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Concerning Ronja, will Johaan ever meet/know that he's gonna be a grandfather? Not sure if that's something you can say or not XD


I am wondering about the difference between the two ranks "herbalist" and "healer" in the comic? And will we ever see more from the healers?


Will we know how Rhogir runs the Akiulfrs in the Orion Tribe this chapter?


Will you make a bonus page, or will we get to see what Aegir's life was like on the ship with Father? I'd love to see that


Who is your favourite main character?


Both the Herbalist and Healer will have about the same knowledge when it comes to herbs, but the Healer will always stay with the tribe while the Herbalist will go out on long travels to collect the various herbs the tribe is in need of. Healers are often well rounded when it comes to healing the sick and wounded, while Herbalists may also know what herbs can be used for summoning malevolent spirits and what can be used for poison.


Nothing planned, but keep reminding me about it whenever I´´m open for suggestions (:


It´'s hard to pick only one as I´'m fond and connected to so many on a personal level, but at the moment I really enjoy Rogio's plot, especially when it comes to his thoughts and wishes.


Will the upcoming possible death be of a main character? And you probably cant answer this but worth a shot xD .. Will Roamed ever take a chance with Rhogio? o: I'm certainly hoping so x)


None of the females in the Meteor Tribe ever used to go outside of the walls, correct? It seems Fremja was very excited. Are we going to see any more felines aside Feaf?


No MT born females has been outside no. Yes, a bunch ;)


Hey Kique, I've been wondering, what are half points?

Tora Collita

Will we see more Northern Jaros in Home? ^^


I've been really curious about where you get inspiration for your armor designs and such. They're so well fit and thought for each character. ;v;


1) How common is clothing in Aedra? We've seen clothing in some of the more recent tribes, like in Midnightgarde and Whispervale with our mains, while loner dogs don't usually have anything relating to clothing. Is it a more common occurrence in tribes or is it just a coincidence that we've seen a good amount of it already? 2) If you'd be willing to answer - what step in page production (sketching, lining, coloring, etc.) usually takes the longest for you to complete? The shortest? I'm curious to find out what you spend the most/least time on. 3) What step in page production do you enjoy the most, if there is any one step? Or do you just love it all?


You mean the fictional marking? It´s almost the same as regular points, only some of the pattern is broken. For example, a dog with half point can have points on one cheek but none on the other cheek.


I mostly go off from what I think the character would fit in, their attitude and color palette. When I design the armor and clothes I think about simplicity, that it must be easy to slip into or attach. I get inspiration mostly from video games.


1. Well established tribes, tribes with lots of members and a large cattle, will most likely have a good amount of clothing, while loners will have to scrap from whatever they can find. Fjordor has more armor than advanced clothing because he lacks cattle, but he has good ties with the capital and other tribes to provide him with weapons and armor. 2. Planning and sketching takes up the most time usually. Trying to figure out perspective and movements. Backgrounds only sometimes if they are very large and detailed. 3. Coloring the characters. It´'s the easiest and fastest process for me.


Are there ghouls too on the Akiulfrs island?


Will we get to see the inner workings of one of the all feline tribes?


Why did Ulfr have that personal rule against never harming another male in the Meteor Tribe? Seems interesting coming from a dog with a personality like his! I'm guessing that he doesn't still stand by that rule after being banished and based on the last scene we saw him with him and Ranach? =P Will Ronja appoint a Jarl or Baron at some point soon? Will we get to learn where Fuss came from and how he came to join the Meteor Tribe? How do Vigr and Javo feel about Rogio's return?


So I read the new rank info on the wiki and I was curious, are feline guards not able to roar to alert their tribes? And I also didn't understand what 'tied together with an ally' meant under Viscountesses?


This is more so a silly question, out of all the characters in the comic which one would likely order pineapple on pizza and which one would be disgusted with it.


Are the dogs inhabiting the southern regions also the common breeds of Aedra we´ve seen so far or is it possible that there are some of Rhion´s breed too? I still feel sorry for him that he seems to be the only one left x)


Is Vandi aware that Ranach and Javo are her sons? It'd be sweet to see some Javo/Vandi interaction now that the tribe has changed a lot of their ways


There might be one or two if a dog or feline has died on that island.


Ulfr was very loyal to the tribe and followed each rule trustfully. He also believes males to be above females and so value their life more. She will be thinking about it. A bit yes. They were shown as being very submissive towards Rogio when he came back. They are relieved to see that he´s alive and happy to have some strength added to the tribe.


The roar of a Taiga lion isn´t as effective as a howl. By tied to an ally I mean that they could have been given that position over an agreement between that tribe and the tribe that she originally came from. At times, tribes will do this to create a stronger bond between the two.


We know that Galti and Alva arrived at the tribe together. Now that the females have more freedom, will we ever see those two together again? Will we be seeing more of Alva as she cares for Akleja and Ronja's puppies? If I remember correctly, Fremja and Inna are sisters. Have they ever been apart from each other before now? Will we be seeing more of the relationship between Rohgir and Arwia?


It´s possible that his breed might be somewhere on the island but what mostly dominates Aedra is the southern jaro, but the south has a lot more diversity.


She does but has no particular bond with them because they were separated from her when they were at a young age.


