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Hi everyone, happy Hypnovember!  :D/


Well, whaddya gonna do. Anyway, for this year I thought what might be fun would be to try and make a smol interactive game from scratch for the month, so, I did!

It turned into a bit of an obsession and got away from me a bit, hence why I've kept quiet around here- I figured you'd more appreciate the finished (beyond a few fixer-uppers) article rather than a bunch of 'it's coming!'-s. So here it is!    You can play it on your browser over on itch.io right now! No need to download anything! You'll want to run it fullscreen, mind.

For those who want it though, I have included a zipped folder of the game in this post; I believe you need your own server or...something, to play it on. But hey, you're patrons so you get the good stuff!

As to the conversion chamber itself. perhaps a bit of the opening log will help clarify things...


Experiment Log 43-3/H1, Log of the First Quarter of Fourteen,  Galactic Date two-three-seven-three, stationed forty-three parsecs from  the third liminal.";

The subject for today's experiment is a female 'human', a species  recently catalogued as part of a collection of samples from a mid-range  survey mission.

After a scan of its neural matrix, I theorize  this subject- despite being comfortably above the CogScale average- may  already be primed for servitor-level conversion without the need for  expensive preliminary adjustment or enhancement.

If I am correct, and this trait carries over to others of its  kind, then I estimate this remarkable species will have a market value  approaching that of the duun.

This is a theory in need of testing. I have made a few  adjustments to the conversion procedure to take advantage of its  unusually large pleasure centres, and am now ready to begin the  experiment...


To summarize the gameplay; an interactive, animated lore-log, with orbs and  widgets and a tastefully nude subject for you to tastefully drone  up...so long as you can grasp the Conversion Chamber's alien interface,  that is.

Guess you'll need to poke around a bit!

I'll likely also drop a bunch of the concept art/sketches and other things for this too in a few days, as well as an overview of how I think it all went and what the process was like. I'll tell you one thing though- I really don't like waiting this long between post updates, so I'm going to be rejigging how I do things here, on discord, everywhere. I do like doing little burst things like this, but this kind of *bury head in project and emerge once it's done* requires a lot of faith that something'll emerge come the end.

And to that point, I want to thank you all for giving me the opportunity to do this. I'm real keen on knowing what you all think of this and maybe what similar or other small things you'd like to see in the future, whether comics, more smol games like this, or whatever. I'm looking to be a bit more open to that, and would also like to start helping you all and others in this community to make their own stuff in due course.

Aite, that's enough from me. Enjoy!




This is really neat! You've put a lot of impressive work into these animations.