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Michelle Koenders

I knew something was wrong in ‘Paradise’


Well, often enough most creatures grow restless and develops anxieties when isolated or/and contained.

Tora Collita

It's always something that is wrong...


Jahla has always had the most faith in Father outside of her brothers. Perhaps this is a great place for her to be right now. She IS a pretty good leader, as we have seen her demonstrate her skills by the way she encouraged and advised Rhov. Perhaps she can make a difference in this place. If nothing else she can cause a shake up with her brother about the rules. Also, the subtle (or not so xp) hitting on him!! I'm not sure how I feel. I would love for her to stay on the Rhov ship and reunite one day but I understand taking different paths. I know, it's too early, but blah!! Such suspense


Well this gonna be interesting. Maybe they just want to know what’s outside of their safe zone. Or wondering when father will come and tell them what’s next.


Makes me wonder why they´'re growing anxious, their place looked like paradise at first.. Can`'t help but ship those two <3


They have over 30 members if pups included. If all of them become more or less crazy, it will not be good. Why Rohgir doesn't let them to the island through Stormerki Enclave so they can see something more interesting than winged hares and each others..


I hope they don't go nuts like the Liulfrs did...


I knew there was trouble in paradise the last time Jahla and Thakir talked, but this only makes it more clear. They respect the laws Rohgir made, true, but it's increasingly clear they're not happy about it. Rohgir said they have a duty to fulfill Father's mission, but it's pretty clear they want more than that. To see the world beyond their isolated island, and to be able to hunt and eat prey other than winged hares. As well as to have had a chance to know their true parents and siblings. The akiulfr want more to life than their duty to Father's mission. The steadily decreasing mental health of the tribe really makes me wonder how much, if any of this, Rohgir has listened to. Or if he'll ever listen to this and allow them the freedom they desire. I hope Jahla and Thakir can shake things up and change things for the better somehow...


They think that THIS is the way of keeping them sane, but it isn't. It's the exact opposite! Think about it. Would you like it if you were trapped on a little island, isolated to whatever lies beyond your touch on the mainland, including different kinds of dogs, prey, plantlife, and habitats? Would you like it if the only thing you could eat was the same Winged Hare over and over again? THEY'RE GOING INSANE FOR A REASON! This isn't how you do this. Their mental health is draining. Soon enough, they'll become like the Liulfr, which is something Father wants to AVOID. Hopefully, these two can team up together and talk some sense to not only Rohgir, but the Aki's.


Agreed. It would be nice to see Jahla tell the Akis stories about the animals and lives of Aedra and Earth.

Silver Huskey

And considering that Father's been silent for a while, this can't bode well. How long can Rohgir realistically tell them to wait on Father's orders? Ironically, the Sky Gods made this place for them, but may be so focused on saving the Earth dogs from humans that they've failed to notice the trouble in paradise.


Small grammatical error, I think. "I'm concerned that my words of encouragement and comfort will soon lose *their* meaning." is what it should be I believe!


Its been said several times that Aedra dogs, and even Earth one, do speak in strange ways sometimes (linguisting local being different all around the world/universe). May be a typo, but looks legit to me xD


Is it strange that I don't really trust Thakir? I mean he seems okay but at the same time, well. He was sitting up, then as Jahla was looking away he diverted her attention regardless and he's worried that "his words" - in other words - he - will no longer have any meaning. So I don't know if I'm just reading into it wrong, or if he's manipulating the other dogs. I'm not saying they're not in a bad state already - because they are. But a huge part of me just doesn't trust Thakir and I don't know why! It could just be me and I'm overthinking it, but it just seems like he went out of his way to distract her.


Going to be honest I get bad vibes from him and I honestly already do not like him. I'm honestly hoping Thakir and Jahla wont become a thing


I see the word "insane" and fear that the Akiulfrs will become like the Lilulfrs being tossed around quite a bit. From what we've seen, that's quite an escalation. At most it appears a good portion of the pack is just VERY depressed about their situation. And I think it's the notion if being given everything while having nothing. They are protected, safe, and provided with all they need to physically survive. Emotionally they are reaped, without their parents and without challenging experiences to drive them forward. The Trinity does not have this same problem. They grew up in Asmundr with a lot of hardship, from what we know all these other Akiulfr's were raised in some false habitat until brought to the island.


I only just noticed Jahla became Viscountess. Was that from her status being of the first three or was that her choice to do so? Because she still seems to be taken aback when addressed with honorifics. Also baaah, I can see it now. Rohgir's gonna be blamed again. He's just doing as he's been told to keep the bloodline's pure, which makes sense completely as they're trying to establish basically a whole race with its own unique culture. In a natural sense the growing culture would be unaware of the fact that there's other groups growing alongside and therefore wouldn't have that "taste of something missing", eventually branching out until it eventually bumps into something else. The problem with this is it isn't a case of natural isolation, and the group knows and is actively aware they're being isolated, in a way artificially. So instead of feeling at home, they just feel both held back and unnatural. This isn't Rohgir's fault. This is a product of being "created and placed" into an area. It falls back on their creators. If fault has to be put on something, it would be the creators more than any other thing. I'm sure Roh is just as distressed about the stress of his people and their plight as any other. Probably even moreso as it falls back on his shoulders. He's not a bad boy. He never has been. The whole situation is sad.


I agree that Rohgir isn’t bad, as a whole (in fact, he’s always been one of my favorite characters), but what he is trying to do to Jahla *is* bad. How he seems to be completely disregarding his sister’s feelings for Rhov, and doesn’t care about her being happy living a life with normal dogs, instead wanting her to stay with “her own kind” (though he seems to forget that their own *mother* is “just a normal dog”). Maybe it’s just me, but Rohgir has always struck me as very... superior, in his way of thinking when it comes to the Akiulfr, and I hate that he seems to be trying to push this viewpoint onto his sister. As long as she’s happy, why does it matter who she decides to be with? Her “responsibility as a species” (as Rohgir put it, all those pages back) shouldn’t mean anything if she’s miserable the whole time. But the way I see it, Rohgir doesn’t care about that, as long as she’s now “where she belongs”. I bet he’s hoping that she hits it off with Thakir, too, or some other Akiulfr male, despite the fact that she’s already in a relationship... gotta keep those bloodlines “pure”, don’t you know... he’d probably be disgusted if Jahla ended up having pups with Rhov, just because he’s not “her kind”, and she’s going against her “duty” of contributing to the Akiulfr bloodline. >.> And don’t get me wrong, I understand that Rohgir, Argeirr, and Jahla were always really close; no doubt that plays a factor in Rohgir wanting her to stay with the Origin Orion Tribe, and I can’t really blame him for that, as being apart from his sister must’ve hurt him... but even so, in this case, he should still really consider *her* feelings. And yes, I know that, right now, he doesn’t even know where the Asmundr pack is, as the Sky Gods relocated them without his knowledge... but I get the feeling that even if he *did* know, he wouldn’t tell Jahla, so desperate he is for her to stay, and that, in my opinion, is very selfish. But... again, this is just the way I see it. I could be wrong. I need to see Rohgir interact with Jahla some more, because I think it’s pretty clear that she isn’t exactly happy here, despite having plenty of time to adjust to this new way of life, and I need to see how he reacts to that; if he overlooks it, and tries to sway her way of thinking, once more, or if he is sympathetic, and tries to understand her.