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Music: Haevn- Fortitude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmP5YZ_1Fyg Page 376-379

I don't want people fighting and being rude to each other. I don't  want for this community to turn into another dA/Smackjeeves mess.
To keep the peace within this community, any further comments about how much hate is felt towards this moment and the comic in general, and comments with insults or a condescending tone, will -not- be tolerated.




Hehe the snoot boop in panel 5.

Tora Collita

Awww... <3 Hope Rogio will sleep well the rest of the night. And next day talk about Ranach.


Be happy you two, you deserve it <3 also it's impressive to see that your skills are ever improving, love the detail and anatomy!


And like I predicted they're just banging another one out instead of talking about anything that just happened. You're not gonna, idk think it out before doing this?


Hopefully. Well, it's better to have a serious talk when you're well rested after a good night's sleep and can focus on what's going on ;)


For the moment any way. There's no telling if they won't discuss everything later. Right now, I see this as them cementing the relationship as real rather than a one night fling. Plus, Roamer is a smart boy. Rogio told him his past and while he omitted Ranach's name, he didn't lie about it. Roamer most likely understands WHY. But that doesn't mean they shouldn't talk about it later on.


As expected... At least we'll switch back to Jahla or something maybe. I really looking forward to see how things with Roghir went.


They really deserve to happy. What a beautiful page.


This is a very rude comment. If it's important for the story it's important. We don't know what's going to happen soon with the story, so give it time. Rogio clearly needs affection after the nightmare he just had, and with someone he's in love with. Give the comic some time, and we'll see a relationship develop even more.


Wow.... people really need to remember that we're reading a story as it progresses... And that shit still has a chance of happening.. The toxicity of smackjeeves has made its way here.


This page is absolutely beautiful, and I'm so glad they're finally getting a good chance to be happy. They'll have plenty of chances to talk after this, and really iron things out. We didn't want Roamer to believe the toxic words Kargo was spouting in his anger, and it's pretty obvious now that he doesn't believe him at all. For now, it's very late, and while Roamer doesn't know it, Rogio has already had an emotionally taxing night and probably wouldn't do well having a heavy talk, and Roamer has been traveling with barely any pause to actually rest, since he left right after fighting with Kargo. They both needed a warm embrace to quiet the demons in their minds. Because that's how some people handle it. And there is absolutely *nothing* wrong with that. And I'm sure that Rogio and Roamer will have plenty of time now to boost their relationship, and build a stronger bond.


Hmm... well, while I had hoped that they would actually talk with each other, first, after thinking about it I realize it wasn’t exactly the right time for it, anyway. I mean, Roamer *just* confessed his feelings for Rogio, and expressed his willingness to take a chance with a relationship between them. He’s likely had his time to think about Rogio and the possibilities of starting a relationship with him, during the 3-day travel back to the Meteor Tribe, from Midnightgarde Tribe. I’m sure he knows the risks, but he believes they’re worth the chance. This is supposed to be a happy moment. If Roamer had brought up the conversation he had with Kargo, though, and questioned what happened in the past, the moment would’ve been ruined; the mood would’ve quickly turned serious, and painful. That’s not how these two should start their relationship; that’s not how *anyone* should start a relationship. Now, don’t get me wrong, painful or not, the conversation is still important for them to have, and I really think they know this. I have faith that they will talk about everything, eventually, but now is not the right time. Roamer has just returned to Rogio, confessed his decision to start a relationship with him, and Rogio has just suffered another nightmare; what they need right now is each other’s love, comfort, and to have a good night’s sleep. Admittedly, I still would’ve preferred that they connect, emotionally, rather than sexually, as intimacy without actually having sex is important to a relationship too, but I’m not the author, and these are not my characters. Despite my own or anyone else’s view on it, maybe this moment is important, both for the storyline, and for the characters, even if we can’t fully understand why. As another reader brought up, this could be a way to reaffirm that, yes, Roamer is truly interested in being with Rogio, and that what happened between them wasn’t just a one-night-stand, as he is more than willing to do it again; even letting Rogio take control, this time (if Roamer lying back with Rogio on top is any indication of this), which shows that he trusts him. It’s a beautiful moment, even if I don’t fully agree with it, for certain reasons... I do have faith that their relationship will be more than just sex, and I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes. I stand by my opinion that they are really good for each other, and am glad that they have decided to start a relationship, even if it doesn’t end well; if they don’t at least try, they’ll never know. Life is about taking chances.


I don't see how disliking a character or their relationship is a problem and wanting to express that in the comments?


People are starting to get harsh, and things have been deleted because it's not just "oh I don't like these two" and moving on. People are getting really nasty about this.


I'm really happy for these two and the way things have progressed and turned out! :) I did enjoy Kargo but his volatile nature seemed like it'd hurt Roamer, while Rogio's more communicative in general and doesn't have those outbursts. Rogio's a bit more gentle and his honesty was a big deal to Roamer. I never expected to see them together (I thought it'd be Kargo and Roamer) but i love it now that it's going on! I'm sorry you've been getting some toxic commentary. I've not really noticed it and have usually praised the patreon comment sections. I've seen a few cranky comments on the past few pages but I hope it's only temporary.


