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Music- https://youtu.be/7C7cFbu-Xzw




...That is a cat-beast. A very zioqua looking cat-beast. _I have concerns_.


Aira is back to her beast form?....


What is that light ? :o


and there on the 3rd panel the head of the beast reminds feline head o_O

Tora Collita

So cat-like night beast... Now what can that light be?


I have a feeling that might be Zilas. Or whatever is left of him.


*vibrating in excitement* Beast Aira come back, you so damn cool <3

Silver Huskey

And Keirr is safe by a hair. The night beast definitely looks feline, but I can't tell very well since I'm on mobile, not PC. Could that light be Aira making a deal with a dark spirit and getting her beast form back?


Since there are felines other than our favorite asmundr pack members it's entirely possible this is just an unfortunate feline from this world that the nightbeasts got?


Is... is it me or... does that particular night beast look more feline than canine? ...Would be very sad and ironic if that was Zilas... or what's left of him, anyway. The thought first crossed my mind on the last page; "mrrrr..." is a cat growl noise, not a dog noise, and the beast is also crouched like a cat ready to pounce. And now with this page... I'm even more suspicious. After all, we still don't know exactly how night beasts are created. Obviously they're connected to Ghoul Vessal, but what if it's also simply what creatures become after they die on Aedra? Why else would Ferah have been scared of becoming a night beast when she thought she was going to die? And of course Zilas was murdered by the Meteor Tribe. Hmm... I have a feeling Keirr might look back at the night beast in the next page and he just might see a pair of very familiar-looking green and blue eyes... and the resulting look of horror, shock, and despair he'll have will mirror us readers' own reactions to such a horrific realization. :(


That music makes this page even creepier. I really want to learn more about those night creatures/ ghouls. I bet Aira is down there making a deal, that is where the light is coming from. It does not look fathers light.


Good point, I´ll edit it (:


I have a bad feeling about this.


I thought the exact same, the first thought i had when i saw that nightbeast was "thats zilas isn't it?"


I think they just slit his throat and let him bleed out.The Asmundr dogs know well enough to return before nightfall. The blood trail was Zilas staggering in confusion from blood loss, trying to find help, and doing what cats do to find a quiet place to die. Kierr also said his throat was slit. What is possible is becoming a night beast after death.


so...what stabbed him?


It's so perfect!