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Here are all the morphs I made compiled into an AddonPackages. 


I think I've converted almost all of the mods here to Addons (all the free one at least)

The 2nd Skin mod as well as the Addon & Soapy  addon wasn't working, I've fixed it so please redownload.  Also the Medusa mod was also tweak, so redownload that as well.

I thought I could convert these fast, like a week, but ended up taking a few weeks instead.  Mostly on my end cause I put alot of my work files in the same folder, so alot of time was spent removing those files before finalizing packaging.  The other I blame on VaM, cause one mistake and you have to redo the whole thing.  

One issue I found was that my Animation Presets weren't showing up in the Load menu.  So until an update fixes that, you might have to uncompress the AddonPackages to access the Animation Presets.

I've also been having some issue with the hair creator.  For some strange reason, when styling the hair and I walk behind the person to style the back, I lose Tracking in VR.  So the whole world would just rotate until I move back to the front.  Not only is it frustrating, but since everything is rotating, Except me, the hair will randomly hit the active hair tools in my hands.  So I have to cancel style and start again.

After a week of recalibrating my vive, I think I fixed it (fingers crossed)

SO, between those two time consuming issues, I'm can finally go back to finishing up my mods.  A few are 90% complete, so just some more tweaking and testing and ready for upload.  


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