I just want to say that while I come off as sarcastic it's not at all to Kique himself and I just feel frustrated with what the characters themselves decide which I feel is perfectly okay. I was frustrated with many characters throughout the run of the story for example. It can just be a little hard for me to remember all the time that I as a reader have a different perspective. As someone before stated, Roamer has had about 3 days or so to think over things before he returned to the tribe and I'll be honest I completely forgot about that. Him having that time to think about it makes his choice less irrational in my point of view. Whole I still think it's still rather soon after a breakup to hop into another relationship, I feel slightly less bothered. The main frustration I have with Roamer is that he seems to be making the same mistake he did with Kargo. Ronja also made the same mistake and it bothered me with her too. Maybe it's just me however as I can barely really imagine being intimate with someone in a situation like this so it's hard to really see from their perspective as characters in regards to that. That being said, while I don't really feel invested in these two I do agree that if it comes to fruition Rogio seems to be the better partner for Roamer. Since there's apparently going to be about 5-6 more pages of them I can hope they do eventually get to talking rather than uh y'know.


I also dont want any char to die (okay Ranach, but I guess you all can bear with me oO). Like I said to CorruptAngel who I have a nice conversation with, despite us having different perspectives, I dont want them to die but to change. I dislike the couple but more from story point of view plus I dont agree with friends who take the exes of their said friends without any guilt, especially after knowing how much they meant to them/betraying them in the past already. That and the fact Roamers lovelife was such a important arc when we have soooo many great and interesting arcs out there. That being said, I do think all should stay mature and civil, which I feel I for example was, I merely was stating my opinion and view. No one wants a second dA war, these times were awful. I dislike the couple, I didnt liked Kargo x Roamer either, but that is just my point of view, as Roamer would do some time as single well, at least in my opinion. But maybe that will come one day anyway, one can't know for sure. Anyway, apologize if I came off rude, so tell me, but I feel I was honest but still polite.


You're not alone in that, Ranach it's beyond redemption and if he gets the axe I wouldn't feel a thing. NEVER thought I'd punch a doggo but him? Oh yea LOL.


I can't get this off of my mind, I'm theorizing at work sendhelp. Okay since this has come up a few times, I've gotten to thinking. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think it was ever flat out stated that Rogio and kargo actually used to be friends. Also not sure if kique can confirm or not. But in the beautiful way kique does, I'm noticing a parallel for kargo and Rogio with ronja and Jonna. Jonna felt completely betrayed by ronja because she was an outsider that had power but didn't seem to care about them. (nevermind everything we know story wise). Rogio was an outsider who got so wrapped up with ranach, giving him a sort of power, but he never did anything with it. He could have helped the tribe but was a victim of abuse that kept him from really seeing the truth. And with how quick kargo was to say that Rogio only went back for ranach, I'm not really sure there was much of a friendship there afterwords either.


I think if a person would let me done the way Rogio did, whatever he would do, I would never forgive him either, esp if he steal my mate (we know it is more to this story but after all, it's Kargo we talk about). In a way, yes, I do believe this is a flaw and "bad doing" so to speak, from Rogio and can't be justified, cause in every human way, it is an unwritten rule, it is wrong- that doesnt mean this two old friend cant have a reunion and find a way to resolve this thing at one point. But I do believe deeply it should be viewed at something that, this time, Rogio did wrong, despite people loving him. Kargo did a lot wrongs too, and so did Roamer...but this one point, in my opinion, was very wrong from Rogio and I do hope it will get addressed, not excused.


I think sometimes you guys forget something really simple... *This is not your characters*. You have no right on it, so why be so rude? This is not your history, you are only reading it, you are only watching it, you have no right to say you want something to be changed.. And you don't even give a chance to it. I'm writing a book, and if people I don't even know come to say they want something changed in a history I'm making and write since years... God, I would be really angry... Maybe this is rushed, maybe, but this don't mean they relation will be wrong because of that. I think you guys forget something... Can someone count and tell me how much dogs have died since the beguining of the comic? Or even before, since Asmundr? Maybe dogs stop aging in Home, but how easy is that to die young? A bit to much don't you think? You too, if you would live in a world where you have no idea if tomorrow you are not killed in your sleep, you would rush to not have regrets. Regrets of loosing the one you love whitout telling them you loved them, just because you where scared of "rushing". I see it this way. The chances for them to die young are just... So hight, that off course they will rush, off course they will take the chances fast, because no one want to loose a day when you are every day playing your life and you can loose it if you do a mistake. The best way to enjoy a history is not to complain about every single choise of the autor or character, but to watch, and wait. Wait until the end. At the end you have the right to say if you where disapointed by something. But say you are disapointed when the comic is not even finished... I found it trully unfair. Just give a chance, watch, let it go. The history is not ended, there is still SO MUCH stuff to go, you can not be that angry just because a couple, couple that I found really cute and interesting. I just trully feel sorry for Kique. Some of your guys are trully, really, unfair...


I always enjoy reading your comments, thought you should know!


I agree, the comments are getting on my nerves. I feel like we might be headed in the DA route again


I don't know why people think that them having sex first means they can't still talk afterwards??? Lovely page btw!!