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Oof, not even any images for this one!

Well its been a bit of a fortnight all told. Some unfortunate personal news meant not as much TW art was able to be done as I'd like, and I've only pencils that I wouldn't want to show at the moment.

But whatever! It did give me time for a long overdue bughunt.

Bug Fixes:

  • Missing cerise_spank_head_closedglow  image during spanking scene now visible
  • 'But, well...that doesn't mean you don't want something'  --> Wrong text printer
  • 'She grins at you, silently sharing   --> Wrong text printer
  • 'She grins at you, silently sharing   --> Wrong text printer Haha look at that, a bug in the bug report.
  • 'prep_room_first' message on load into first menu
  • Fixed Cerise heads in gallery
  • Fixed 'Lick the Floor' in gallery
  • Changed text for if you get a perfect score on a trigger phrase so it's not just talking about authority
  • CMS screen doesn’t properly hide if you select “Large Pulse” or “No Pulse” at the end of the guilt route.
  • Also fixed other CMS screen issues in Guilt and Fear Routes

Grammar/Spelling Fixes:

  • 'Thank you'. Bah.
  • Trust route line 9623: Oddly placed question mark.
  • 'Earth Kingdom' and 'Fire Nation properly capitalized.
  • Guilt route line 21569: Changed "Troat" to "throat"
  • Fear route line 6154: The word "Return" is displayed where it shouldn't be
  • Fear route line 16404: text displays "[ty_def][ty_abb]" as part of the string when it shouldn't.
  • 'Instructor' spelt wrong toward end of Guilt route.

Reported Error I Could Not Replicate:

  • Keller's room, taking a view in to Ty Lee and she's not wearing the right colours. After telling Cerise off for how she was acting.

As ever, leave a message below or hop onto Discord if you find more things in need of correction. I'm hoping to get around to the last few images to add to the demo in May. Infact, here's the current list [SPOILERS!]:

  • Multi-Ty Lee panoramic [Guilt]
  • Collection of Historical Screens [Guilt]
  • Stood at attention [Fear]
  • Cerise Kiss [Part 2]
  • Ty Lee Hug [Guilt...Other?]

Man, Guilt's sure getting the treatment huh? But then that's a route that has more cause for visual explanations I feel. [/SPOILERS]

Anywhoo that's the news we've got for now, but there'll be some interesting stuff coming in the next few weeks I do declare...

Link to the Current Demo!




Thank you, and sorry for the personal issues. Glad to be a patron for this excellent patreon.