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Top 3 girls will get small sets. Please try and vote for only 3 girls, I won't count anyone who votes more than 3 times.

Replacing the other Poll from earlier as I thought giving you guys options instead of confining all the sets to one universe would be better for diversity and won't burn me out as easily.
*Note I fucked up on the 2nd Choice it's Rachel Amber not Chloe



i find it hilarious that RE was winning the last poll, while the 2 RE characters in this poll are tied for last place.


Yeah, I'm surprised by that too. lol I guess giving people options is really what they wanted?

Klein Mcmurphy

Just in case some people may be confused, the second woman is Rachel Amber from LiS, not Chloe. There's some good choices, I hope Rachel wins. 😊