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Assholes XD But in all seriousness they probably will die trying. Just saying


That is not how you make friends.


Oh Ulfr :( trapped just the same under Ranach's manipulation and aggression. I hope to see him find a better path.


Ulfr could probably beat Ranach's ass... lol


I find it strange why Ulfr won't attack any males.... Like others are saying, he'd likely be able to get the upper hand against Ranach but now he's letting himself being treated like, well shit? .,.


And if they win... Only 2 dogs at the end... What a great tribe xDD


Who's the perfectly good dog he's referring to?


Wow.. so he is planning on killing his pups.


And holy shit, I don't know if it's just me but I feel as though there was a LOT more details in this page. I can see more details and it just looks so much more realistic *~*


Ulfr really doesn't seem like that bad of a character to me by the way he is talking here... I always sort of thought he could have possibly come around to accepting the tribe's changes and Ronja's leadership if given enough time despite what Vandi thought and before being banished.


Probably the only shred of decency he could hold onto that wouldn't be attacked or manipulated by the tribe. He only knows this abuse, mind over body in this case.

Silver Huskey

Ugh. So Ranach is planning to murder everyone. Though his expression on the 4th panel suggests that he might want to spare Ronja-- at least until the pups are weaned. Maybe. It's hard to say. It is interesting how Ulfr disagrees and only wants revenge on Ronja. You can't really have a functioning tribe with only two members and the Meteor Tribe doesn't have Midnightgarde's good reputation meaning dogs won't join of their free will, and there won't be any females to reproduce with. I almost feel bad for Ulfr here. Ranach is still using violence and manipulation to get his way, which is surprising given how much larger Ulfr is. The look he has on the last panel could mean he may not put up with Ranach's crap for much longer.


I always thought about that to, Ronja shouldn't jave just listened to whoever before looking herself to see what was and what wasn't true.. Ulfr yea he was raised in a bad place and change might have been hard for him at first but.. He was behaving, aside from Jonna being a bitch that one time he was insecure and scared of change, that's really all I seen.. And here we see it again, he doesn't want to hurt anyone else but Ronja, who he felt wronged him to begin with.. I wish it had been another way but ronja is prone to not doing anything herself, she just agrees with others and does what they tell her to without thinking so that's a fault I hope she can also over come someday. I hope Ulfr will get better though, honestly he just seemed confused and lost more than anything.


Poor Ulfr.... although I feel that despite Ranach wanting to kill everyone in the tribe, he would obviously spare Ronja for the moment because of her pregnancy. However, we obviously have to remember that the tribe had once had to resort to inbreeding in the past to combat against the low fertility. So I would not be surprised if Ranach decided that once the pups are born he would mate with them (or either Ronja again) in order to produce a son.


I knew Ranach had gone off the deep end based off the last page of Chapter 8, but man... If anything proves that he has, it's his intent to murder the entire MT, Ronja and the unborn pups (presumably) included. Ranach's expression in the 4th panel could indicate he's considering sparing them, at least for a while. But given Ranach's current mindset, all I can tell for certain is that he won't do anything good. And it's interesting how Ulfr disagrees, and only wants revenge on Ronja. He's done awful things in his time with the MT, true, but I always wondered if he might come to regret what he's done. I'm not surprised Ranach resorted to violence and manipulation here; that's kind of to be expected of him at this point. And I agree with what Silver Husky said; the expression Ulfr has in the last panel indicates he may not put up with Ranach's crap for much longer. Certainly, their alliance is on shaky ground, and I'm eager and worried to see what this means...


I hesitate to say "poor Ulfr" here because it's been said he expressed no remorse for his actions prior and I don't think that's something that should be shrugged off because of a sad face. Some people just can't be redeemed because of the actions they've done. Ranach is a prime example and I really hope that isn't a thing that happens. He's toxic, and unlike Kargo he KNOWS he is and conintued to be so to manipulate and hurt others.

Tora Collita

Wonder if Ulfr is reffering to some males, like Vigr and Javo. It's the males he had respect for. Fúss on the other paw through him out, and Galti is old (as in came to Aedra old lol). Though Ronja is the main target, I have a hard time seeing Ulfr kill another Tribe male, though Fúss might be the exeption as well as the females. And Ranach is as manipulitive and brutal as ever.


Just a small little thing I wanted to say. I love the page but the problem I have is with him throwing a stick kinda makes Ranach look weak? I'd take him more seriously if he tackled Ulfr down...that would've made the impact much stronger and would've made him look way more serious. But instead, he just caught him off guard with a stick and then slam his paws down on Ulfr's head. Not that I'm complaining about dogs using tools more in Home especially in later pages/chapters but I kinda wish they'd use their fangs more? Yes, I'm aware that knives and other tools are easier to use and get's the job done but at the end of the day, they're still dogs. Gotta use them pearly white fangs for more than just snarling, smiling and holding things am I right? Anyways, other than that I'm loving this page, but I honestly hope neither of them gets a redemption arc. They surely don't deserve it especially Ranach. He can change into a saint for all I care, but he'll never be redeemable in my eyes. There's no excuse for his behavior. Damage has been done. The only thing that would be good for him is being buried 10ft under.


