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Oh gosh the suspense! The drama!


Rogio x Vigr?


This REALLY reminds me of page 370, panel 2, where Roamer is snarling at Kargo... like, the expressions are nearly identical. O.O Anyway... I’m excited to see what this scene is about, and who these two are. Due to the notch in the ear of the dog on the left, I assume that’s Rogio, but as for the one on the right... Is it Kargo? Ranach? Someone else? Can’t wait to find out. ^^


The dog on the right doesn't look like other sketches of Ranach ( no scars in the face ), or Roamer ( not the same shape at all ). It does look a bit like Kargo, prehaps maybe one of the other males too.


It does feel really Rifle to be honest ( the shapes looks a LOT like Aira ). It is not Javo ( miss an ear ), not Fuss ( not fluffy enough ), not Vandi ( ear flopping ), Not Jonna or the golden-retriever looking female either. Could be Vigr ( thought his ears aren't that much pointy/long on other drawings, and unless healed, he always had a facial scar ), Maybe Galti but it... doesn't look like him somehow.


Wanna say Kargo or Ranach on the right


Seems hard to believe but the left one (or at least pretty sure) is Rogio due to the nick on his ear. As for the other, it may be Romaer or or Ranach as it's possible we'll get a flashback? 🤔Even Galti???


They can be Whispervale members too..?


The snarling one is def Rogio but i'm really unsure about the other dog

Tora Collita

Looks like Rogio with the nick in the ear, and the otherone looks like it could be Ranach. But I have no clue. XD


True, if it's a flashback, It would explain why supposed-Ranach doesn't have his face scar


Except Kique drew a puppy-Ranach a while back, on deviantART, and he even had the scar then... shows you even more what an asshole Arenak was, to scar his own pup. >.>


I came back to this sketch to look at it a little more and I think I have a good guess on who the other dog is now. I'm almost for certain it's Kargo... Maybe since Jahla and Thakir were banished, they make their way to Midnightgarde. Kargo remembers Jahla, and she asks where her family is... and Kargo responds with 'oh, they're at the MT.' Maybe him and (possibly?) Ferah take her and Thakir to there to see them again, and Kargo and Rogio get into a spat? A lame guess, but it kind of makes sense... Rogio wouldn't just snap like that at one of the MT members... they all seem to respect each other a LOT and if we know anything by now, Kargo does NOT like Rogio at all right now, lol! I can't wait to see this page soon though. ^^


Going back to look at this page after seeing the preview, it looks like Rogio is putting Vigr in line.