Very simple question.... will be seeing some kind of closure/interaction between Roamer and Galti? A mean... he stabbed his leg during the rebellion and I would't be surprised if Galti is unconfortable being around him....


Is there any chance that, now that it's under "new management" Kargo (I doubt Ferah, she seems absolutely content wit Fjordor) will come back to the Meteor tribe? Even just to visit?


Since there's a long way to go in the story and so much left to discover, and the climax and main conflict is yet to occur, how many pages do you think the entire finished comic will be, since I know it won't be 452 pages like Asmundr?


Hello again Kique. I have three questions that I would like you to answer when you get the chance. Q1. Will Ulfr be accepted back in the MT? He maybe the antagonist in the story, but I still love him. And I believe that everyone deserves a second chance or forgiveness. Q2. Will Warrior Fremja share Roamer her true story on what she and the remaining females had dealt with in the MT. It will be great to know other experiences about the tribe. Q3. Now that Rogio is back being a member of the tribe, will he share his history and what everyone endured in the MT long time ago to Ronja?


Looking at the new updates you did on the Wikia site, something was particularly interesting and eye catching. I had thought that Arwia would have become the Viscountess of the O.O tribe given that she is mates with Rohgir but instead it's Jahla. I suppose it would make sense but it's really confusing given that 1) She hasn't been there for long 2) Even if she is one of the "founders", does she know the rank she carries? 3) Is Roghir's mate aware that she's a Baroness and not Viscountess? And is everyone willing to accept her since she just joind? 4) Now that she carries that, does it mean that she'll be staying there? I don't really see how she can get back without knowing where another gateway where her brother would know but probably hasn't told her. Since this chapter is focusing more on the Akiulfr's, I do have some questions about it but I get it if they will be answered later on CX 5) Referring back to pg 205, it was said that they have siblings (assuming half-siblings), will we be learning which of them are related to the trio? 6) Roghir is saying "we" when addressing the pack, even if he is speaking of their kind, does that mean he already had assumed the rank would be hers at that point or was it him speaking in general? 7) On pg 240, it seems Jahla's brother has a way of checking on the Asmundr pack but has yet to tell Jahla. Is he potentially trying to keep her there against her will? It seems a bit excessive in some ways for it to be completely considered as brotherly love, or at least for me. *finally shuts up* -


It´s possible that they will be seen more, but both are background characters and won´t get much screentime. Alva will be present in the background with the pups whenever she is needed. Fremja and Inna hasn´t been apart much no. A little bit yes


I have no idea. I expect it to reach far beyond what Asmundr reached as I try to delve deeper into details and branching out the plots more.


1. Very unlikely. 2. It´s possible but then again she might be too consumed with getting a taste of freedom and won´t be very interested in sharing something so personal to someone that is basically a stranger to her. She´s going to be focused on doing her job and making Ronja proud. 3. Ronja has a pretty good idea of what has been going on in the tribe thanks to her talking to the females, but her and Rogio will have a lot of moments to talk in the future and it´s something that might be brought up


1. A Viscountess doesn't necessarily have to be mate with the Jarl, it could be a relative as well. Jahla may be new to the whole culture and rank thing, but she is highly respected by the majority of the tribe because she is part of the trinity, and she is admired because of her strong connection to their gods. Shortly after arriving, Jahla joined Thakir to learn more about the tribe so she knows about the rank system and what her responsibility is. Rohgir´s mate Arwia is aware of her position and is content with it. Jahla isn't too pleased with her being there and is trying to pass the time the best she can. She knows about the gateway that she came through when arriving at the island, but she has no idea where the pack may be and Rohgir doesn't know either. She's staying there only to try to find out more answers. 2. Refs of the minor and background characters in the tribe will be added to the wiki site eventually, and with that their bloodline if there's anything known about it. 3. Speaking in general. 4. He had a way of checking in on them, but ever since they were relocated he doesn't know where they are. He is though, trying to keep Jahla with the tribe by encouraging her to engage with them. He withheld that critical information about the pack for that long because he wanted to give her some time to get adjusted and hopefully realize her place in the tribe.


I have a question about the first Akiulfr puppies we saw, Sarek et Anneli, since they are designed as adults on the tribe chart, i was wondering if they are already adults and no more pups ?? Or it's just because you redesigned them on the new lineart ?


Of course they´re not X) I just don´t have an aki pup base to use so I used the adult base until a better image of the pup is made, just like the other characters that were put on a base. They are about 4-5 months old, while Timí is 3 months.


I have a question! For the Akiulfr's I think you said they don't need each other's energy to survive like with shield wolves...is that still true? And do Akiulfrs fangs continue to grow longer as they age or do they stop growing at like 3-4 years of age?


Will we get a glance of the Matriarch ? To see her appearance?


Do you have the favorite minor character from Origin Orion's members?


I have a question, although it may be a little late to be asking such one, but it is one that has been stuck on my mind for a little bit now. What did Rhov, Keirr, and Jahla do with Zilas's body after they found him killed by Meteor dogs? Because I wasn't sure if they put his body in the opening of that temple / building at the Lonely Village when Rogio tells him not to run, he doesn't know what he'll find - I wasn't sure if Roamer perhaps seen Zilas's body in there or what?