Ranach is just as violent and manipulative, as ever. Surprise, surprise. &gt;.&gt; And to those of you sympathizing with Ulfr, let me remind you about these pages: <a href="http://home-comic.smackjeeves.com/comics/2438770/page-260/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://home-comic.smackjeeves.com/comics/2438770/page-260/</a> <a href="http://home-comic.smackjeeves.com/comics/2438771/page-261/." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://home-comic.smackjeeves.com/comics/2438771/page-261/.</a> Ulfr did not want to change. He did not want to accept Ronja as the new leader of the Meteor Tribe, and he sure as hell didn’t want to accept her new rules. He wanted to kill her, and for what? For trying to make things better for the Tribe? As Fuss and Vandi said, he is too stuck in the old ways to change, and, worst of all, he LIKED the old ways. He was one of the males that gladly forced himself on the females, and never once expressed any kind of remorse for those actions. He was one of the males who helped kill Zilas, and looked HAPPY about doing so. Make no mistake, Ronja was right to banish him. It was clear that if she had allowed him to stay, he would’ve just defied her new rules; oh sure, he might’ve played the nice guy act, like he did when he bowed to Ronja after she got between him and Jonna, but that’s ALL it would’ve been: an act. It was clear by his words and actions that he wasn’t going to just lie back and accept the new ways of the Tribe, and I have no doubt that he would’ve turned on Ronja, eventually, had he been allowed to stay. Bottom line, Ulfr was HAPPY with the way the Meteor Tribe was run under Arenak’s rule, and he never would’ve accepted sharing equality with the females. Manipulated or not, abused or not, I don’t feel sorry for him at all. *Everyone* in the Meteor Tribe was manipulated and/or abused, in some way, and yet, there were males that didn’t agree with how the females were treated, but since they were, more-or-less, forced to do so, they had no choice... But as Vandi told Ronja, Ulfr would regularly abuse them, and didn’t ever have to be forced to do so, nor did he ever express any kind of remorse or regret, afterward. There was no place for him in Ronja’s reformed Meteor Tribe; again, he was too stuck in the old ways, and refused to change. The discussion he had with Fuss, Javo, and Vigr proved this, as when they tried to reason with him, to try to get him to at least give Ronja a chance to prove herself as a good leader, he wouldn’t hear of it. Calling her “promised prey” until Ranach returned... what a disgusting comment. If I had had any lingering hope then, that Ulfr might change, it died after I read that; he’s no better than Ranach, in my eyes (and the fact that Fuss flat-out said that Ulfr would make an even WORSE leader than Ranach, is especially telling).


I agree with everyone before who said that Ulfr isn't a good guy just because he dont want to kill everyone. What would Ulfr do to the woman? Right, he would rape them, he surely would use Jonna just out of spite for what she said. He didn't showed compassion or empathy, he just said "why waste a worker, a babymaker", so to speak. He don't deserves any pity (or at least I think so). He's just as worse as Ranach, the only different is that Ulfr is still somewhat sane, unlike Ranach who just want his revenge. Ulfr just knows they wont survive without a tribe, while Ranach don't care in any way. Well...I do wonder still what Ranach want to do. They are outnumbered, the Tribe is warned and they do have fighters on their site. Ulfr might be a problem but even Rogio who hates violence could put Ranach in his place.


I always thought Ulfr was the stronger one among the two, I´m surprised Ranach has no problem overpowerering him. Then again Ranach has Ulfr all figured out with his need to have a tribe. Darnit you crazy brilliant nut job :/


The reason why Ranach used a log this time is because Ulfr is a lot bigger than him, and can easily beat him in a battle. Ranach knows this, so to be safe, he knocked him down by giving him a harsh slam to the back of his head, a very sensitive spot on a dog.


Ranach, Why are you such a bastard?


It's like Negan and the Governor are arguing about how to handle Rick's group. For some reason I get a Walking Dead vibe from the beginning of this page x) But it's interesting that Ulfr is still holding onto his principles while Ranach intensifies his mind games. Looking forward to see how his revenge plan will look in action!


Perfectly good dogs = healthy workers, who they need to keep the tribe going


What an ass!!!


I don't feel sorry for either of them but I'm really curious what their plans are. I guess they want to wait till some members leave and then capture them and sacrifice them to the Ghoul Vessal? But it's strange that they haven't noticed Roamer and Fremja leaving. Also, funny how Ranach says "I am the only one who cares about you", haha it's not like he ever cared for anyone that wasn't himself xD


Fúss is also healthy, and an outsider. Throwing him out or not, he could add to the tribe after the "weak blood" has been taken care of. The females are important too, and Ulfr knows that. You can't manage a tribe full of males for too long, especially since Father and co. decided to drop the new dogs at the south instead, so there won't be new females either, only if they start to kidnap some... Ulfr is not that stupid. X) (But Ranach is surprisingly blinded by his rage. A tribe with two males? Just lol )


Nah, no sacrifices, just killing them. They would turn into nightbeasts/ghouls hence the "joining Ghoul Vessal and his army" thing. Sacrificing that many dogs with only two of them? I'd like to see them try. :'D I hope they fail &gt;_&gt;


Ulfr.. stab Ranach when he sleeps.


I was actually wondering if his expression means he's pondering what the spirit said about "getting Rogio back"


Wow... I love Ranach's annoyed face before he flips out. Really speaks a lot about his character :)


Ulfr why are you such a pu$$yyyyyyyy. You could kill Ranach if you had the chance.