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Theory time!
This is the chosen music that will play during the chapter finale. What can you gather from it? How do you think this chapter will end?




Maybe there will be something about Akiulfr tribe with Jahla? x)


I'm getting a lot of Ranach vibes from this. I'm guessing the scene will be dusk/night time. It's also 5min worth of sound, so this could be a very big chapter ending. Perhaps Ranach calls upon spirits or ghouls, though I'm unsure how accurate that is. Either way, it's an eerie and ominous song, the chapter ending will likely be eerie as well.


I feel like Ranach will be seeing Ronja and Rogio again. It gives me a sense of foreboding.




Rogio x Ranach reunion


I agree, either them or Jahla and Father


Ulfr fills up to Ranach and sacrifices him to Ghoul Vesall and everyone will be happy! (expect Ranach)


Hm I think celtic music is great for the Akiulfr tribe, and by the title of the music, it could be the reunion with Jahla and Father, it's been a while since we didn't saw her speak with him. Or it could be vilains reunion with the MT tribe, like war preparation. I can see well MT and Ranach+Ulfr in lines, advancing beward their ennemies (dunno if it's clear).


Has some pretty sinister sounding parts. My thoughts are towards Ranach!


Whew, gives me chills! Pretty ominous in parts, I'm leaning toward Ghoul Vesall and Ranach.


How close is the Chapter Finale? And I would associate this music with either Ranach, Ulfr, Kargo of the Viscountess of the Guild. I'm getting the vibe that it'll be more in focus on Ranach as he might be one of the main ones next chapter. Ranach did state that, "...it wont be our jaws that are stained wirh blood when the first body falls." So I feel that from the music, it'll reveal something as whatever they were doing in the cave like structure, we'll learn what's to come next. I saw something like this in the past and it turned out there there was a secret passage to the "throne room" if you will. So I have a feeling that might happen here and he can get inside the MT again? He probably does know some things others don't due to his lineage. If not, it might be Kargo as the breakup with Roamer could even change what side he's on. Most people tend to change and lash out at first and with Kargo, we've seen this happen before. So it would be no surprise as he now finds that Rogio as an enemy for "stealing" Roamer away. Some have theorized that Kargo may even turn into an antagonist as love can make you do some things you'll later regret and you're not yourself 🤔


I don't think Kargo would even help Ranach though, or truly went against what Roamer want. He might feel betrayed (rightful though) and could be angry and hateful for some time, but at least I hope he wont evolve to a villain just because of Roamer. I do hope however, he won't get obsessed over Roamer, they were together for some weeks, not years like Ranach and Rogio. I do believe he has all the right to hate Rogio (would do that as well), but he still has Ferah to care for (and I doubt he will ever leave her and that Ferah would allow that either) and Fjordor who's a mentor to him. Both should be able to give him both, affection and comfort. Honestly, it would really frustrate me if Kargo now is all about Roamer. Roamer wasn't THAT great as a mate, the opposite is true and I do think, despite what Roamer said, Kargo did grow a lot in that time, too. But anyway, that's just my thought to all of this! I am also curious how the chapter might end, as I said before, Rogio Ranach reunion would be my bet, as it truly would be fateful after all Ranach has done.


It's hard to gauge what this could mean. If you listen, it's mostly intense, but near the ending, it gets almost 'meaningful,' as if it were there to indicate something like a realization or a fulfillment has occurred. I can almost imagine one of the dogs of the MT (probably Rogio) walking out in the open field, in a clearing where seemingly nothing lies. They pick up a scent and follow it, leading them deep into the woods, where it leads them to Ulfr or Ranach. I can almost imagine Rogio taking a walk by himself and coming across Ranach, the two staring at each other in awe across a clearing, much how like Rogio and Roamer once did way before. I can also imagine that this might be something having to do with the Aki's. The reason why I think that is because at around 2:25 of the track, we can hear it grow somber, and no longer so much ominous as it was before, almost signalizing growth or appeal - perhaps something holy (the gods.) Perhaps Jahla and Father meet once again. Or... perhaps Rohgir's 'true intentions' for the tribe appear... whatever they may be, it might not be in such a good favor. Perhaps the Gods' 'true intentions'? Perhaps something with the Aki's happens and they lash out? A rebellion? It has something to do with the Aki's, Ranach, or perhaps even one of the gods of Aedra (like Ghoul Vesall.) I feel like Ranach would be a little too on the nose, but with the chapter cover we have this time, it CAN'T be a good ending... Whatever it may be, it's going to be interesting. ^^


Yeah if not Ranach Rogio, my second bet def. Father and the Akis or something like that.


I think it can really be about Akiulfrs. We've seen them in this chapter, but there were not many pages with them, so there should happen something - it was already said that Akis start worring and that they want freedom they're deprived of.


Wow. I finally just got around to listening to this today, and I have to say, I loved it. Like someone else already said, it gave me chills. Now, as for what I can theorize from the music... the beginning makes me think of a confrontation, maybe even just a calm discussion amongst characters... at first. As the music becomes more intense, I can see an argument breaking out, and maybe even full-out war spurred from an attack. Then, as some others have already mentioned, around the middle part of the track, the music turns soft, almost gentle... this is where I can imagine a realization occurs, or, as VizerynWolfie suggested, some sort of fulfillment. This is where the attack/war (if there is one, and judging by the blood-splattered chapter cover, I think it’s likely) might come to a pause... for a short while. It isn’t long until the sinister music starts up again, only to end in something more somber-sounding... maybe a character (Ranach? Ulfr?) breaks the momentary peace caused by the realization/fulfillment/whatever, and attacks? Then the somber music could represent a death from a character intervening... maybe to protect another character. I have to say, the music at the end gives me a “noble sacrifice” vibe... the kind of death that’s obviously sad, but in an almost... enlightening and/or fulfilling way? As the music seems to suggest, it’s not *entirely* depressing... If that makes sense. As for which characters all of this will actually involve... I have to agree with most others and say that this is either the inevitable Ranach/Rogio confrontation, with Ulfr and Ranach attacking the reformed Meteor Tribe (with or without ghouls involved; personally, I think they will be, in some way... maybe even *dare I say it* night beast-Zilas?), OR something to do with the Akiulfr; maybe the talk with Rohgir about the poor state of the Origin Orion Tribe, and possibly Father’s reappearance? Any of these possible moments really fit the music, imo. Whatever the case, this chapter finale is going to be heart-wrenching, I can tell. I am prepared for the tears.


Theory 1: I def think this will be a fight sequence, with Ranach and Ulfr finally making their move against the tribe. And when Ranach finally sees that Rogio is still alive something changes within Ranach to try and stop whatever he's doing and sacrifices himself to protect not only him, but Ronja and his unborn pups. Theory 2: Ranach and Ulfr make their move, sneaking into the tribe and possibly killing off a couple dogs (ol Galti for example) and Ranach discovers shockingly that Rogio is still alive and is with Roamer. This sends him into a jealous rage and causes a major fight between Roamer and Ranach, with Rogio trying to intervene. Ulfr manages to corner Ronja and is about to strike when she is rescued by a few of the dogs, both male and female, working together, and manage to either subdue him or kill him.