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Very mature of you Roamer, that was really handled well. Any further try to talk this through would´ve ended in desaster. I wish Kargo the same. I still like him, flaws and all. He just needs someone who can truly help him heal, find his place in this world and become the good dog he is deep down.


Ouch. My heart. That was hard for both of them.


Poor, poor Kargo, still. Both of them did wrong things to each other and I still stand to both, that Rogio x Roamer isn't a good couple either and that Roamer was pretty cold, but at least Roamer understood he owns Kargo a lot. Poor Kargo though, I do hope he'll find a true lover who wont hook up with his former best friend. At least he got still Ferah on his side.

Tora Collita

Well done Roamer! -clap hands- Roamer has Fremja to ask as well about what he got to know from Kargo with Rogio and Ranach. As much as I like and understand Kargo as a character, your manipulive thing didn't work and I'm happy for that. I wish him all luck still, and hope he comes over his ego thinking he himself alone can own someone... And someone finds him (not he find someone) that can see through and not going for the manipulive side, but behind that shell of him and sho's not afraid to talk back and help him overcome that manipulive part.


Now Im really curious what happened between Rogio and Kargo? Possibly a bonus page?


These past few pages have been heartbreaking. I loved Roamer x Kargo, but I also saw the flaws of the relationship, and I'm glad Roamer was able to break away from it all. I also love that he can thank Kargo so sincerely for things, after Kargo kept such a crushing secret from him while never seeming to care about how much Ronja meant to Roamer. And I do get both sides here. Kargo is hiding his pain in anger, because pain is weakness, and that's engraved in his mind by the MT. I also understand Roamer not taking much time to really get into things, he has a freaked out Fremja waiting for him to return, for all we know Fjordor has seen her and she's having a rough time (not because of him approaching her in a bad way, just the fact that there's a strange male coming up to her). Maybe if she had been more comfortable following him things would have gone differently, but honestly it makes sense that she would be too uncomfortable. I also really don't think Kargo would have seen any reason no matter how much Roamer explained the differences. I love Kargo, but I also definitely see that those two are no longer meant for each other.


Kargo is probably going to hate Rogio so much for this, maybe even seek revenge. Something is telling me this is not the end of it...

Silver Huskey

As far as I understand, Kargo wanted Rogio to help him and Ferah with the first rebellion. Rogio decided not to help in order to stay with Ranach.


"He betrayed both of us." In what way, Kargo, in what way did Rogio betray you? If he's talking about what happened in the past, he resolved that with Rogio, leaving no bad blood behind. He's just bringing up the past at that point. If he's talking about joining MT, he didn't so-call 'Betray' them as he did just move on and make an attempt at a fresh start in life, in a place which he knows (from being a past MT male) that is now a much better, more comforting place (at least at the moment.) Plus, if he were talking about that, he should have included ROAMER betraying him as well, seeing as that he did the same thing. If he's talking about Rogio 'taking' Roamer away from him, he didn't. He never once flirted with Roamer, instead, giving him comforting words and making sure he stayed safe and happy during their journies together. You can't control others feelings and how they feel about each other. If he feels chem with Roamer and Roamer feels the same, they should be allowed to be together. Be happy he WAITED (if he were feeling him before when he was with you) until you guys broke up, instead of making it messy between everyone and starting stuff when you guys were TOGETHER. If he was, that's very mature of him. Also, how, in any shape or form, did he betray ROAMER? I'm trying to think of how he could have done so but I'm literally stumped. Unless I missed something way back in the comic, there's literally nothing that he has done. If he were talking about Ferah, I'm sure she doesn't feel betrayed and instead a little shocked and surprised, yet understanding. She can see things in others we cannot; she probably knows it was all in good intentions. I can only blame him being manipulative here. I can't see through that logic very much in the first panel alone. I think Kargo is just feeling so mad and hurt here that he's finding literally every reason and path to take to release his anger on him. At least Roamer remained a mature adult here and handled it calmly. Kargo needs someone to keep him happy and change him for the better, to help his temper. If you ever realized, Roamer's relationship with him while it lasted did little to nothing to affect his anger issues. He had to hold him back a few times and, on top of everything, he was lashed out at a bit. While lying to him was bad, it could have been a blessing in disguise if you think about it. Perhaps, if they went back immediately, they could have been killed. It was better for him to find out now, considering all the danger in the tribe was banished at that time (e.g Ulfr and Ranach) AND they didn't have a leader with complete control and good intentions yet. I'm just proud that Roamer handled this the way he did. Kargo will likely take his time to reflect on himself and his actions which will probably be good. Hopefully, Ferah or Fjordor can mentor him into a better dog. He doesn't need a LOVER to feel different. He just needs a dog—a good friend—to change him for the better. Hopefully, these two make it back quick enough where they don't run into those two assholes. By the looks of it, they probably made it there in a little less than 2 days. Let's hope everyone returns and in good health.


