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Fuss is a darling. <3 I truly do love his nature.


That's a strange rule to have...I wonder why he has it. Off-topic, I love Fuss' tiny little ears.

Tora Collita

Alright, it's official, I ADORE Fúss! And love how you did when Ulfr reaching for the torch. I guess the "no harm on another male" only goes for inside the Tribe. Is it a rule withing the MT or just Ulfr that goes by that, so he himself has something to... I dunno the right word... But as Ranach clearly harmed Galti, I guess it's something Ulfr set up for himself?


Ranach is going to come back like, what the heck, Ronja. Lol


Really glad Ronja had Fuss for this, and so glad Ulfr is gone for now. Vigr might be a problem with that, but they had every right since Ulfr threatened Ronja. So that means there are no big problem males to deal with when Ranach gets back, all depending on what he does. And I wonder if that rule is personal, or a rule of the tribe that anyone underneath Baron in rank has to follow. It could be that Ulfr wanted to be a model tribe member, treating the females the way they wanted him to without remorse, treating the males well if they do well, and leave the punishing up to the higher ups. Probably how he got his original rank and he could have been shooting for more. I can't wait to see where this trouble goes, since the males will all be leaving soon.


Ulfr is now worse threat than a nightbeasti I think. I feel sorry for him.


Man, Fuss is a pretty bulky guy! Hard to say who would win between them in a fight anyway, pretty well matched from their stat sheets!


I knew Ulfr would cause trouble. I can't say I'm voting for him to survive the night. I wonder how Ranch will react to all this?


Once again the page is gorgeous (still loving the colors), but I have to admit it's a bit strange Ulfr is willing to be thrown out of the home he was born into, and raised in for 10 years, simply because of a personal rule (and considering Fuss is an outsider too). Like not even trying to wrestle Fuss away? Asides that though, great art.


Will Ulfr get his own marker on the map?


I'm sad that Ronja didn't said anything :/ When she put the new rules and when Ulfr attacked Jonna, she could be severe, and here she don't do or say anything. A bit disapointed. Anyway happy Ulfr is now gone, and Fuss is a very nice dog. (What is the blue point on 6th panel on Ronja's body ? I know there are some wind, but dunno what's the blue thing).


Poor Ronja ono I wonder what Ranach will do ^^'s


True. I honestly don't know Ronja even came with Fuss when she didn't do any talking or just anything. She should have stayed in the den or somewhere else if she wasn't gonna do anything when this was gonna occured


The fact that Ulfr has never harmed a male makes him worse in my estimation. It means he knows the right thing to do and what is expected to treat someone well enough, but with females, just doesn't.


I'm thinking he could be taking caution, because being injured before leaving in the middle of the night is not ideal, and if he did continue to try and get around Fuss, he knows Fuss would attack. He may be big, but we don't know how good of a fighter Fuss is. And even though he sees Ronja as weak, it is still two against one, and he doesn't actually know if Ronja is a fighter or not. (Ignoring what we know about Ronja and her past traumas) So he may be avoiding assuming he could take her on.

Silver Huskey

I'm a little surprised Ulfr went without a fight-- at least he was smart enough to grab a torch. I guess he's going to sulk in the woods and wait for an opportunity to kill the Viscountess. For the time being, Ronja really can't leave. Now I'm really curious to see what happens when Ranach returns.


My guess would be that only the superiors like the Jarl or Baron are allowed to harm other members for punishment. Still mpressive that Ulfr keeps to it anyway in this situation. But I guess he just doesn´t want to push his "luck" with Fúss and rather leaves without getting hurt. If he lost a fight he´d be either dead or wounded and thus easy prey for the night beasts. If he won he would have most of the tribe against him, if not all of them and if Ranach came back he´d be night beast food anyway for harming Ronja (or most importantly his offspring).


He's definitely outright evil. some villains don't deserve redemption arcs, and that's the case for this rapist jerk.