that something interesting is there is through legends or spirits or sightings of father's ship visiting there


Jahla; you are so beautiful girl. I love this page. I hope she gets reunited with her family. <3


Do you think Jalah and Rhov make a good couple? Why or why not? Just curious because a lot of people seem to like them together. I think their romance was more of a spur of the moment situation. Rhov was the first not related male Jalah met. It reminded me of scenes from fairy tale stories when two people fall in love within a day. I don't doubt they care for eachother very much but I don't see them realistically in lasting relationship. Plus I thiink Rhov is starting to have eyes for Feaf.


They have been together for more than 2 years! I highly doubt it was a spur of a moment thing. The romance writing may have been flawed but the fact that Jahla chose to be with him over her brothers and Father speaks for itself. In my opinion people like them because it representative the fact that even though thing may be collapsing, light and love exist, and life still goes on. And Rhov doesn't have eyes for Feaf. We've seen nothing to hint at that, he's just curious about her being a feline and wants her as a friend. Plus why would he date someone who reminds him of his murdered brother? :P