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'Lo all, and Happy New Year!

Been spending some of the holiday season trying to wrap some other art project stuff up and think about how to get at Thrallworks in the year to come, and I figure I need to change up how I'm working on it.

The general plan for the past year has been 'build the components, assemble them, and release a new larger update with all the widgets in', but in hindsight, I don't think that has led to a place I'm particularly happy with. I've a bunch of assets and disparate design ideas, but there's so much to do with the different systems that're yet to come I think its suffered from what the Praetorian Set did in there being so much to do it ended up bottlenecking some production.

So, even though I'd love to just keep the cards close to my chest until some perfect future-time to reveal unto thee amazing sights, I think for this year the drive will be scene-by-scene production and re-implementation, starting with the new hospital intro scene!

We'll go back to an older methodology, and just get the scene done first, then revisit it over time with the CG's animations and the rest of the things it requires.

I'm not entirely sure how speedy I can be on a scene-by-scene basis due to things like script completeness and the like, but lets say, for the sake of a target, to have this opening scene put together in an interactable manner for the 49th update, so the very start of February. It can't be visually complete by that point, but it can be functional enough to increment on while I follow-through on the next scene along.

Other Considerations - Pone Pone Pone

Regarding those other art projects, one I'm going to wrap up over the next week and a half and the other I've stopped working on as I think I've learned the lessons I need from it (for maybe a better crack at it again in the future), leaving me with just the Ponygame as a serious alt project.

I think that too suffered from a similar approach as the above, but I think I need maybe another couple of weeks to look at the design docs and sort out how I'm going to work on it- whether to take an art-driven or game-driven approach, how those would look and what I can do to make something that can make a bit of noise out in that online wilderness.

I've also got in mind an 'introductio to' series hosted by Cerise for people to vote on in the future, but that can come in its own good time.

That's all for now. Enjoy!


Orientation Demo (Updated Apr 28, 2021)


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Pet Demo (Updated Apr 22, 2022) Password: IrresistableTriggers

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