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So glad they're back safe.

Tora Collita

Galti must've let them in. Good to see them both safe inside the walls. And looking for Rogio now. Looking forward to their meeting. <3


Love the colors! I do have an uneasy feeling about this though..


He might be sniffing around for Rogio, considering him and Ronja *did* pace around a lot to find him a good tent. I wouldn't be surprised that, with Rogio being quite reclusive from others (ish), he picked a hut far off so he wouldn't be disturbed. Although, we have to remember what Ranach said. While Rogio might be at the end of this tunnel, it's still a dark tunnel, and we're not quite sure what lies beyond the other side just yet. This scene however is drawn beautifully. You've really improved, Kique!~ I'd like to also add that I believe he's searching for Rogio because if this were anything else, someone probably would have caught this scent much quicker + if it were anything suspicious, he'd probably alert a guard or warrior or someone to help check it out with him. Or... he could be searching for Ronja to notify her of his arrival. You never know.


So cute xD Roamer looks cute in 5th panel :3


Yay! They made it!


So Roamer didn't talk to Fjordor before leaving.. kinda disappointed haha. I miss the old guy.


Ohh that's true, Roamer just took the armor and didn't even said goodbye to the old guy who helped them and gave them a home when they all felt devastated...not even a thank you. Hopefully he will do that on his next visit though. The armor Rhov carries was at least a gift. Anyway, glad to see Fremya is so happy, I really love her design and that of her sister. Always thought it's a shame they aren't related to Ferah- or are they? XD Not really sure at this point, knowing the MT. Guess he's searching for Rogio, huh? They surely have a lot to talk about. I do hope Roamer will at least confront him, cause no one should just shrug it off when they get to know their new love interest was for years the lover of the very person who murdered one of his friends/made Ronja pregnant/is to blame for most of the grief Roamer, Kargo, Ferah and even the Asmundr pack got. That def. should show him that he really dont know Rogio at all and that this time, unlike Kargo, he shouldn't rush into his next relationship, but instead, take his time and should be just his friend for now, at least until he really get to know him...and yes, himself too, since Roamer was thinking so much about his love life in this comic ("I envy Jahla and Rhov, was waiting that it will happen with Ronja!" "Was in love with Kargo!" "Is now in love with Rogio!") I think it would be good to slow down and take his time without a lover, but with his remaining family and finally...with himself, cause he surely need this time. Esp. since he thinks so bad about himself. There's the saying you can't love anyone if you don't love yourself. I think that sounds about true here.


Yeah I miss him too. Fjordor surely would've had some words of wisdom for him


I do not think anyone should ever be blamed/held responssible/pay for actions made by one of their Exs :/ That's just plain wrong on so many levels, especially saying that about someone who was in an abusive relationship. It would be like telling a beaten woman that it's her fault she's getting punched and it's her fault her now-ex raped people while she was stuck with him :/ No one should, ever, be held responsible of actions made by other people, especially when it's out of their control. Rogio is in no-way to blame, in no way he should be "less trusted" or pay for Ranach and co's actions. He's not the cause of all the "good guys" pains and suffering. He's not the cause of these deaths. The only death he really caused was to kill Arenak. If we were to judge like your point of view, then now one should trust Fuss either : he brought Rogio to be sacrified. Vigr? Javo? All the other males? Why not too. At some point they were all "friendish" together. They were ALL obeying to Ranach, at the same level as Rogio did. The only difference is that Rogio felt in love because he was vulnerable ( classic "beat-up spouse syndrome" or idk how to call it in english ). I agree, thought, that Roamer should take time for himself, and all that part, I agree. I honestly do not care of who end up with who, I am not talking because i want Roamer to be with Rogio and blablabla. Whatever character it would had been, I would had said the same :/ But the other part of this comment gave me a mental nausea :/