Poor Roamer has been forced to grow up so much already, I really hope he can remain light-hearted through all of this.


Roamer handled this maturely <3 I feel bad for both of them but it's probably better off this way tho^^ I love Rogio x Roamer


I'm thinking Kargo was going off of what he just previously said. With his current line of thinking, Rogio betrayed both of them by going back to be with Ranach. Since he obviously didn't listen when Roamer mentioned that Ranach was banished.


Roamer did the right thing by walking away, as it was clear that Kargo wasn’t going to see reason, no matter what Roamer said about Ronja, Rogio, or the Meteor Tribe changing for the better. Kargo is hot-tempered and stubborn, and has made up his mind about the way things are; no matter if those views are wrong, he refuses to see it any differently, too blinded by his own pain and anger. Honestly, though I’m disgusted at his behavior, I do feel for him... his abusive upbringing has given him serious anger and trust issues, and I do hope that he can find someone who can not only handle these issues, but also help him work through them; because he’s really not a bad dog, deep down. Anyway, I’m proud of Roamer; he handled this very maturely, and didn’t buy into Kargo’s desperate lies and manipulative words. By the look on his face, I’m sensing that there still may be some doubts, though... I hope he talks to Rogio about what Kargo said; though it may be painful for Rogio to delve into those memories, let alone share them with Roamer, I really think it’ll be good for both of them.

Silver Huskey

I'm really glad Roamer decided to break the argument off. It was the bigger thing to do and although I wish he had told Kargo about Ronja being pregnant, Kargo might have twisted that to try and manipulate Roamer/poison the relationship. Roamer realized Kargo wasn't listening/didn't care about reason and left. I hope Kargo finds someone to help him with his trust and anger issues.


It's concerning that Kargo doesn't look sad, he doesn't look like he's hurting, he's just angry. This anger is devouring him and I'm worried that soon it'll be the only emotion he has. He also seems disappointed he couldn't provoke Roamer or get any reaction from him. He's really going down a dark path. Roamer acted very maturely but it's obvious that Kargo's words did make him doubt Rogio even a little bit. I hope he does talk to Rogio about this, instead of bottling it up inside and letting it fester.


I don't purely see anger on that last panel, that's more like desperateness to me, partly anger, partly sadness and pain. :(


It ended quite well, I was thinking it would get worse. I can only hope Kargo will find someone, or something, that will finally break his hard shell. He's not a bad guy. These serious anger and trust issues are not healthy for anyone, not even himself. I wonder how things will go down from this, though with Fjordor's wise words maybe he can be at peace. As I seen it looks like he kinda looks up to Fjordor. It would be nice to see some interaction between those two too, aside from that fight back then x3 I wonder if Roamer and Fremja will get back in safety, I hope so.... Though that face of Kargo in the last panel is so filled with various emotions, what if he decides to follow Roamer and Fremja? P:


Roamer has grown up so much...


Did Ferah see/overhear this? I know she left a few pages ago but where did she go?


And when he find Fremja she's gonna be dead


Yeah. We've watched Kierr grow up, Ronja, and now Roamer


Roamer did the right thing by cutting the argument short with what he intended to say, Kargo was being manipulative when Ranach had been the one to manipulate Rogio in the first place. Rogio is not to blame at all for not helping during the first rebellion. He was caught up in the toxicity, thinking that Ranach had some good in him. Kargo had no right to say such things when he was doing just that to Roamer. Hypocrite much, Kargo?


I feel like this will help him grow, especially if he stays with Ferah and Fjordor, who can be positive influences on him. He may be resentful for a while, but I think he will find his way