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Difficult topic to try and explain to young pups, how do you think it will go?



Sunny Daze

Unfortunately the topic is quite relevant. I have a 4 year old daughter and feel it necessary that she knows monsters can look like people too, kind and friendly ones. Some can even look like family. Eager to see how this discussion goes.


Hmm… Well, while I hope that this will go well, I can easily see it going horribly wrong, honestly. It is definitely a difficult discussion to have with young pups, but nonetheless, it’s obviously very necessary. They need to understand that their father was/is a monster, who manipulated and abused their mother for his own selfish motives. Unfortunately, I’m worried that at least one of these pups might get the idea to meet Ranach for themselves, possibly to see if he is really as bad as their mother says; especially if they somehow later meet him and he puts off a facade of being a “loving father who never got the chance to meet them due to their mother’s lies”. In this situation, I could easily see Ranach manipulating his daughters similarly to how he manipulated their mother, and he could turn them against Ronja, with the right words and circumstances (say, if the pups wander off from home and are somehow “saved” by Ranach when/if they run into danger). Now, obviously, I really hope that something like this doesn't happen, but… I could see it. Ranach is a master manipulator, after all, and he can definitely appear “charming” and “innocent” when needed… and especially to young, impressionable pups who just happen to be his daughters. With the right words and actions, I can’t see it being very hard for him to “sway them to his side”, so to speak, even despite the love and trust that they obviously have for their mother; especially if Ranach somehow ends up looking like the “good guy”, in their eyes… now obviously this is all hypothetical, and I really hope it doesn’t come to this, but something tells me that they *will* meet Ranach, eventually… regardless of how that will turn out, I just can’t help but feel like a meeting between them is inevitable, even if it’s much later, such as after they become adults. =/