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Tora Collita

Roamer is so mature and calm. So is Ferah. Though Kargo's reaction I did expect from him. And I don't blame him. Roamer isn't expecting them to go back, as he knows what they've been through. Hope they will meet Fremja so Ferah and Kargo can know for sure more that the MT is a better place, even though they enver ever will go back to even visit.


I knew Kargo would handle worse. While Ferah is more reasonable but is still upset


Roamer does a great job explaining and I like how good Ferah is handling the news so far. Still for her and Kargo it sure must feel like a betrayal of some sort. Especially for Kargo, who lost Rogio to the Meteors again. I hope they know that they too play a role in all this drama for hiding the truth about Ronja. So excited where this is going! Kique, I love your writing! :3


Roamer should definitely tell them about Ronja's pregnancy, maybe that'll help?


Feels a bit like Roamer is overwhelming them with all the news at once. Probably not how he planned to break it to them.


I kind of expected Kargo to not be calm about the news, obviously. His profile indicates his temper has gotten worse, along with his aggression. This pretty much didn't help the situation at all, but Ferah is taking it well.


Look at how disappointed/sad Ferah is about Kargo's responses. She knows him so well and sees the darker path he's on as indicated by the higher aggression and temper. Ferah just wants to understand but, I suspect, Kargo wants reason to be mad at Roamer so he doesn't have to feel hurt. I wonder how Fjordor is handling him, he seems like a reasonable dogger for Kargo to be with during this time. Looking forward to the next scenes.


Inb4 Kargo has another fit and drives Roamer away even though he had a big part to play in why Roamer went back to Meteor land again anyway.


Shush, Kargo. I:


Awww ;v; Roamer will always be my top fav. He is so cute <3 and mature♡


Thank you Ferah - For being mature about this thus far; and understanding too wow. She's such a great character, I love her so much. Kargo, as always still pushing my buttons. He's such a hothead; jumping to the worst case scenario right off the bat without hearing him out. I just don't like him anymore.... I hope things turn out okay - I knew before this page came out, that this wouldn't be an easy conversation for any of them, but still Ferah is taking it better than I even expected thus far. I actually kinda hope she leaves with Roamer to go back, but I doubt she will.


People are upset with Kargo but to be honest he's known nothing but torture, sickness, and captivity from the Meteor Tribe. I still don't blame him for not wanting to mention Ronja because he went through a lifetime of suffering to escape. It wasn't a secret for very long and he told Roamer in the end. People really have to consider the character's perspective when viewing their faults. Like Ronja, who was more or less captive and unlikable for a really long time. Her mistakes indirectly led to Zilas's death so if she is allowed redemption then Kargo should be allowed it for a much smaller offense.


Also, Ferah's looking wonderfully fluffy today.


On 5th panel, did you forgot to paint Kargo's pupil ? It looks a lot white compared to the others panels ? I also have the feeling his nose is sloping ? Let's see where it will end, at least Ferah is calm, they should have a talk together and explain things.


I mean Ronja was unlikable not because she was captive, but because we weren't actually shown why she was willing to believe anything Ranach said and without being shown why the frick she'd trust this suspicious pos and looking at the experiences of the Asmundr pack and cast as a whole, her behavior and trust wasn't believable because she really should have known better. Doesn't change that Kargo really doesn't deserve the flack he's getting here. Honestly he's taking this remarkably well all things considered. I was expecting him to pull some of his early-comic explosions like when Roamer was tied to the giant rock. He's just kinda scoffing so far.

Silver Huskey

The Meteor Tribe technically isn't the same one Kargo and Ferah spent their lives running from. However, I wouldn't expect positive emotions over Roamer joining. Just like Rogio had a hard time returning to his tent, everything within the walls must be painful for these two. Though I am glad Ferah is willing to hear Roamer out, and Kargo is just as hurt as he is angry. I can't wait to see where the next page is going.


Kargo's pupil and his eye is not visible from that angle. That white dots are the make up and the gray is the part just below his eye.


Yeah, not just that Ranach is gone but pretty much all of the "bad" ones are gone. Those left were more or less forced into the roles they played and not so much eager to be vile like some of the dogs before. It would be hard to believe that such a huge change is conceivable, especially in what is arguably a fairly small amount of time.


Yep, I knew this was coming. At least Ferah is trying to be reasonable and understanding, willing to hear Roamer out. Kargo’s reaction comes as no surprise, to me, and as frustrating as it is, it does make sense, and I can’t really fault him for it. After all, *we*, the readers, know how much the Meteor Tribe has changed, and how it is essentially a completely different tribe, now that Ronja has taken over, but Kargo and Ferah don’t have that knowledge. Even with Roamer explaining, I can understand that it’s hard for them to accept; they have known nothing but pain, suffering, and oppression within Meteor Tribe walls, and these feelings are likely the only ones they associate with it, no matter if it’s changed now, the bad memories still linger, and likely always will. I can only hope that Roamer will explain further, his reasoning for joining the Meteor Tribe, and just how much it really has changed for the better, since the shift in leadership... and though Ferah and Kargo may not like or fully understand Roamer’s decision, they can at least accept it. A part of me wishes they would go back with Roamer, temporarily, if only to see the changes for themselves, but that probably wouldn’t be a good idea, for a number of reasons. I just worry that, even after it’s made clear that the Meteor Tribe that Roamer and Rogio now choose to be a part of isn’t the same cruel, oppressive Meteor Tribe that Kargo and Ferah grew up in, Kargo will insist on keeping his stubborn mindset that “the Meteor Tribe is bad and always will be, even if you say it’s better now, it’s a lie”, which will put even more of a strain on their relationship. After all, I may not particularly like Kargo and Roamer together, as a couple, but it would be a shame for them to no longer even be friends.


