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lol “Lord Grumpy”. Love it. XD And I fully agree with what Jahla is saying. I’ve always admired how she doesn’t view herself or any of the other Akiulfr as being superior to any other species, while I can’t exactly say the same for Rohgir. This is part of the reason I’m very much hoping that Jahla will get to reunite with the Asmundr pack, as to her, they *are* her family, “lesser species”, or not; she doesn’t see it that way. This is also one of the reasons I’ve always loved Jahla and Rhovanion as a couple; despite being two different species, they never looked at each other any differently, treated each other as equals, and fell in love, regardless. Where-as Rohgir, by contrast, always seemed to have an “Akiulfr superiority complex”; even as a pup, I got this vibe from him, and living on an island entirely-populated with his own species certainly hasn’t helped this warped way of thinking. I can only hope that he’ll be willing to see the logic and reasoning in Thakir’s suggestions, as he really does have good points... but something tells me their talk won’t go very well, to say the least.


Also, Kique, if “the trinity” is meant to be an official title for Jahla, Rohgir, and Argeirr, might I suggest you capitalize it? This will show it has greater meaning as an official title for the three 1st generation Akiulfr siblings, “the Trinity”, and not just the simple word, “trinity”, which would not be capitalized. ^^


Aww poor Thakir looks a little shy!


Looks like Rohgir love to be treated like a little God LOL.


Jahla is speaking like a leader here. She doesn't put herself on top over the others and hearing from Thakir, the tribe is becoming unstable mentally and Rohgir could not care enough to be reasonable for the Akiulfrs wellbeing. He is thinking about the future and what will be instead of seeing the reality of his tribe. This dream of his is blinding him and can lead to destruction if he doesn't listen to Thakir


While I do love Rohgir he does come off to have a (As CorruptAngel put it) "Akiulfr Superiority Complex" - He's seemed to always have it, but alas I feel the older he grows the worse it gets. Thakir is right on the idea that the tribe really should be able to mingle - And I love Jahla and how she has never seemed to view herself or her species as anything all that special. Stuff like this reminds me why her and Rhov together is a good thing. And I'm starting to appreciate them being together more and more. I love Jahla so much - I hope she can reunite with her family soon.

Tora Collita

Love the athmosphere here. ^^ And "Lord Grumpy" made me laugh. Fits Rohgir hehe.


Jahla might has her flaws but that is the very thing why she's my favorite character. She don't think just because she was born special, she IS special...she views herself as just an individual like everyone else. That is why she could drive so well in the Asmundr pack and I really hope, she's getting her reunion with them and with her mate. I grow found of Thakir too...he's so sweet and worried about everyone. Curious if Roghir will listen to his tribe or put his own agenda above everyone.


Ohh something else...while some people ship them, for me Thakirs and Jahlas interactions reminds me way more of Rhov and Keirr. Joking about love and anything, but also serious and ready to back each other up. Siblings and Jahla isn't searching for a mate...it's her brothers she lost connection to. So I see this two waaaay more as sibling. Thakir who's helping Jahla to grow as a leader and same goes for Feaf and Rhov, I see in the fluffy cat more the older sister Rhov really need, someone who helps him shine without outshining him.


Agreed. I wonder if Rohgir's superior feeling and the urge to keep his species away from others comes from him growing up only with his siblings and mother. All he knew were Akis and a dog with some Aki features, but weaker than them (and lying to them. Sorry, Lifa). And the short time with his father or the Asmundr pack and how they separated might not have helped either with building trust in other species. ...or it simply is because he always had a bossy temperament and became leader or was made one by the gods.


I have a bad feeling about this. I think it might not end well.


Even if it's "coming from a loyal member", Roghir is still going to know that Thakir would have likely never had the courage to speak up without being prompted by talks with Jahla. Thakir would have probably quietly rued the situation but always defaulted to Roghir just doing what the gods told him. Now he has Jahla coming in and providing him new thoughts and insight on why maybe Thakir is right after all. I foresee Roghir claiming that Jahla is trying to turn the tribe against him and sew distrust about Father's plans. Either way, Roghir can't deny the declining mental state of his tribe.


Ah yes, I see problems with that too. Rohgir is a bit blinded about all this situation, I just hope Argeirr will help out Jahla, he is a healer after all, he also has closer connection to the "people" of this land. If Rohgir dismisses the problem like it is nonexistent, I can foresee some big problems within the tribe, either a rebellion, or the akis simply start to turn depressed and melancholic, no dancing, no hunting together, nothing...


I am really really interested to see how this arc plays out. Jahla is caring but I have to wonder if she's right or just making a big mistake. She doesn't know the whole story yet and is making big decisions already