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Goddamn eyebrows.

Alright, so I've got one more CG I want to add to this and a last, thorough bugcheck before I throw it out to the wolves. If anyone spots or has spotted anything, do send me a message with a screenshot of the issue either here or on Discord and I'll sort it.

I will say the last two weeks have certainly been a learning experience when it comes to how complicated cg's can get, and one I'll be remembering when it comes to some of the more artistically involved scenes as we go ahead.

Anyway, what do we have for our efforts?


  • New CG set for a certain scene in the Fear Route.
  • Added a previously shown CG in at the start of the Guilt Route where she checks her suit out.
  • Added unlockables to the Thrallopedia based on various endings/routings.


  • Corrected a bug that made Cerise's body vanish if you marked her in certain lady-places
  • Corrected a bug that greyscreened the game in the fear route from L-D19's tears
  • Corrected Cerise/L-D19 body placements during their trust route scene and other instances of swapping character sprites.

In other news, all the drone spots are taken up and I'm sketching out on what new is to come for y'all and in the public sphere, so plenty enough to look forward to.


Da Demo

Password's: ForThoseWhoHaveEverything




probably a dumb question but why is this titled Eyebrow Edition?


Because eyebrows ruin everything good in the world and remove all joy from life.


dang was hoping to be a drone