I don’t know I feel like everyone is saying kargo is being angry and aggressive but I feel like his reaction is kinda what I would do too? I mean I’ve busted out of this horrible place and lingering memories of it are still with me I wouldn’t want to go an inch near it. I’d say “What!?” Too if the person I’ve shared all the horrors I’ve gone through with said he was staying there. I feel Kargo is reacting normally he hasn’t attacked Roamer he probably just feels betrayed by Roamer and I don’t know about you guys but I’d feel hurt. I do realize Kargo and Ferah caused this but still I’d be saying what too lol. Just my opinion on the matter maybe I am too biased to Kargo since he’s my fav character though lol. I’m just saying everyone responds to different situations differently.


Something completley different: Idk how long this has been a thing but I just noticed the map on the wiki has a "night mode" now when you put the cursor on it. Looks so cool! :D


I... Feel like I need to get something off my chest. But as as someone who's been sexually abused, I 1000% can't blame Kargo or Ferah for never wanting to even LOOK back at MT grounds. Its a horrifying, terrible thing to have weighing on your chest, and yeah, its not great that there was truth withheld from Roamer, but at the time even Ronja had fought to have both of them held captive on the grounds they were raped on. Sometimes you can't even control the subconscious urge to push the thought of it down so you can at least TRY to move ahead. Its been for a good while since I've felt soured on Roamer. It was fine for him to want to head back. It was fine for him to want to check on and rescue his friend. But it was not fine how he up and flipped without even letting Kargo or Ferah get a word out. I feel like I just need to let this out now since its coming to a head. I've been forced to go where I knew my abuser was and I had a panic attack while mocked for being terrified. It was a mortifying and horrific experience that I'll sadly never be able to forget, nor forgive the person who forced me to go back to that place. I can't blame them for not wanting to go back. I can't blame them for being scared to even bring her up. Especially since she was NOT on their side and she was siding with the abusers at the time. She even abused Ferah verbally. Roamer doesn't even know this because he never gave them time to explain a damned thing once it was brought up. I'm not putting the entire blame on him because the issue isn't just black or white they are both in the wrong for parts of it, but Roamer sure made it a black or white issue and its kind of been bothering me ever since he stormed out. Been too long for him to bother hearing anyone out NOW anyway and he's already flitted about with a new relationship so ... ugh. And he's been TOLD and KNOWS of the abuse and rape that happened there and he STILL didn't even give it a toss of thought or empathy or even an inch of room to explain what happened while they were captive. Especially Ferah's experiences with Ronja, who didn't come to her senses until they were gone. ... I feel somewhat hesitant to even post this as it relates to being a sexual abuse survivor and I really don't want to be told off for how I feel based on something that others shouldn't have had to ever be forced to feel in the first place, and thus, don't understand.


Naw, Kargo and Ferah were molested, raped, and abused on MT grounds. Roamer never really listened that Ronja was part of the abuse (on Ferah especially) while they were captive the last time. The situation is flawed on both sides but Roamer's in no more "the right" than anyone else. I can't blame them for not wanting to even LOOK back that way. They were put under EXTREME abuse, that Roamer can't even imagine. But he hasn't really tried to either so... I had to let my feelings off my chest eventually and made a comment below, as I've been feeling this for a while.


Starts reading* I’m sorry you had to go through that and I agree with you they don’t want to even think about the old tribe anymore. I forgot Ronja was part of the problem because it was awhile ago and I haven’t reread in awhile. No one should tell you off you make some amazing points please comment more. Roamer is way to impulsive and does things without thinking about the consequences (in my opinion). My baby Kargo deserves better :p Roamer just needs to grow and learn he could be an amazing character to follow. He just needs to slow down everything is racing.


To be honest it doesn't feel to me like Kargo has changed at all. It just seems like the situations have changed, he's used to needing to be desperate and aggressive, both with MT life and when they were on the run. It more feels like he hasn't quite fit in with this new more peaceful lifestyle. It's like a soldier coming home from a war.


I'm sure I'm not the only one here too, but I feel for Kargo. Keeping what he did from Roamer wasn't even his idea, and to have him just split off their relationship over one thing seems dramatic. And now Roamer comes back to say he's joining the MT and leaving them behind... Poor guy.


Roamer is technically going back for Ronja, she asked him to stay with her and he’s said yes. Despite ferah and kargo being his family in aedra....Ronja is also his family and he’s making what he thinks wrong right. Kargo I won’t say he is at fault....but if he had told roamer the truth sooner maybe this would’ve ended up differently but he can’t put his past life on roamer despite what happened to them both. It’s under different leadership, the tribe is trying to thrive. I can understand that they dont won’t to return but kargo shouldn’t try to force roamer to choose sides.


Remember it wasn’t all Kargos fault. I think someone brought up earlier that we need to remember that it wasn’t only kargos idea to keep it a secret. Ferah wanted it too. I can’t remember right fully but wasn’t she the first one to bring it up?


I don't think it has set in yet for Kargo and Ferah that this means they will not be hunted anymore. That part of their lives is over. Though Fjordor offers them a good home, they can know now that they will still be safe from Meteors if they leave it. At least, Meteors as a tribe, and not the rogues out there.


Agreed. The Meteors could be allies now. If it wasn´t for Ranach and Ulfr lurking around they could stay in contact and visit each other sometimes. If they can talk everything through, sort things out and part on good terms this doesn´t have to be farewell at all.