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 Music:  https://youtu.be/irvbAphuIeU   "Reveal the path" Page 381+ 

I hope it's understandable why Roamer isn't feeling too eager on bringing up Rogio´s past relationship that he may have had with Ranach just yet.

Step by step progress of the background in the final panel available at the $8 pledge.



Tora Collita

As long as that talk will come sooner or later, I have faith. <3 And beautiful page!!


Beautiful page. Anyone should respect wanting to enjoy the moment. Let sleeping dogs lie, for now


The colors on this page are extremely beautiful Kique, you really came a long way. Also the background in the last panel is amazing, the trees are awesome oO I love the region there. Honestly a nice place to live. It's okay if he hesitates to bring up Ranach, but honestly Kique...will they ever talk about how Rogio took away his former friends ex after some days and that Roamer was over Kargo very fast soon? Like...yeah it happens in rl too, I agree! But most people would talk with their new mate about it, would still feel shit if they aren't completely...cold and without empathy. I really hope you don't mind the question, but I never ever met a person in rl who went dating with his friends ex after such a short time and don't even feel a bit shitty about it, or in case of Roamer, would thinking "I do feel sorry for Kargo, must be hard." Will that be topic in the future? Because for me, it makes them very unlikable as both, couple and characters. Please don't be upset as I don't mean it bad, I am honestly just curious.


oooooh, there definitely will be an incredible bathing xD Can't wait to see it :D It's so adorable to see how Rogio cuddled Roamer on the 3rd frame *o*


They will talk about it, and Roamer did say to Kargo directly that he was sorry that it had to end that way, it wasn´t what he intended


I'm glad Roamer didn't bring it up straight away, I was worried. These two need to relax and get to know each other a little more, Roamer has travelled 14 days in a row and needs to pace himself, and Rogio is still suffering from nightmares. I feel like them spending time together to take a bath would be amazing and really good for their souls. Absolutely love how beautiful this page is!


JSIRJWAJEW I LOVE THEM and yes I understand that Roamer didn't bring it up yet :3 those two are so cute :v my otp honestly :3


Last panel needs to be a wallpaper!


Hey ! Would it be possible to have a wallpaper of the last panel, if possible without Rogio and Roamer ? Your backgrounds are pretty, it would be cool to have more backgrounds wallpapers :D


Rogio's dimples are so cute


They are adorable together, and even though there are some good points people have brought up against the relationship, I hope it works out for them. They are both gentle and loving souls, and I think they suit each other quite nicely.


I feel there will definitely be a long discussion between Roamer and Rogio for sure, and would bring a lot of painful memories back to poor Rogio. But like earlier on when they were traveling, it's better to get everything out, and not keep anymore secrets between each other, in which would also make the bond between them even stronger. And I'm so looking forward to them becoming full partners/mates!


Sooo now finally I found the time to actually comment. I did voiced my problems with Roamer and Rogios selfish arrogance already, so I won't get into that now. Anyway! I am actually hyped to see more of the MT and it's surroundings. There is a lake as it seems, we already know where the huts and the mountain is. We know there is a river and to be honest, so far it is my most liked tribe when it comes to the nature. Our nordic roleplayer barely have trees and Fjordor has it hot, I hate the heat lol. But the MT crater seems to be beautiful. I also think Ronja will join them, which would be good for her. Poor Roamer, was roaming so much, I guess it won't stop as I feel he won't have more then a few days in the Tribe. Just a feeling but I do think at one point he'll roam again and that might be sooner then later.


With Roamer having roamed so much the past pages (or rather since the beginning because he never stays anywhere for more than like a month or so xD) could you maybe bring the map back where you tracked his movements? Would be fun to see :)


I don´t have that map anymore but anyone can take that challenge and track where Roamer has been X)