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Hey all, we're super excited to share the official Demo with you! Supporters of all tiers get early access to new builds and we'd appreciate if you leave any bugs or errors you experience below, as well as your thoughts! Please enjoy and check the about tab for any trigger warnings before playing <3

*Note, for Mac users using the Monteray OS please download the version called Burrows_Mac_Monteray




Mark is so sweet! getting a feeling Virgil is a reference to dante's comedy if im not mistaken? really enjoyed the first build of the game, excited to see more what's to come in the future!


Glad you enjoyed! Good eye, Virgil is definitely a 'guide' of sorts, don't know if he's as benevolent as the poet of his namesake though haha.


Wow...one of the most unique VNs I've played. Consider me interested (and a bit terrified...)! I didn't run into any bugs or grammar errors or anything, this is a great show of things to come.

Billy Teagle-Stacey

Great show, intriguing preview. I'm looking forward to more. I'm intrigued to hear why Grey wanted to Check Out.


This looks VERY promising! You surprised me with some of your twists, and I appreciate the neat effects you've used. (Static-y text and such.) Solid writing and serious props to Nikko for the art, especially for that scene with Mark. Great stuff. Wishing you guys well, and I'll be looking forward to what comes next!


The Rain in the Beginning is considered "music" when I think it should be "sound". I went to lower the rain noise with the sound slider and nothing happened. Same thing with the sounds of the people in NYC. Typos: B-Line should be beeline Lord knows **H**e's given me more.. we all deserver a second chance, especially **this** time of year. I can deal with this later when whatever this is**,** is over. looking high**-**rise apartment building There is probably more typos to find but later in the build I was just too engrossed in what was happening to really care about those.


Really amazing first build. It is an Instant 5-Stars when it goes public on Itch.io. Like so good it almost had me crying at some points. My only real compliant is the the text font is a little hard to read. I think adding Dyslexia Font toggle to the public release would be a nice accessibility feature.


I believe the font that many people are familiar with is called OpenDyslexic. Where the Demon Lurks, Minotaur Hotel and Distant Travels are a few examples of Furry Visual Novels with a Dyslexia font toggle.


Nevermind. I learned today that Ren'Py has a way to override the default font with OpenDyslexic via the version update.