Thrallworks Update #48 - Novel Concepts (Patreon)
'Lo all!
A small update- been chugging away at the scene for the last couple of weeks with varied success, but I think we're starting to hit our stride once more (remind me to not leave long gaps between Unity work again, geez louise...)
Anyway, most of the time has been spent trying to grapple with Concepts. Literally!
It's not just L-D19 whose thoughts are important, ya gotta think about how you feel about stuff too!
Every now and then, a situation will occur which will prompt you to pick a position on a topic, and after you make your knee-jerk reaction to it, you can spend a bit more time exploring the concept at your own leisure; gaining further insights as you discuss them with collagues, thralls and others, maybe changing your mind or thinking of exceptions, and getting inspired to try entirely new techniques in lessons, or gain unique dialogue options.
Beyond this initial first blush thought, I'm thinking progress on these fronts will be optional but rewarding, and there won't be a huge amount of them- I've some concepts like 'Thralls' that I've definitely got in mind to explore and for Keller to cultivate opinions on, but there's plenty of room for something to just take some interest.
As for the scene update for the 49th, I'd still say we'll have something for it, which suits me just fine. Lorra proofreading ahead! After it's done, I reckon rather than stop for polish we'll just roll right into the next scene on the list; we're at a stage now where a light jog seems a good pace.
That's all for this update! Expect a post or two next week, one of which may be a poll- I'm slowly getting an idea on the mid-project to work on to make more frequent public content, but it might be fun to see what parts of it you'd want to have tackled first.
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